Do you think Black Lagoon could work as Hollywood adaptation?

Do you think Black Lagoon could work as Hollywood adaptation?

Aubrey Plaza as Rey
Michael Cera as Rock
Denzel Washington as Dutch
Jonah Hill as Benny
Milla Jovovich as Balalaika
Directed by Paul WS Anderson


pic related's the only anime i could ever see working as a hollywood live action

How long do we have to wait, lads?

Maybe they just shouldn't try. Plus, Black Lagoon isn't culturally influential enough to use as a cash cow. GitS, Dragon Ball, and Death Note are all enormously popular, even outside anime circles. Black Lagoon is a little more exclusive.

>michael cera as rock

I don't know why but this made me laugh so fucking hard

Samuel Jackson as dutch while also being directed by Tarantino would be better

So does All You Need Is Kill and they did it anyway.

A Hong Kong adaptation would work

Bobbi Star as Revy
Jay Baruchel as Rock
Mike Tyson as Dutch
Bradley Cooper as Benny
Maria Sharipova as Balalaika
Jackie Chan as Chang
Jennifer Lopez as Roberta

But Hong Kong cinema is kill

>Jonah Hill as Benny

This man is the ideal choice for Dutch

Common is a bit too light for the role

Dutch needs to be someone like Ving Rhames.

That guy isn't even a meme director on Sup Forums. You should have used Nolan, Tarantino or Del-Toro.

When has that ever stopped Hollywood?

You could see it working, but would you want to?

I dont trust Hollywood to not fuck it up somehow.

also Dutch

if del toro finally gets up off his ass and starts pitching it around again then it'll be a potential hit

Scarlett Johanson as Revy would be fucking GOD tier

I sure as fuck hope not. I don't even know if I'd want a new anime. The first is so good as is.


Young Michael Cera would have been perfect for an FLCL adaptation

Scarlett Johanson should play everyone.

It could work, but hellsing would be a better choice I think. You're welcome for my input parasitic hollyjew.

I don't think I'd want it regardless. More people in anime would suck.

Who on earth would play johan, though?

>OP is a big fat fag
It's good to know that there are some things you can always count on in these trying times.


I can just imagine the pathetically weak woman they'd cast as Revy and watch in disdain as they attempt to make me intimidated by her

All the tough women roles gets played by Michelle Rodriguez.

"This is way more entertaining than Hollywood is ever going to be." -Revy

End my life

Even though she actually would be a good choice, she's already everyone, so no.

I guess it *could* work, if they take some liberties, like
>Rock is murican banker working in Tokyo (nips have no good actors)
>Revy is mulatto or mixed (hispanic could work)
>Action is a tad more realistic, so no .50 for the killer trap
>Is set in post 9/11, so more terrorism and CIA-keikaku
>Not directed by the Cuckmaster Taranshitto

Only if Chow Yun Fat plays Chang.

Bobby Lee would be best to play Cheng desu

Even good anime are bombing, and BL has no real linear plot to speak of that could be condensed into a movie. Just a series of "badguys of the week," and character arcs that don't really go anywhere. (((Hollywood))) would do better just ripping off the concept and making their own version, which I'm sure as already essentially been done 1,000 times.

Even adaptations of good anime are bombing (thank god). There's no reason brown lagoon should do well.

You have no idea how badly i want you dead.

Brenda Song as Revy
John Cho as Rock
Bradley Cooper as Benny
Morris Chestnut as Dutch
Written by Quentin Tarantino
Directed by Mathew Vaughn

1990's Ving Rhames would have been too perfect for Dutch

Mads Mikkelsen, maybe?

>Knowing who half of these people are

This is why 3dpd hollywood shit should not be allowed on Sup Forums. If it's not fucking Japanese-made, it's not fucking anime

Too old, too weathered and not beautiful.

He's handsome, but Johan could easily pass as a woman.

>Brenda Song as Revy
She's got the legs for it

That's probably the biggest problem. The earlier stories are too short to work as a movie, and the longer stories require previous development to work.

Eehh, too much bitchface. Revy is more, well, tougher in my mind.

Honestly something like BL makes the most sense to adapt more than GITS and Akira. The Very first story arc could easily be condensed in a 90 minute to two hour movie. It's basically an "origin story" showing how Rock got with Lagoon co

Tyrese Gibson as Dutch

yeah if you're talking about hong kong film 20+ years ago

Disgusting fucks like you are the reason why Ghost in the Taco Bell exists. Kill yourself.

You're the type of faggot that makes good movies turn into shit. I hope you never speak again.

I want to marry Sawyer !

>Rock is a souless corporate drone at a big japanese company
>His boss has shady conections with the illegal trade
>Boss tries to scam the insurance company/whatever illegal think so he can get money and live the rest of his life spending in shit in a luxurious house
>Rock gets involevd
>His asshole boss gets away
>Rock is found by the Black Lagoon crew
>Boss did some shit to the Black Lagoon and they want revenge
>They let Rock live so he can help them locate Asshole Boss
>Gunfights, explosions, death and things like that happen
>They finaly locate Boss
>They storm the building
>Blood and bullets everywhere
>They reach Boss, incapaciating him
>Revy over a gun to Rock
>"Wellcome to the Black Lagoon, sailor"
>Rock smugly smiles
>Shoots Boss in the head
>Screen fades to black
>Roll credits

The main catch would be Rock descending from a spineless yesman to a cynical,merciless villain

>Starring The Rock as Rock

Too alpha

Jonah Hill as Benny.
You are a fucking pleb. shut your whore mouth and quit spreading your aids all over this board.

>Shooting anybody

Rock's dangerous because he doesn't have to use a gun because he knows everyone who can do it for him

He'd just have Revy do it for him.

Only problem with Hollywood is that they would go to their whole "black and white" morality bullshit and make The Lagoon company into heroes. Especially Revy who would be portrayed as a generic Hollywood action girl when she is in fact a Psychotic murderer.

Only someone like Tarantino would portray these characters as they are meant to be, you know this to be true! Plus Revy would have at least one foot scene

He'd definitely own the part though, I feel. But you're right.

best girl



>Milla Jovovich as Balalaika
that flat bitch isn't gonna cut it

Lucy Liu in her 20s would've been perfect for Revy, but she's too old for the part now.

Is the live action series HBO series still happening or not?

Rock Shia Lebouf
Revy Chloe Moretz
Dutch Wesley Snipes
Benny Justin Long
Balalaika Kate Beckinsale
Chang Doinnie Yen

I don't need Hollywood turning Revy into a sassy black woman who don't need no man.

Let Quentin Tarantino direct it.

But it's literally a John Woo movie in manga form.

It would work as a Netflix or HBO tv series.

Hollywood? Fuck no Hollywood hasn't got anything right in about a decade.

Should I watch the anime or read the manga? Which one is better?

Not much difference. Though when it comes to Roberta's second arc that was animated as OVAs, the manga is much better.

The anime is a good adaptation but I like the manga more.

>Plus Revy would have at least one foot scene.

>Milla Jovovich

>a strong female protagonist in the image of hollywood
I don't think so.

She also should play holo in the spice and wolf adaptation. She should also play lain in the lain adaptation. She probably should also play lelouch in the code geass adaptation.