Is China the last hope for civilization?

Is China the last hope for civilization?

Not yet but if thing continue as planned yes.

you can only pick one

I think its already too late for white people. The whites of today aren't the whites of yesterday, who built western civilization. When you have 50% of your people and 75% of your children willingly committing cultural genocide against themselves, you've pretty much well past the point of no return.

Yes people need to realize that the Chinese are smart and are considered to be the superiors

Fuck off

This is white civilization today. You might not like it, but it is the truth.

how in the fuck can a communist be the last hope for anything...

Yes! And don't believe anyone who says otherwise.


lel, the chinks destroyed their own heritage and civilization during the great leap forward. They tore down temples and palaces, burned books and forbid traditional customs and dress. They have no culture except a watered down, homogenized sludge that the CCP deemed useful to their aim of spreading communism.
China WAS a great civilization but the cancer of Marx ruined it like ruined so many other countries

Here's the thing about it. All the people who are against western civilization are cowards. All the guys in the military and law enforcement for the most part just want a wholesome life. But at the same time they follow orders and a few at the top will sell out their people for a luxurious lifestyle. Once it becomes evident that the money can not buy you out of this degeneracy anymore I think the bubble may pop. That is a big may.

Define "hope"
On one hand they're basically the closest thing we'll have to a fascist super power (strong nationalistic one party system with market economy with government oversight) and they're redpilled enough to hate muslims and niggers
On the other end they won't necessarily care about western countries and people

>tfw no qt zerg gf

Things are looking up now though, as long as you have your people it doesn't really matter if you lost some precious old building. The Chinese economy is superb and their investments are the best in the world. They have a great future ahead of them.

Once bread and circus stops working, Western civilization will have already fallen to irrelevancy. At that point, there won't be anything they can do to stop the Muslim takeover, especially since they'll be minorities in their own countries.

china isn't even a single civilization, much less the last hope for it

China will conquer the solar system.

Chinks all look the same so does it really matter?

There's a dick tucked in there mate.

Chinese civilization isn't composed of a single ethnicity, it is a single culture. It is literally the polar opposite of the meme that is multiculturalism. When people go to China, either through war or whatever, they become culturally Chinese, not the other way around.

That signifies the strength of the culture, not the strength of the country. America is a strong country, but, as we can we first hand, it has a weak culture that is easily subverted.

Countries always rise and fall, but the culture remains. When America inevitably falls, probably in the next decade or so, do you really think anyone is going to look back at American 'culture' and say anything good about it? A Jew meme religion? A meme ideology that glorified merchants? A self-destructive culture more characterized by opposition to tradition than the tradition itself?

Do you know what civilization means?

That's a map of China from a millennium ago.

>Great economy
Just as long as they keep little Ling Ling on the leash to make more shirts for us, I agree. Their economy is "incredible".

Always a jealous burger, it can't be helped, your media has brainwashed you into being an obedient dog to bark at China.

Daily reminder that shitskins can compete when it comes to fitness and lifting weights (their IQs are far too low to do much else, nevermind anything productive) - but they can't compete when it comes to IQ, since IQ is genetic. Lift weights, sure, every now and again for a few minutes at most per day - but we must study, study and study and improve our minds in whatever ways we can.

How is it that shitskins mixed with whites in very low numbers in the past? White IQ was exceptionally high and whites were highly educated and knowledgeable. White verbal IQ is particularly high, hence why the dumbing down of liberal arts (humanities) subjects have particularly damaged white IQ. In dumbing down education systems in white societies, many whites have been reduced to the same levels are shitskins, and hence how it would appear to them acceptable to mix with shitskins.

Strong minds = immune to brainwashing. Hate the fact that so many women are out there whoring themselves to any guy who'd give them even a minute of attention? Where there is a demand, there is a supply - if the men prefer whores, so will women become whores. We can change the course of reproductive selection by changing ourselves and leading civilisation-saving lifestyles.

>it's yet another "collectivist civilization becomes space civilization" episode
I'm getting tired of those

The pollution from China will kill the Pacific, then all the oceans.
China needs a population change, so it doesnt ruin Earth.
Neutron bombs.

Go actually visit China. Virtually thousands of temples dating back to hundreds of years ago.

Go visit Beijing and then tell me with a straight face that China has no culture.

Easier yet, watch the CCTV New Years Gala.

You're about as ignorant as most retarded Americans. Spoon fed the idea that communism is cancer. My government wages war in the name of "promoting freedom". We fought the Russians in dozens of proxy wars across the globe.

> Fucked over quite a few latin american countries to fight communism (i.e. weaponize and give money to drug cartels)
> Fucked over the Middle East (i.e. spent a decade "liberating" Iraq only for ISIS to spawn in Iraq, how ironic)
> Went to Korea and Vietnam to bomb villages. Well I guess a despotic, fanatical NK regime isn't too bad?

All for what? Tens of thousands of lost American lives. Trillions in costly wars. Who pays all of that? Not the corporations or the super-rich, nope it's the retard fucks like you who are willing "to fight for their country" and die a meaningless death.

And guess what Russia still hates us. The Middle East is still in a fucking civil war. The Korean peninsula is still on the verge of destruction.

Nothing has changed. The world is still shit. Minus more several millions dead.

Oh and the best part. The Communist Cancer you all desperately hate now manufactures all your shit for you.

That phone/computer you're using is guaranteed to have been assembled in China. I'm willing to bet about 50% of all your household items are made in China.

Has the commie chinks killed any Americans lately? When was the last time you read about a Chinese drone flying over some 3rd world country to bomb a hut in the Middle East?

Fucking hilarious. China builds an island in the middle of the ocean. Kills some sea birds in the process and it's labeled "act of aggression". All the while America has been consistently bombing the Middle East and weaponizing fanatical rebel groups for the last 40 years. But but it's for a good cause right????? We're liberating them right????

Dumb fucks

This is why China will rise, because they can manage to prosper and grow without having to resort to bombing the shit out of countries that "disagree" with them.

Instead of pouring trillions into new proxy wars abroad, China uses that money to build railroads, roads, bridges, etc. Why? So they can sell more shit. So you can buy more of their shit.

Now what's so fucking hard about that?

And this is the communist cancer you're worried about?