Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Rassenschande Edition

Groko coalition talks start on the 7th
Majority of Germans prefers Groko over minority government or re-election
Parliament uniting against AfD, the only party whose members are actually present

>news in german

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>fake Höckecaust memorial trolled


>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>old thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related, old but gold



>Germany: 92 per cent of sharp increase in violent crimes can be attributed to migrants


When will Pfeiffer finally die?

statistics are actually more redpilling to most Germans then just Storys.

seems legit

He is correct with the assumption that women pacify men. The political implication however is wrong.

I wish they would point out over-representation. People are incredibly clueless when it comes to reading statistics.

>the men in saudi arabia and afghanistan right now are the pacified version of them
hahahha jesus help us all

Why not to send them back to their underage cousin wives then?

>talking about refugees as if their animals >still promoting progressive agenda

Lets call him out on his racism of low expectations.

i think it is racist to implicitly suggest there was a violence problem

Did he ever even try to substantiate the claim that people are more likely to report foreigners?

So ziemlich eine der größten Schweine im Schweinesystem. Und das schon lange. Drecksau! Bin mal gespannt, wie die ganzen linken Gamer, und davon gibt's reichlich, mit ihrer kognitiven Dissonanz klarkommen, wenn ihr Erzfeind ihre Lieblingsschoßtiere preist.

Bump for the Kaiser

being germany, this might actually turn out the other way round

>three years of "Hurrdurr rapefugees aren't criminals!!!!!"
>Nobody buys it anymore
>oy vey switchstrategy.jpg
>"Okay so rapefugees ARE criminals, that's exactly WHY we need all their families here as well!"

hahah it's 100% the other way around. people not reporting it because they are afraid of murrat.

In other news, Germany is still slowly joining my country's rank. We will welcome the turkish/arab/somali peoples into the khalifate with open arms

>because they are afraid of murrat.
and his 20 friends

Die sind so verblendet, die ignorieren das einfach

Why exactly would you let it slip if a German mugged, sexually assaulted or beat you? It doesn't make sense.

Over my dead body!

Someone mentioned in the last thread that Klonokovsky is a Zionist, do you think he is going to undermine the AfD (even more) in the future? He has been unsuccessful against Höcke so far.

The lefties claim that since the 1990s at least. I've never seen evidence. It's just repeated at every opportunity.

He will try it for sure but without any success

yes sure, in a country where neighbours sue each other over some stupid hedge pruning conflict....


I really hope it was lefties who reported it, that would mean they are doing our job.

Quick question: if we become Muslim, do we get to gas em again?

He's pro Israel (so am I). His wife is an Israeli AFAIK. Nothing wrong with that. He himself is a pretty conservative Catholic.
He didn't undermine the AfD. All the shit that blew up came from Pretzell.

it probably was

Hallo hier ist Heiko und ich hasse jeden einzelnen von euch.
Ihr seid alle einfach nur rechtsradikale Voksverhetzer und höchstwahrscheinlich NPD Wähler. Falls ich euch nochmal dabei erwischen sollte, wie ihr hier auf 4-Kanal eure aufrührerischen und hasserfüllten Kommentare hinterlasst, dann glaubt mir, okay - GLAUBT MIR, DANN GEHT ES RUND! Ab sofort werden hier andere Seiten aufgezogen. Mit meinem von mir kreierten Internetzdurchsetzungsgesetz befindet sich keiner von euch mehr ausserhalb meiner Reichweite. Meine Genossen im Bundessicherheitsministerium sind alle vom feinsten ausgebildet in Diversität und Frauenrecht. Unsere Augen sind überall und niemand ist ausserhalb meiner Einflußsphäre. Zuckerberg und Dorsey sind mir bereits untertänig geworden und euer japanischer Nazi-Kollaborateur wird sich spätestens regen wenn die ersten Millionen schweren Geldstrafen und Gerichtsvorladungen eintreffen.
Also, bleibt ewig-gestrig oder meldet euch ruhig bei mir, wenn ihr verdächtiges Verhalten in eurem kollegialen oder familiären Umfeld feststellt.
Bildanlage ist übrigens relatiert, das bin ich und meine ultra heiße Uschi. Aber davon könnt ihr nur träumen ihr erbärmlichen Nichtsnutze.

I don't know. He is a very intelligent, capable man. And he is probably the most influential journalist when it comes to the AfD - his blog had 1,5 million unique visitors in 2017. And he is indeed a Zionist, he is married to a Russian-Israeli Jew and has, full blooded Jewish children for her. On the other hand he also defended the Identitarians and helped spread Sieferle and is against Holocaust guilt. But then again he defended Harvey Weinstein one of the worst of the worst anti-white Jews who literally preyed upon goy women! Said shit like "sex is a deal anyway" and "where are da proofs", "he made most of the best movies anyway" which would be Inglorious Bastards btw.

OC oder von KC geklaut?

Leute die welt ist ja geil (Zumindest die Kommentare)

Welche Zeitungen/Internetseiten würdet ihr noch empfehlen?

Been waiting for someone to make more Heiko copypastas. 10/10

gas will come from your ass.


love this expression. Ewig-gestrig und stolz!

Comments in FOCUS are like Sup Forums shitposts. Don't read the actual articles tho

Focus comments are redpilled

He has been anti-Höcke for a while. That's not good. I don't mind Israel, it's a dumping ground for the kikes but I'm against sending them money (like we do right now) or fighting their wars. Open Christians are some of the biggest promoters of multiracialism so that's a big red flag as well.

Something akin to Spain or Poland (pre-partitions) is more likely where the Jews are the middle man between all the groups and end up benefitting the most. is okay sometimes. Just ignore the obvious agenda (anti-Russia, anti-AfD, old transatlantic establishment talking points), both FAZ and Welt have it.

>White countries are for everybody

This should be punished by death sentence

Dearest bane of Orwell's ghost
Island we all hate the most
Police who cannot stop the violence
More concerned with TV license
Free expression's sacred, so
Here's all the hate speech that I know;
Faggot, nigger, dyke and spic
Shylock, dago, gook and mick
Heeb and kike are getting tired
But hook-nosed Jews belong in fires
Abbos classed as local fauna
Nogs sell crack rock on the corner
Arabs wish to wed their goats
Dune coons migrate here by boat
All Muslim nations should be glassed
That would solve our problems fast
Zipperhead dates from the fifties
But I think Chink and Slant are nifty
Jap and slope I still remember
But ching chong is a real contender
Let's not forget the Asian region
We all hate ragheads for good reason
Curry munching evildoers
Thier country is an open sewer
Hindus worship cows and goats
Down the Ganges corpses float
Offending those of any taste
Those who smell them flee with haste
The Pakis fuck their sons in trucks
Stinking, inbred, ugly fucks
If only they'd stop wedding cousins
And breeding retards by the dozens
Then there's Europe, don't forget
We've not covered crackers yet
Gaijin, low-wei, whitey, kaffer
Caucasians aren't exempt from banter
Wops and Turks are mostly hairy
France and Sweden, run by fairies
That reminds me of the fags
And child molesting tranny hags
Gender spectrums make me sick
Let's hope that AIDS will kill them quick
America has great potential
North or South inconsequential
Wetbacks sneak across the border
Let's hope Trump will bring some order
The injuns were a noble race
Now they spend their days shitfaced
Aztecs cut out human hearts
The Mexicans still do their part
Further South I dare not tread
Mestizo monkeys want me dead
You can't dictate what others say
That right's not yours to take away
There is no limit on free speech
Kindly drink a pint of bleach


Junge Freiheit is cuckservative

>He has been anti-Höcke for a while.
Because Klonovsky is an intellectual and esthete (he loves literature and appreciates a sophisticated vocabulary) and Höcke is quite bawdy and radical in his approach.

You realize that this is fake? Pic related his real.

dreckiges schwein, ich wusste schon seit ich zum ersten mal von dem und seiner blöden fotze hörte das der nur ärger bringt.

an die wand und erschiessen

Klonovsky is not catholic. He expressed his own position in a reform Jew joke: "Schlomo kommt heim von der Schule und erzählt sein Vater, wie viele Götter es da draußen in der Welt noch gäbe. Sein Vater beugt sich zu ihm runter und erklärt streng: "Mein Sohn, es gibt nur EINEN Gott. Und wir glauben nicht an ihn."

doesn't sueddeutsche also have a children's issue?


Amazing! Where is that from?

From a French user

When I googled it I just got to another archived thread.

Admit, you are Jewish already, Mordechai

>keiner von euch mehr ausserhalb meiner Reichweite
Hättest du wohl gerne so Heikolein...

WTF! I love the French now. It's genius.

NetzDG will be the best promotion for the AfD

Wie ist das Leben in Holland, Brudi?


focus readers giving me hope. look at the like ratio

True but desu if women still date the browns at this point they kinda got it coming.

Im Grenzgebiet kaum anders als in NRW, bin aber kein Holländer.

Oy vey, I've been found out. No, I'm not. I'm just able to differentiate between good and bad people. My industries have plenty of Jews, historically and in the present time. I see their contributions, I like their ways. I'm also able to see where they do evil. Strong culture and intelligence have the potential to do immensely good and bad--like Germans or Westerners. Only the dull people pose no threat and contribute nothing.

is zuckerberg a double jew?

coalburner got what she deserved, still a shame being this young and stabbed by a rapefugee

Oy vey, goyim! I am truly not Jewish, I swear! But look at these amazing, intelligent, high cultured Juden! I truly love their ways! It was a mere coincidence, that they committed bad things after all the evil they did to the world.

But indeed, if you aren't, it's actually worse. Because you were a shabbos goy.

Oh nein! Wie traurig! No more #bashthefash :( Jetzt müssen sie wieder in Muttis Wohnung putzen!

where is the scream of the Tierschutzverband e.V. or Greenpeace????
>pic related +date

hopefully get enriched soon with all the love from the Goldstücke

Did she die?

Nah, Zuck the cuck actually got BTFO by the true masterrace: the Chinks. Gleatest reader told him to fuck off.

>animal has sex with animal
this is a problem because?



dude dont you have a TV or Radio?

they say he is 15 or 16, Sup Forums however posted a unblurred pic of him, he looks like 25 at least

The Pony has dignity


>coalburner got what she deserved

> But look at these amazing, intelligent, high cultured Juden!
And the amazing, intelligent, high cultured Germans and Westerners--you didn't miss this, did you?

>you were a shabbos goy
We make deals where both sides profit. They accept that I'm proudly German, feel German, act in my tribe's interests. They do the same for themselves. We have common ground. Though I have to say that I relate better with Israelis and Israeli expats, not the Jewish diaspora (who are mostly hysterically scheming libtards on steroids).

>dude dont you have a TV or Radio?
I actually don't. I have internet however.

ok now im pissed.

na jungs?

did you hear we had our first "attack of peace" today,
the reaction here is very very severe

no, I've heard of nothing. How many dead? what happened?

>pic related

>coalburner got what she deserved
the parents are those who to blame, beside the pilitical narrative everybody is jewing

>We have common ground.
You don't. The Jew has only one allegiance: to other Jews.

Let the reader get only one example: the Jews created, dominated and lead communism. The most barbaric and murderous system in world history. They also dragged the USA into WW2, not only leading to the death of millions of your people, but directly to the Cold War. And while the German scientists like Heisenberg and von Weizsäcker sabotaged their work, the Jew took pride in creating the atom-bomb. "Now I become death, destroyer of worlds." The Jew created the ideology and the tools to ERRADICATE MANKIND. And the Jewish lead USA were more than ready to sacrifice central Europe, especially Germany, in a controlled nuclear war.

You are a blind fool, if you think the Jew was ever, or will ever be on our side. Not to mention the Amalekties:

Weak happening desu

>trips of virtue check'd
you mean pic related?

can't link on handy

google " terror attack dundalk co. louth"

i thought the news had gone international as it's our first

I can't hold all that edge!

That's awfully naive considering that Jewish influence always ends badly for the goyim - and considering their ethnic nepotism they always do end up in positions of influence.

Are you getting these from Morgoth's blog?

Oy vey. Why?

Nope. Just checked our MSM and some alternative outlets. Nothing.
>18 year old Egyptian kills Japanese

>dude dont you have a TV or Radio?
I try to avoid ZOG TV. Thanks for the info.

Kek it's hardly Ireland's first terrorist


aren't there like 1000 rapefugees in good old eire? and even they cause trouble kek

Are Somalis the niggers of niggers? They are the ugliest and worst, except for Pakis and Algerians maybe

>pandering to mudslimes
>being an actual state institution
>getting called out for it
>trieing to silencing critics because politics
>getting sued by lawers because pandering to non germans by using their language is actualy prohibited ing ermany for state services and also accusing innocent people for things they haven't done knowingly is punishable in germany
kek mit uns