Bannon saying Trump colluded with Russia

Let's go boys - it's time to show your best mental gymnastics yet. Breitbart just confirmed that Bannon called that Russia meeting treasonous


Give me your best mental gymnastics guys, how will you twist your own mind around this ?

- "I never liked that guy, he must be lying" --> LAME
- "Just wait and see what happens, have some trust" --> LOOOOOOOOL
- "Ok there probably was a meeting who cares, some might call it treasonous but Trump is doing things differently, you know" --> GTFO YOU UNAMERICAN PIECE OF SHIT

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Not illegal

Bannon is a fucking Kike shill. He hates that Trump is exposing the Jews by pretending to be their best ally.

Boomer Nationalist ZOGbot

Everyone is either controlled oposition or a jew when it becomes conenient for some of you.
You guys won´t solve anything with that nigger mindset.


The old kike shill move, I see. Sure, the jew cabal deep state is a nice go to, but it's getting pretty old.

3.5/10 points


Ahh, forgot about that one. I cannot accept you entry yet because it is just retarded by defintiion: Bannon is calling it treasonous himself. Treason = Illegal.

I'm not an asshole - you can have one more try.

This is fucking hilarious. Sup Forums does it every goddamn time, props up a single guy as the ultimate truth-teller and warns everyone to heed what he's saying, as it cannot be wrong. Then he says something extremely damning of their meme candidates, and they have to scramble to explain why they were just joshin', bra, their ultimate truth-teller is actually a filthy lying shill and couldn't possibly be right.

I like it, just say nothing and let this thread sage. It's your best move at the moment until some Russian LARPers gives you new narratives to think.


LOVE IT. You are invited to help me rate their answers.

Lol you idiotic shill, try harder

>according to a new book by (((Michael Wolff)))
I stopped reading right there

>Bannon is calling it treasonous himself. Treason = Illegal.
oh right, I forgot I was SO FUCKING STUPID that I think that Bannon's opinion on something = a court ruling.

take off your Kekistani flag you fucking idiot

Oh, not just shill but also idiotic. Dead meme, no effort.




>I like it, just say nothing and let this thread sage. It's your best move at the moment until some Russian LARPers gives you new narratives to think.
that's not how sage works. sage allows me to reply to this stupid fucking pile of bullshit thread and yet not reward you for your stupidity

True, not a court ruling yet so there's still a chance. Moved the original goal post a bit since I always heard there was nothing at all from your emperor, but whatever.

9.5/10, good postponing

No sweetie, all this article proves is breitbart confirmed that the book says bannon said those things. Nice try, shill ;)

Sage, friends

Breitbart itself confirmed it, what don't you understand. You're fucked.


Has nothing to do with what ya boy Bannon just said.


Bannon runs Breitbart like a propaganda vehicle, if the quotes were fabricated or misleading that would be plastered all over their website.

just to clarify
Micheal Wolff is a know lying sack of jew shit

Ok not the worst answer. However, why would they repeat it and have no comment on it if it wasn't true ?


nope, all breitbart is doing is reporting on claims made in the book, not confirming anything. Sorry, sweetie ;) *sips tea*

>Moved the original goal post a bit since I always heard there was nothing at all from your emperor, but whatever.
wow you're reading REALITY into what random people post on Sup Forums? exactly how emotionally invested are you in getting Trump in trouble?

I want this idiot and his supporters to go away and get some real conservative but also reasonable movement again.

breitbart =\= bannon, sweetums ;)

>nope, all breitbart is doing is reporting on claims made in the book, not confirming anything. Sorry, sweetie ;) *sips tea*
I disagree, I think Breitbart is more or less confirming the quotes. but case and point, it was always the mainstream media that made Bannon out to be some big powerful figure, they were always his number one cheerleader (in the sense that they constantly talked about him)

it makes perfect sense if he was a plant all along, because as I said, it was the MEDIA that told us how important Bannon was to "the movement", just like how THE ATLANTIC of all publications got a televised interview with Richard Spencer where he literally heiled hitler. classic psyop

By the way you have bad taste in women, that hair and those faces are trash.

They would have denied it if it wasn't true. I know it is a bit harder to think about this, so i'll still give you a

1.5 / 10

for this.

Breitbart re-posted a Guardian story
No where in the re-post does it confirm anything

LOL, nice move, finally something creative. However, it's his baby and his baby is reporting on what someone says he said - and is not denying it. That is good for now, it looks bad enough.


>I want this idiot and his supporters to go away and get some real conservative but also reasonable movement again.
oh yeah, real conservatives. give me a fucking break. Trump gave those god damn morons (that spent YEARS campaigning on repealing Obamacare) and when push came to shove they fucking balked. the Republicans are a bunch of fucking pussies and Trump is easily the freshest breathe of air.

the funny thing about this Russia meeting that is being pushed into the news again is that the Obama Department of Justice specifically intervened to allow the Russian lawyer they met with into the United States.

she was a plant. it's public record. dunno why they're floating this story again because it's already been riddled full of holes.

read above, it requires some thinking but is not a valid answer

tick tock drumpfies

once were done with bigly small hands, it's adjustment camps for your part

this is how fucking retarded the left is:
>David Smith reports in the Guardian:
that line right there baited every single fucking spamming retard

Finally, thanks. A Plant, ok, sure, will look at it. I love that you listed some sources that are not from domains like Will read those articles and try to see what your conspiracy exactly is, but for now:

9.8/10, solid effort.

However, still leaves a bit of a mark on some of the trump believers since they have to admit they've been fucked with for a long time.

It was treason because it was a set up! The lawyer worked for fusion GPS.

INB4 Bannon verifies the piss tape

I said it before, you should not even compete here with such low effort memes.


this should've been sulphuric acid

Of course by definition it's treasonous but by context it was a setup

Ahhhh, alright man, thanks. I have a few follow-up questions:
Did Bannon know that it was a setup ?
- If yes, that means he is a hidden hillary shill now ? (I'd give you a 12/10 for this meme, just saying)

damn man, memes taking any other route would be lame and can reach 6 points maximum unless you hit me up with a real nice one.

>He hates that Trump is exposing the Jews
>Trump is exposing the Jews
how's that? By marrying his daughter to a Jew?



taking bets on the shelf-life of this story

Ahh, we haven't seen an entry of this kind now, I like it. The old ironic meme. Misses the point however, since I never expect most of you guys to EVER dislike trump because you have no standards and are still riding that hype train.

5/10 because you were the first choosing this exit

what law was broken again?

Yea because it's not like word treason gets tossed around quite carelessly today...

dont forget trump loves israel

this is a fact

0/10, read the assignment&rules to compete

Great that you tried it again - I think it turned out well. He just didn't mean it that way, it could just have been a litle treason-ish right before the line of illegality. Good work, you are the first with maximum points.


israel is a better ally then any Islamic sate.

how old are you? No laws were broken kid.


the cognitive dissonance of trumptards is astronomical.

wtf i luv dah djuuz naow

>taking bets on the shelf-life of this story

I'm saying over/under of 2 weeks and 2 days.

no, it is just a fact. Ill always take the lesser of two evils. This is why I supported king nigger over John McCain.

Give it a rest, no one on this board would ever dare to admit they were wrong to blindly support Trump.

Most of the people here have their heads shoved so far up Trump's asshole that they can catch Putin's jizz the moment it enters Trump's mouth.

wtf I love Maggie Haberman now

OK, I'll spell it out for you since you are unable to understand what you are requested to do:

The official trumptard narrative always was to say that there was no collusion with russia (= treason). Now Bannon hinted that he thinks a bit different about this. Bannon was Sup Forums's god too for some time. Of course nothing has been proven yet but it sure looks like you are getting fucked more and more every week.

You are requested to do mental gymnastics to spin your multiple biases and find an explanation that does not challenge your belief system, especially the one where trump you think Trump is an honest American.

>Michael (((Wolff)))
In its review of Wolff's bookBurn Rate,Brill's Contentcriticized Wolff for "apparent factual errors" and said that more than a dozen of the subjects he mentioned complained that Wolff had "invented or changed quotes" that he attributed to them.

Bannon remarked mockingly: “The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers.
“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”

>Fuck off
Muh rushin cuhlooshin meme is dead
It was never even alive
I can't tell if the dems sound more like babies crying over spilled milk or like a psycho jealous girlfriend; either way, they should try losing with some dignity.

>Now Bannon hinted that he thinks a bit different about this

Strange. That article wasn't written by Bannon.....

Just because bannon thinks something does not make it a reality. What laws were broken? again you have not answered my key question.

Yes it does. It asserts that the quotes attributed to steve bannon were sourced from a known liar who has a track record of fabricating quotes.

>lets go boys
Please kys

I am lukewarm on Trump due to him not fufilling his campaign promises, but this Russia horseshit is nonsense.
The thing that I think is the most funny about you losers is that one moment you are decrying conspiracy theories as antithetical to actual reporting, but the next you use it for all of your stories.

Guys, much love, but Bannon's baby Breitbart published the fact that Bannon said this in a book and did not question the validity A SINGLE TINY BIT. Why would they do this ?

You can also compete here with an answer to this question but please don't make it too retarded.

It was treason! For fusion gps and the lawyer chick and the deep state that used this to spy on Trump with foreign actors Lol. Let it fester a few days then drop the hammer

I love how stupid you are. Ill trust an expert over Bannon ha.

>imgaine still being this fucking mad about nov. 2016
This just keeps getting better and better lol.
>a-any day now g-guys!
lol no sweetie. Gonna be President for a very long time.

Hillary won
We need to kill all white people

The answer to your question is: So far we only know about the laws flynn broke and nothing else is proven yet.

However, your question is totally irrelevant since we are not yet in a court, we are just assessing the situation how much more the trump administration gets fucked every week, even by their closest allies.

It's all about me wanting to know how people here spin their head around this.

wtf is his problem?


People in the GOP establishment and in Trump's inner circle are trying to shut down Bannon's money supply and 2018 chances.

He's responding by trying to set the world on fire.

GOP establishment and Javanka shouldn't have come out against Moore, let Doug Jones and the Democrats steal one.

Just like in Alabama... Democrats may not mind being given a freeebie victory.

GOP may eat itself alive in 2018.

In 2020, we could realistically see a 100% African Muslim nigger take over the country just because some couldn't let Roy Moore win in Alabama.

so how does Bannon go from Sup Forums's favorite guy to treasonous kike in a week? Do you guys just turn on everyone?

Flynn did nothing wrong pertaining to trump. i do believe that Flynn has done some illegal stuff with Turkey but that wont effect Trump. Do you recall what happened to Bryan ross?

Fuck off
This is our board now
Go back to stormfront

POL if filled with shills now. We really should head to Myspace.

Ah, the old picking up on some cringy term in the OP and not participating since you see no other way out. Kinda dead but



We don’t want you here racist piece of shit

but the only shills are liberal shills, theres no such thing as right wing shills. Liberals would be cheering for Bannon but we have Bannon hate threads?

Love it, you're still waiting for that hammer to drop to show everyone that Trump was right all the time and playing 5D chess. Will still be a nice meme for the next months.


How am I racist? I posted Alan Dershowitz who is a far lefty.

Read the white book faggot.

Anyone that supports trump after that insane and dangerous things he hav said recently is a shill
Sup Forums has always been left wing libertarian

fair, Bannon has opinions like all of us. If Bannon thinks that then that is his opinion but no laws were broken.

1 post by this ID
>drumphies BTEFO

If you support trump you’re racist

Not able to understand your tin foil gibberish,


what does that even mean left wing libertarian? you are pro welfare and open borders?

How do I support trump? I never said I did, that is why I posted Alan Dershowitz. Alan Dershowitz is not a trump supporter ha!

left wing libertarian is literally an oxymoron unless you dont know what a libertarian is

It was. Turned out he’s immune.

It's not a conspiracy theory at this point. This isn't "Bush did 9/11" or "the moon landing was faked" nonsense.

It's real, and the sooner you accept it then the sooner you can relax and let everything play out as more information unfolds. And then learn afterwards what warning signs to look out for to avoid voting for any more Russian puppets in the future.

It means we support every man or woman’s right to self determination without infringing on the rights of minorities

y47XxbaI everyone laugh at this faggot