One Piece has the most unatractive female character designs of any succesful series. Prove me wrong

One Piece has the most unatractive female character designs of any succesful series. Prove me wrong.

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oda's art style isn't bad, i actually like it a fair amount, but attractive is far from any way i would describe it.

Nothing to prove you wrong. I completely agree. They all look cartoonish.

Agreed, they look retarded.

No hourglass figure can save them.

Boa and Perona are forgivable, rest, ugh.

The anime is trash, read the manga.


Sad that they used to be okay but got out of hand as the series went on. One of Oda' s assistants should have stopped this because now it's same face and character design.

>Prove me wrong.


Oda should draw male characters and then genderbend them anytime he wants to make female characters.

I don't know. Nami was pretty cute once upon a tme.

>tiny waists
>super-long legs and arms
>oda fell for the CLAMP-style twiggy/skellington meme
Boa's probably the closest to being attractive, but even she suffers from the art style.

the designs are lanky and full bodied

I understand what he's going for

You know what would be nice? If Fairy Tail got cancelled and Oda had Mashima to draw nothing but his female characters.

>Fairy Tail got cancelled
No, make it the other way around. Cancel OP and just focus on FT.

What? Why? Fairy Tail is just the pornographic parody of One Piece.

Cancel poor man's One Piece and have Mashima work for Oda sounds good, Maybe even up the fan and manservice since the character designs would have been heavily improved.

>reading shonenshit

Go back to /mlp/ you manchildren


I don't think the art is bad, it is very characteristic, but I don't think it represents a beauty ideal.

>on an anime board
>doesn't appreciate shounen
It's like you're in your first year of Uni and "grew into" Slice of Life and Seinen

Have Murata, Mashima, and Yabuki all work together to create the ultimate doujin collection.

As is typical for them they only draw their favorites.The only characters that appear are Lucy, Erza, Fubuki, Momo, and Nemesis.

This. Fuck OP.

Except FT should he cancelled as well.

the faces are pretty attractive though.


>Mashima, and Yabuki
Only reasons they haven't gone into the doujin world is because they wouldn't make money. Murata just enjoys drawing.

>guest character: incredible! Zoro defeated all three Admirals by himself while cutting a falling island in half. how was he able to do that?!
>Chopper: because he's Zoro.
>yfw Oda gets infected by Mashima's terrible writing

>handjobs with those long ass hands

I'll do you one better user. A full body massage. All done by pic related.

Whose ass is this?

>using non-canon Toei material when Oda has never been an ass man in the manga

They're attractive enough the first few times new characters are introduced but then you realize he has the same 2 standard "beautiful" faces for every female that's supposed to be attractive.

>Oda had so many cool design idea for post-TS Robin but he went with Literally Hancock 2.0 instead

Now user if you wanted to know you could have just looked at the filename, typed 'one piece heart of gold' into google, and recognized which character was wearing that outfit.

Better-looking girls. Less of a shit story.

I've tried to watch OP and fall asleep within a few episodes every time; same within the first few manga chapters. Doesn't happen with FT; it just works better for me.

So yeah, cancel OP, focus on FT is my view and I'm sticking to it. People who feel otherwise can suck a big fat dick.

true. true for the art in general (titillating clothes but old school and family friendly)


>Less of a shit story.

I heard there's a new swimsuit and lingerie line coming out.

Source is from ANN.

They look much better in the manga.

Koala is sexy no matter what she's in though.

>I've tried to watch OP


Oh goddammit. Herp derp.

These look nice.

Quit being disingenuous, anyone can tell just from a still image alone that that is unmistakably Robin's strut

Oh for fuck's sake you're terrible at this.

Wonder whatever happened to that user who posted those ridiculously thin-waisted 3DPD

>Less of a shit story.
Fairy Tail has no story. It has nothing. Just Nami rip-offs. It's also funny, but every single gag is also copy pasta from One Piece. Mashima has ripped off One Piece like 3 or 4 times now. He got lucky and one is successful, and its only redeeming quality is tits. You're a fucking retard.

>ITT: One Piece IDF on the attack!

Internet Devil's Fruit

I cut the Fairy Tail readers some slack. They are probably younger than the average One Piece reader and drop it early to read a shorter series with better fanservice. Telling them it's a bad rip off of One Piece won't make them pick up One Piece.

I'd fuck most of those girls though.
Not Rebecca or Nami though, they're no good.

>I cut the Fairy Tail readers some slack. They are probably younger than the average One Piece reader and drop it early to read a shorter series with better fanservice. Telling them it's a bad rip off of One Piece won't make them pick up One Piece.
This seems reasonable.

is Boa x Luffy the OTP?

Luffy is asexual

They remind me of pic related

young and simple minded, don't know if it is the same thing

I can't imagine any of those girls having sex without having their spines broken in half

I had a sibling read it years ago but they never read any One Piece but claimed Fairy Tail was better. I've also seen casuals like Fairy Tail and say they can't get into One Piece because of its length. Sure, One Piece is better and more memorable but it's not attracting new fans or younger fans due to the length. Hell, I've even seen Naruto get a few more fans over the last couple months and not just because of Baruto. One Piece's demographic of readers will probably increase in the middle aged range until the end of the series when people who gave it one chance to wow them in 2 episodes or chapters cave in.

If nothing else, it still has the lure of "just what exactly IS One Piece?" That's still true, right?

People will spoil the ending so maybe they'll just skip it saying they know the punch line. I think they should still read it nonetheless because of its themes and its a good series to grow up with whereas other action shonen you grow out of. It's sad Oda won't make another series after for those fans to jump into (No pun intended) because they were too late or too young for the One Piece ride. Just my thoughts on the series. It's turning 20 in four months so that number will scare even more people off but it's not like the series needs new or young fans.