Tiny Autistic Robot's Battle Adventures aka Busou Shinki: Electric Boogaloo
Frame Arms Girl
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Why are so many shows this season using 3D Custom Girl to animate?
It's the future
>curvless (yet not loli) girls
>no doll joints
Wasn't everyone saying the threads were going to be dead? How did the last one reach limit so quickly then?
Trying to jump into Kemono Friend Combiwagon.
It's pretty funny though, KF was popular in spite of its 3D, not because of it.
>curvless (yet not loli) girls
Gourai's butt is cute.
Even pretending to be retarded has believable limits.
Your point?
>all those fags dropping it because muh yellow subs
the 3D made it stand out and helped its popularity
>Busou Shinki
I wonder how hard it would be to build a bipedal robot that size.
>yellow hardsubs
I wonder if pic related has an associated FAG
Are frame arms an actual toy brand or is it just gundams?
It's worse version of gundam.
far as i can tell they're basically model kits of original models not part of any actual series or so forth, but i don't really know much on them
That's Baselard and yes.
>looks nothing like the robot
why is this allowed
>two fingers at once
Such a FAG.
it's build fighters but shit
just give more build fighters
>no doll joints
>no show about girls just building model kits
GBF was mostly boring SOL with some cameo bait for autists
What's that user? you want more Build Fighters Try and Bearguys?
>you want more Build Fighters Try
yes, still way better than the usual late night anime
Welcome to mecha musume. 99% of them are generic anime girls wearing vaguely mecha-themed cosplay that's usually just random parts strapped to their body. The mecha part is just window dressing.
and to be honest, Frame Arms Girls as a toy brand only exist because Konami stopped making Busou Shinki, which were basically the predecessors
so this shit is just moe appeal to musume kit collectors who already don't care about superficial relations to the models they're based from
>who already don't care about superficial relations to the models they're based from
So for not-retards?
Good enough for me.
fuck you fags I like it. Picked the fuck up
Much easier than a giant robot, nobody just cares much because even less practical applications.
I am gonna learn robotics one day though to make them. Unfortunately gotta earn money coding shitty mobile apps for now.
>that moan as she plugs in
What's this show even about? Is it anything like Fantasista Doll in character dynamics? Or more like a usual harem but with mini-girls? Are there serious fights or is it mostly situational comedy? How long is an episode?
Well FAGs sell like crazy and they appear to be Kotobukiya's biggest success by miles, so it certainly worked.
But if the rampant success of mecha musume models allows Kotobukiya to continue to make transforming motorbike zoids that are ridden by smaller humanoid mecha, then they can go right ahead.
So far it's a show about nothing. Some high schooler gets a sentient model kit, puts it together, then another one shows up and they have a fight for the sake of having a fight. That's the entire episode, full length.
What the show will be about besides that is yet to be seen.
You don't decide to make a anime 3D because the most popular one last season was one. 3D is just symptom of things to come.
>the 3D made it stand out and helped its popularity
No way.
watch busou shinki you FAG
Biggest lie KFfags perpetuate. Don't listen to them it was the memes on twitter.
A company developing experiment AI for robots has sent out a bunch of prototypes to people including the MC and they fight and ostensibly try to learn and become smarter AIs. That's all we know.
>>no doll joints
This is the deal breaker.
Shit like this makes me wonder if Custom Robo could ever get an anime with the right pitch to some studio out there
>show looks like shit
>people have no expectations
>end up liking the show
>show looks good
>people have high expectations
>end up hating the show
It was negative popularity at first. The CG is really bad and makes you want to kill yourself. And I'm saying it as person that likes CG anime.
Busou Shinki had both different body types (including loli) AND doll joints, and it used decent 2D animation.
And it was still unpopular. This show has nothing on Busou Shinki from the start.
Busou Shinki has doll joint minigirls? Picked up.
It would have to have a game made in the last ten years first.
I miss custom robo. At least virtual-on is coming back to satisfy my robot needs.
But at what cost? It's a crossover with Index, is it even going to have Virtual-On's gameplay? I don't trust the industry to not have it be a VN or something.
>What the show will be about besides that is yet to be seen.
If you expect anything else than the same shit for 12 episodes you're going to be disappointed.
W-what about Arena-
people who call any japanese robot a 'gundam' really rustles my autism
>And it was still unpopular.
Well no one gave a fuck about small robot anime girls until BS aired.
Well it could turn into another BS. BS started the same way.
That's not what he meant you retard.
sorry, I'm retarded and autistic
user please, I can't pick this up any harder than I already have.
That delicious sleeveless hoodie and ponytail Ao is a cute MC I hope she goes full plamo autist as the series progresses
Pick up Pandora on your way out, if you haven't already watched it like a respectable person.
Of course I watched Pandora. What kind of man do you take me for?
I don't' remember this scene.
It's nothing earth-shattering, but it's fun with a side order of comfy.
It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't know how much I trust everybody else.
Was this censored in Funi's release or something? I remember that scene, but I definitely don't remember it showing that much.
>episode where ao just spends the entire running length filling and sanding seams
She moves every third frame, that would be 8 fps. Get it together Japan, Initial D's races are rendered in full 24 fps and that's why they don't feel bad to watch no matter how simplistic the CGI is.
I remember it being in the TV broadcast.
Besides, it's not like there's anything to hide. The lewd bits are sold separately.
I mean in this scene. Battles look better obviously.
It's just cost-cutting. Removing most of the frames means that you have to render less, you can be incredibly lazy with your animations, it semi-obscures your mediocre Japanese animator's skills, it's an excuse to imitate a plethora of cost cutting techniques applied to 2d animation, and you don't need to animate things like basic emoting.
It's a very efficient process of bad animation.
Anyone have the android anime list that was made a few days back?
I've got the only android girl anime you need right here.
And The Big O of course.
Too robotic.
Is this yuri ?
When I started this I thought it was going to be like Gundam Build Fighters
Idk how to feel now
I bet your idea of a good android girl is one with absolutely zero robotic features who is completely indistinguishable from a regular human.
Which was nearly every girl on that list.
>pussy riding
>busou shinki aired almost 5 years ago
Even between androids gay is not okay
>come into an all girl show
>not liking yuri
Hetfag are so dumb
I want to fuck a FAG in the ass.
We know dear.
FAGs are gay.
I read an interview with the guy behind virtual-on and it seems like it'll be normal virtual-on, but with an index coat of paint.
So what does this mean? Index characters beating up and blasting the shit out of eachother while skidding around like it's Yuri On Ice as they channel the spirits of Virtuoids?
So this is basically Busou Shinki with a lesbian MC?
Sounds good to me.
you expected it to be shit?
fireball was boring shit
Shame. Baselard is the coolest FA model, and the associated girl isn't even cute.
>not cute
Okay then.
Read it here.
Ah, so they're piloting the machines and tapping into the old arcade plotline of the cabinets remote-piloting them from another dimension.
>somebody else still remembers it
>tfw I have two original figmas, ski version, nendo and motherfucking chogokin
Didn't like the design of the thicc Drossel though, and still wish there was a figure or a kit of Gedachtnis.
She's still plenty popular on /toy/
I want to make cute FAGs with Ao.
I want to be Ao, or optionally her FAG