Should the gov decide the name of a baby?

Because if you name your baby Tyrone or Muhammad, he will have problems. But an Alexander or Patrick or Peter will always be accepted.

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Most of them don't need names.

Yes, my friend said when he worked in retail any resumes that came in with a Muslim name got thrown into the trash right away.

Yes it does.

My name sucks and I'm a loser.
I bet if I was named "Williams" or "Alexander" things would have been different

Tyrone must be a popular name there though


I'm naming mine Darnell Jay-Z Drumfberg.

I'm called Tomas... such a faggot name.
How can a be a chad with that name?
"Ey, girls look, there is .... Tomas" Fucking shit

KEK Thomas is fine, but Tomas looks faggy this is why doing unique spellings is retarded, just name your kid something normal