Sup Forums, did you enjoy /spa/?, post anything related
Final thread
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I actually missed out on the new boards.
Sup Forums is not innocent. Sup Forums made this image.
Cool screencap bro. Can't wait to see it on the front page of r/Sup Forums ;)
>open up Sup Forums
>tom Brady's face cropped over anime on the front page
God damn I wish it was permanent
It was nice not having 9/10 threads being generals of long finished shows.
/spa/ was ok I guess? It showed us that leafs are worse than spics.
Sup Forums gifted us with this glorious image, so it was a win in my books
This is normal in between seasons until we get a full batch of shows.
Wow, my post made it in there
Leafs shitpost with wild abandon.
It's normal all the fucking time
There are like 5 Gabriel Dropout threads alone right now. If that counts as long finished, then you might as well give up.
I miss the SEA thread
That none of the shitposting tripfags are from Canada is hard to believe.
i browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums, being able to connect shitters with flags felt good, also seeing how cancucks and t*rks are the biggest pedo homos around
Stop bullying Canada
Sup Forums with flags and several sports threads was very fun
i haven't played video games in years
leouch is paki
>seeing how cancucks and t*rks are the biggest pedo homos around
That's not much of a surprise.
What's surprising was finding out that there were like 5 of us Flipfags here on Sup Forums. Though I was the only one.
Lelouch is a black scouser.
UK does not immediately equate to Paki.
Next year's prank should be to allow flags and/or poster IDs.
Or copy /r/place
only saw one fellow norwegian even though our Sup Forums generals used to be full of animeposters
feels lonely senpai
Lelouch is better than the leafposters simply by virtue of not being one.
What the fuck /r/ did for April's fools?
Just screencap the thread without being a massive faggot about it
*for all boards
Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are like little sister looking up to big brother. I think both boards appreciate each other for phat memes. Certainly less cancerous than the other board mergers.
I want next year's prank to be changing Anonymous to !Akemi.
literally anything was better than /outsoc/
>t. bongistani
/fitlit/ was a peak into Mt. Olympus
Gods were formed there.
If youre talking about reddit, /r/place.
There was a big grid canvas where you can place a pixel on a space every 5 minutes. The idea was that you were supposed to work with other people to make nice pixel art on this canvas to represent your community.
But it ended up just being a script war
I missed out on that board.
>Dude, why is your brain so swole?! Teach me your ways!
>I will, and in return. You will show me how to lift mountains.
Or /mlpol/
I'm just glad we didn't sperg out like /mlpol/ is doing because we're too dumb or too new to get that april fools day is for jokes.
>tfw this video predicted /mlpol/
Exactly at 1:00 mark
I genuinely liked the merger, and wished it lasted a bit longer. Both boards have one thing in common.
Waifu wars. Replace waifus, with mascots.
You would be wrong.
That was the best merged board.
/mlpol/ was actually better than expected. All the pony shit scared off a lot of the normal Sup Forumsfags and there was *a little* actual discussion.
Of course there were also ponies so it was still a mess.
I don't really follow any sports but Sup Forums are pretty cool guys, they made some fun threads. I'd have them over again.
For real fuck Canada though
Were just very honest people. If somethings retarded, we will call it out. Thats all~
On behalf of Canada I must explain.
Whenever I try to make a post on a flag board nobody ever listens to what I have to say, and since like 2 or three years ago has just said
>A fucking leaf
So I stopped caring as much about the quality of my posts on flag boards.
This is why Canadian posts are "bad," it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
Please stop bullying Canada.
Fuck off
Speak for yourself, I shitpost because it's fun.
/fitlit/ was GOAT
I marvel at the new hybrid slurs I come across.
Like, how deep did we have to go to get here?
Yes I enjoyed /spa/
>no internet for 4 days
>miss flags and /spa/
Of all the fucking times. Sucks being a leaf.
Why the stupid zoom?
What's wrong with the leaf? From a design standpoint, it's up there.
Im also canadian and please dont "on behalf of" us. You're a faggot and should just move into the ocean and drown yourself. Thanks.
PS. Fuck off.
I had no idea how easy it is to piss off burgers
Damn, so it is true what they say about Canadians.
Were filled with self hate and loathing of our other countrymen and we have no filters when it comes to ridiculing them?
There are at least 4 references in that 14 character post, created over several years from multiple different websites. I don't think any outsider trying to write a book on this place will ever come close to grasping it.
Yeah I know who you are. Only a certain Vatican fuck posts Raphiel
I learned that Romo is my NFL waifu. He's just so moe.
You know what never mind my countrymen are retarded and these posters are probably all from #Sup Forumstoronto
Everything east of Alberta is cancer.
It was fun.
Well, i am in toronto but i left that irc channel years ago
>meeting up with faggots from toronto
PS Pokemon Trainer is from toronto
Luckily lelouch is a britbong
Wrong! Thats a leaf your talking to
Piss off with your tumblr images. Im canadian.
I was talking to PT like 10 minutes ago on meguca.
He's what reminded me that all leafposters not from BC are cancer.
/spa/ needed regional flags like Sup Forums
Kill yourself you cancerous underage
To be fair, vancancer is just as bad as here. If not worse because it has more dudeweedlmao faggots.
You won't fool us Vaticanposter.
We're on to you now!
there were jews..
Vancouver has more actual asians who actually watch and discuss anime as opposed to watching 3 shows and shitposting constantly.
It will never be as bad as Toronto.
We managed to find out where a certain someone is from. It's good in my books.
Really? From Israel?
>more asians
>than toronto
I cant go outside without seeing 5 of them in every direction.
We should get Sup Forums to meme magic a proper mental healthcare system.
Half the signs here are chinese mate.
They've won the invasion.
On an unrelated note I'm planning on moving to the states, I'm getting tired of living in china.
BC needs to team up with Quebec and obliterate everything in between like
But which raphiel poster is the real one
If i didnt have a cash for life job, id be doing the same.
Street signs and every single mall have kanji on it. Ive even seen korean dominated street signs as well as that sandscript shit.
Luckily africans cant read otherwise we have their clicks in text form too
The one who's into farts.
pls join us for Champions League football next week :3
t. Sup Forums
JT would never allow it
>quebec poster trying to garner support from literally anyone they can
Fuck off quebec, no one likes you, specially not your rural areas.
they controlling the Sup Forums...