Logan Paul

>Logan Paul
>Lauren Southern
Gas yourself

Other urls found in this thread:


confirmed all e-celebs and youtubers are ass cancer

>let me weigh in on a sensitive topic involving suicide and our reaction to it
>but first let me get into my escort attire tee hee!

what would you do to her feet user?

I told you women think in terms of Chad
Lauren southern only went ethno after meeting Chads in generation identity
Now (COINCIDENCE?) she is defending Chad

Literally lick them to death.

So if some gook offs themselves I'm supposed to feel bad about it? If I was into soy maybe I'd feel bad.

Slide threads need to fuck off.


uhhhhhhg my fucking dick

don't mind me, just here waiting for based finposter

Post more!!!

fucking finally

But what does she think of suicide by makeup?





>have a contrarian opinion on everything

>use tons of make up to bait the horny edgelords

>make thousands of dollars

not gonna lie,what this bitch is doing is kinda smart tbhfamsan


oh my, I had no idea she did cosplay

she's damn near perfect, shes a woman who actually understands logical reasoning & based political views & she's sexy & aryan




You forgot

>shout questions at people until they say something stupid
>then record it and strawman the shit out of their position
She would make an excellent liberal. But then again: she probably is.

Holy shit Lauren do you have nothing better to do then head to Sup Forums straight after you post a video?
Do you have nothing else to talk about than Logan fucking Paul?

Get a fucking life already

Not 'gook.' It's 'nip.' Why can't American get their slurs correct?

She's a retarded leaf e-celeb, she has no life

She also loves the BBC


>e celeb
Pick one. For the record there are only like 2 that are ACTUALLY fellow 4channers
>garand thumb (not even really famous)
>literally everyone else is Sup Forums tier or literally a LARP/camwhore looking to win favor and gibs from the internet hate machine meme

PDP is unironically the ONLY youtuber i watch

>projecting desire to suck dirty, sweaty, little penises
Gay. Footfags are even worse than gay in fact. They're homosexual.

Are the elites promoting this to get suicide on people's minds to decrease suicide or increase?

Fucking typical. She made this entire video to justify herself laughing after seeing a guy killed in a carcrash.

That is the singular intention of this video, whether she knows it or not.

Everything else is camoflauge.

What is all this about? I don't follow these garbage e-celebs.

Your masculinity is too fragile to worship every part of the woman's body, plus you're basically projecting your latent homosexuality in a context that makes no sense whatsoever to any well-adjusted straight individual. It's okay to be gay, fag.


Who do you think you're defending?

He broke most all the rules on suicide reporting when he didn't have any journalist obligation to report it.

Once again, his main audience is teenagers and pre teens, the most susceptible demographic to suicides.

Let's pretend he traveled to suicide forest to have a good time and joke around about ghost and play football. After finding a dead body, he didn't have to upload any of that footage. I might understand anonymously uploading to LiveLeak but not your underage audience on fucking YouTube. He was proud of his unique and rare YouTube video as if exploiting sensitive footage is something only he is capable of. I really hope he gets permabanned.

>worship women
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh jeez did you really type that?


Yes. Are you retarded? Ah, you're a united shitstain, of course you are.

Good one footfag. Now please, don't you have some cock- I mean feet to suck?
>he worships women so much he lets his e-girlfriend fuck other guys for her pleasure
>black guys

>pls have sympathy for a dumb youtuber kid who laughed at a suicider

never ever post a vid of her here, or ill go jihad on her blacked ass

The only one who's talking about dicks and now black guys (wtf?!) is you. You don't only sound gay, you truly seem demented.

>utter shit version of Crash
>still doesn't take the lesson that uberdating isn't trad
>still not married despite obvious Crash Chad jokes
>still travelling around speed-dating identity mutts on Uber
Virginitarian ThotCuck vs. Crash Chad NatJoker.

>guy is into normal heterosexual sex
Wow what a pervert
>guy sucks the dead calluses of an e celebs filthy bare feet
So normal! So non-degenerate!

Who are you quoting? When have I said any of that or made any reference to that? All your replies are nothing but projections from your own insecurities and fear, really. You're spending too much time online, quit for a while. You don't sound okay.

back to pfeddit, agreefags

I wonder what her feet smell like, would suck on her toes for hours

I know, I bet they smell like heaven.

>someone does something

>normies pretend to care about suicide when it's an opportunity to gang up on a white guy

>projecting this insanely hard
Maybe some therapeutic toe cheese off a coal burning e celeb from a continent that I will literally visit would make me normal

Yeah, I have no desire to visit the united shitstains indeed, but Lauren Southern is Canadian! I have no problems with Canada, I'd love to go sometime!


although to be fair her take on this is better than most


>toe cheese

her feet look clean, she looks like she showers every day. I'd like her to jack my dick with her soft feet, fagget.

See, this photo alone is reason why those people are useless and controlled opposition-tier. There is no reason for them to principally change anything, they are already very well financially off and not only that, they are literally dependant on keeping status quo. They may seem like they want to achieve more (power?) but not with the change in mind.

True and real change-makers are either people not interested in the vapid shows of the status, money or other riches and/or people from the gutter, both financial and social. See Hitler, our boy Goebbels or even Mussolini any many more.

Logan is a kike and so is she. Typical that they defend each other tribalist scum

>doesn't know the difference between continent and country
Enjoy your foot fungus with leaf

She isn't a K word.

I donate $115 dollars a month to her patreon, she's done a lot more for white people then any of you faggots.

bitch sounds like she chews on cigarettes. all that nigger cum probably rotted out her throat

Must suck to never have had a woman that takes care of her feet and bathes.

I do know the difference, that's why I specified I WILL go to that continent, just not to your shithole of a "country"!

I paid a thai whore $65 to suck my cock.

And you don't even get your dick wet.

Who's made the wiser investment, user?

This, I donate 300 dollars a month and jerk off to pictures of some teenage girl's feet on the internet because I'm rightwing and traditional, and that's what rightwing, respectable, and traditional men do, and if you don't think so, you're a virgin, take it from me, the guy who jerks off to feet and gives money to a woman I'll never meet, everyone who says it's dumb, is a beta.

I jerk off to overly whitened teeth. Conservative teeth at that.

I did because I got a vibrating pocket pussy that i can barely last 5 minutes in.

Are there still so many thirsty beta males buying this "hurr iam a traditional wymen, dun forget to donate" shit?

In terms of cucking for pussy, the male feminists and tradcons are on the same level.

that is the funniest thing ive read all week, you should just off yourself cuck

dude get a grip

Stop promoting this race-mixing cam whore here.


It's funny, because you are Lauren's pocket pussy.

>somehow manages to make it about herself
truly a special one

it's pretty fucking obvious she has a cold going on, you moron

>Are there still so many thirsty beta males buying this
There's a never ending supply of them. One of them runs out of betabux and two more take his place.

56%ers, the pic


who the fuck is Logan Paul?
also Lauren Southern:
coal burner into the oven with her


t. Martin Sellner

>none of them are white
checks out

burn them with hot oil

>e-celeb gossip thread

does anyone have a mirror for the Logan Paul video?



Why are here always threads about youtubers?
Is the majority here underage or what?


OP is definitely a 13 year old who discovered Filthy Frank and the term 'normie' last week.


she has the same voice as phoenix marie
very deep and very disgusting! Not Cute!

lauren's sister instagram sluttiness fresh off the press bois

please see:



>dumb roastie defends chad
not even surprised desu

Coal burnt

you fucking nigger, just when Lauren posting died out