Reminder that she's a creepy stalker with mental instability

Reminder that she's a creepy stalker with mental instability

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yup, thats why i love her

And yet she makes my dick hard.

That's some serious shit taste you got there

Cause you're a brain dead retard that can't think with anything but your dick

Othinusdrones need not apply.

I hope the fact she ignored the implications of Worst for ring bullshit bites her hard on the ass

>Mrs. Misaka
So is Mikoto going to "develop" or not?

>needing to blame Othinusfags for not liking your waifu

I hope not.

Nice try i genuinely hate Othinus but not because of shipping or waifu shit

True best girl of the franchise

How else am I supposed to cope with the fact that not everyone has to like mai waifu?

I want to marry mobileposter

I want to be mobile poster

Best girl

Stalkers are always best girl.

I'm no Misakafag, but I fail to see how that's a problem.

Who is that girl is it Takanashi Rikka? I thought her hair was blue.

That's not allowed around here, citizen.

Season 3 announcement soon

Cover soon

Trips confirm

Also a gateway waifu

>mental instability
>gateway waifu
What did he mean by this?

Why are Mikoto's clones so much better than her? Actually, why are they so much better than all other girls?

Because you like potatoes.

I used to think mikoto is so pure and I would never massage my dick to her. But after I accidentally saw tons of doujins of her, my mind changed to think she's a cumdumpster whore and my go to fap girl.

if you wouldn't do a crazy birbiri then why even live?

>/spa/ taught us that mikotofags were mexicans

Saten guide my cock

You act like the half breed memes weren't prevalent for a time and were complete fantasies by sad old beyond their years Mexican NEETs.


Are you implying I'm Mexican? Because I assure you I Mexican't.

Can confirm, user is Guatemalan.

Who is best girl and why is it Misaki?

DM Frenda when?

“Aye, sir! I like the sound of that. A merciless beatdown given with a considerate and peaceful heart? That sounds like your usual routine, Touma-sama.”

How does this AI that he's known for like two days know more about Touma than most of his friends and associates?

Misaki a shit

Chiri is better.

Reminder that she's the wosrt Misaka and girl

Only Tsunetsuki is.

Except it didn't.

I wanna lick mikoto's chest

>Raildex series
>thinking with your brain

Because maybe all of two or three people ever ask touma how he's doing or the like, The Delta Force and Othinus are basically the only people who check in on him for the sake it of.

What is wrong with this fucking kid?


did mikasa ever blush in front of touma or went dere?

She's obviously too sexy for her body.

>Does Misaka ever blush in front of Touma
What kind of question is this? Even tertiaries would know this.

What does Mikoto smell like?


I wanna fuck salome

dont talk about my waifu like that

Go check out Ikea, they have a decent selection there

I wanna have carsex with Othinus


>mobileposter is mikoto

>a creepy stalker with mental instability

You're fucked, Stiyl.


>they fell for it

I clearly missed something

You missed a test

I want somebody who is stronger than Kurokos plot armor to kick her fucking ass.

Did you tell someone to post as Accel?

Did you forget about that time she got put in a wheelchair?

They tried to become me

I wonder what Mikoto's penis tip looks like...
Look no further, friend.

I'm a big tits-lite guy.
I stand by it tooth and bayonet.
Yet one of my biggest internet hate-boners is artists taking gross chest liberties with characters. Saten is a medium B-fantastic C depending on JC Staff's quality that episode (there has to be an esper constantly making clevage exposed breasts 2 cup sizes larger, its the only explination)

Dumb frogposter

Loli Kuroko getting a couple of ribs cracked didn't give you enough satisfaction? Me neither. I don't even hate her, I just enjoy the comic relief getting fucked up.

>an avatarfagging, roleplaying, tripfagging shitposter who doesn't contribute to discussion doesn't get banned
How low Sup Forums has fallen

To be fair, mental instability is like a requirement to do well in AC

I might like her if she wasn't such a fucking cunt.

well adjusted people are losers, like Uiharu and Saten. They are Level 0s and bottom of the food chain. They only get to have fun because they're friends with Mikoto and Kuroko

Also, with great power comes great insanity

AI is the future. Just wait until Aneri is given a voice, or better yet a body.

Eh, I've fapping to this since forever. I really want Dream Ranker adaptation for the possible influx of futa Mikoto in doujins and fanart.

I don't understand the sentiment. I like the humor behind the character, even if its really one dimensional and starkly changes gears once plot is important again. Never seen her as anything less than another of the Raildex universes endless supply of girls who are perfectly logical, moral and supportive until their sentimentality about their past or their friendships decides to drive the plot.


That's clearly Kamisato

She looks more like Worst with those mean looking eyes and longer hair


I was going to say...

Though Kuroko did manhandle a Level 4 in a later Railgun arc despite still being mostly crippled.

Not sure if plot armor or just a badass moment.

It's supposed to be badass

>Mikoto with her butt in the air like that
I know it's to keep the wheelchair from falling backwards but that's lewd as fuck

What does tumblr do to images that fucks up the colors and contrast so badly, while also massively bloating the filesize despite the image itself being tiny?

New anime when?



Season 3 DEAD

Why do the Kawakamifags get relegated to /jp/ when we get to stay here?

If you want great power but still cling to the human construct titled "sanity", you're doing it wrong. Those with great power have no need to be sane. Only those who are weak and must still rely on society require sanity to guide them through it.


Why don't the mods rangeban Stiyl and mobileposter?
Why don't people ghostpost like they used to?
Why don't people stop making pointless threads like this one?

Will he return to us? We need him greatly in these dark times.

Intentionally trying to stir up shit isn't going to make the site any better.

Mods generally ignore these threads. Mobileposter is annoying but at least Stiyl translates things.
People keep mentioning ghost but it was fucking shit for a long period of time. You had to try submitting your post 100 times before it worked and within the past 2 or so months it didn't work at all.
If you feel like a thread is pointless just ignore it. Throwing a fit every time they're made isn't any more productive.