umm, no sweetie. Hillary WON the popular vote by 3 million votes. So, as a democratic nation, we should respect the results that Drumpfy lost by 4 million votes. we can't let the 5 million votes against Zlompf go to waste. if you're perfectly fine with a candidate being president even though he lost by 6 million votes, then honestly you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, rapist, child molesting, misogynist inbred piece of shit
>hillary won the election by 10 million votes >stumpf only won because of russian hacking and fake news >badumpf is the most unpopular president of all time >hillary is running again in 2020
SAY IT WITH ME Sup Forums,
Nicholas Barnes
You are not "Nation"". You are "Federation". Learn damn difference...
Carson Smith
>>hillary is running again in 2020 we can only dream, user
William Gomez
Hillary is dying press f/s
Carson Gutierrez
Woodrow Wilson and FDR pretty much made us a "nation". Consolidated power to the Feds, made states dependent for tax fundings
Zachary Gomez
Let's say that the Yankees beat the Red Sox in a baseball game, i.e. the Yankees scored more runs--which is the metric that defines "winning" in baseball. However, the Red Sox had more hits than the Yankees. So, would you say that the Red Sox won the game?
Brandon Harris
Tfw electoral college is how POTUS is elected and a demfuck hasn't got a clue
Ryder Ward
>if I say it enough it will be true
Move on, it is unhealthy to linger
Lincoln Hernandez
Every time you post something about the cunt she gets a black eye Don't stop