>doesn't like killing humans
>will slay a demon like they are nothing
How does this make sense when demons have been proven to be able to have the same level of humanity as humans? I noticed the same bullshit with Yusuke in yu yu hakusho.
>doesn't like killing humans
>will slay a demon like they are nothing
How does this make sense when demons have been proven to be able to have the same level of humanity as humans? I noticed the same bullshit with Yusuke in yu yu hakusho.
A) they weren't raised as demons
B) the demons they meet either attack them or innocent people
It is muh humanity retardation. If a demon and a human fuck they have babies. Humans and demons are basically the same species.
because it's a children's cartoon for real life human kids
>Humans and demons are basically the same species.
That's what I'm saying. All the qualities found in humans can be found in demons and vice versa, admittedly demons are more likely to eat babies and shit but its still morally inconsistent to say its okay to slay demons but not humans.
I't don't make sense at all
since I answered could you help me? as a nwefag I always get the (you)
how do I loose it
It's like getting demonized and I don't want to fall pray to him
Later in yyh "maybe we're the real monsters" is a recurring motif
Sensui was kinda right.
But there's several episodes of him fighting humans and protecting demons.
well he fights morally and defends some
but does he ever kill amoral humans?
Yeah but there is an obvious prejudice, like when he went full demon and slaughtered all those bandits and was all butthurt about it later. I can see if these were just innocent villagers, but these were asshole woman raping house burning murdering bandits. Had it been demons he wouldn't have gave a fuck.
>but does he ever kill amoral humans?
The band of 7, well the leader anyway. But they were basically zombies.
Bandits and stuff, I believe. Don't quite remember, since I saw the series years ago.
Still, there's obviously more bad demons around because those are stronger than common humans. It's easy for a single demon to terrorize a village, while it'd be hard for a human to terrorize even a single demon.
how could zombies count as humans?
They were evil as humans, before becoming zombies.
A majority of the demons Inuyasha and Yusuke run into are planning to fuck over innocent people in some sort of way. When they aren't then there's no real issue. Yusuke never fought Kurama at all when they first met because all he was trying to do was save his mother. On top of that he became chummy with Chu and Jin in the Dark Tournament because they were just there to fight and that was it.
He was more upset about going full demon and turning into a berserk monster.
Remember when he goes crazy killing bandits and his "friends" chastise him for it? I vaguely remember something that they were human and other bullshit.
>It's a Kagome tending to Inuyasha's wounds episode.
Well Yusuke was okay with Demons eating humans later on.
>its a kagome being passive aggressive about inuyasha still being in love with kikiyo episode
But the end of YYH showed sympathy for demons.
I never saw the ending of the series
how did it end?
I stopped reading when sesshomaru hit it off with ?kagura? (just because... wasn*t because of the story...)
what happened after that?
A general theme with youkai-themed anime (and any story that involves youkai) is that youkai are not generally evil. It's kinda like the original term for daemons versus the term demon.
>tfw humanity will never be exterminated by a superior species
artifical intelligence will win
either that or some retarded human belive system will wipe out every critical human being and cockroaches willl take over some day
You should have paid better attention to Yusuke because unlike Inuyasha he doesn't go around indiscriminately killing every demon he goes up against.
The very first demon Yusuke encountered upon revival was handed over to Botan, alive.
Yusuke also didn't kill Rando although for the amount of human lives he took, he probably should have been. Botan likewise arrested him.
Yusuke also didn't kill Gouki despite what his final shot would imply. Its clearly stated that he was arrested and you can't arrest a dead man so he survived that encounter.
Were most of the Saint Beasts killed? Yes, but the boys didn't really have a choice there. It was either kill them or watch humanity turn into bug controlled zombies.
So, in just the first half of the series (anime and manga, btw. everything I've said rings true for both) Yusuke has killed exactly one demon, i.e, Suzaku. How many demons did Inuyasha kill in the same amount of episodes/chapters? I'd be willing to bet a fuck ton.