Dixiecuck hate thread

ITT: we express our hatred for the Southern region of the United States. Why do we hate the South? We hate the South because it is characterized by the following in high rates:

>White Trash
>Meth addiction
>Trailer parks
>Awful education system
>Evangelical christcuck zealots
>Retarded accents
>HDI on par with that of 3rd world nations
>Neo-Confederate 'hurr durr durr the South will rise again' faggots
>Life expectancy on par with that of undeveloped nations

Bottom line is the South is a fucking joke and collectively a 3rd world shithole. It is a taint on America and the South has the highest amount of white trash per capita in the world. White Southerners have tarnished the reputation of white people by making whites look like a bunch of uncultured inbred redneck morons.

Second burning of Atlanta when?

Other urls found in this thread:


We stand against the mongrel

White reputation was already ruined by doing something as simple as existing.

Agree. They have some charm but that is mostly gone. The only states I feel positive about is the midwest ones

The days of listening to homosexual LARPing incels is at an end.

Hell yes to the retard accents, what's with all the fucked up nasal accents like they have boogers stuck in their throat #EternalSnotVoice


Fuck off Yank, really love seeing you carpetbagging pieces of shit pretending you love us then as soon as we don't vote quite the way you want us to you start calling us redneck white trash

