Why did old societies have morals and ethics so well figured out compared to the modern world...

Why did old societies have morals and ethics so well figured out compared to the modern world? These people didn't even understand how the sun works, but they seemingly knew what was abhorrent and shameful instinctively.
This includes non-tolerance towards homosexuality, men who think they're women and vice versa, promiscuity and pedophilia.
Not only are most of these gradually becoming more accepted in modern society, but most have already attained legal status and are considered par for the course.

The reality is that abominations like homosexuals and transsexuals are sick; they spread disease (HIV, AIDS), are filthy (tranny obs.) and degrade society and family structure.
The old world didn't have half the knowledge we do, yet they instinctively knew to denounce this filth, either through scripture or common morals.
Why did humans lose this ability? Is the brainwashing that strong?

PS. I'm not just referring to Christian societies, so you pagans can calm down.

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The reality is, technology and the Enlightenment (so-called) set in motion a gradual atomization and move away from a Traditional sacred center, which means ultimately a move away from God's laws. Because people are more individualistic, they tend to view morality in terms of rights as opposed to duties and responsibilities, which exist only at the individual level rather than the society. In light of this, all restrictions on sexuality stop making sense. Sorry Danebro, but you gotta ride the tiger.


Everything is way more regulated today. Personal responsibility to do something good in the world got replaced by state run institution that just take your tax money.
This way the good or moraliy right became something very unpersonal.
In consequents many people believe the world is just good because it is good and I don't have any connection to it no matter what I do.

"the religion of your ancestors"

His ancestors who would have been pagan were literally snowniggers

Memeflag posting is equal to name fagging and tripfagging.
You are a subversive jew until you rpve your innocence.

The Enlightenment resulted in the Scientific Method, without which you wouldn't have your computer.

>Why did old societies have morals and ethics so well figured out compared to the modern world?

The jews had not yet had a foothold and could not corrupt Gods words.

I don't give a shit, you retard. Muhh computer. Muhh gameboy. Fucking hell, are you even purple-pilled.

Happy you fucking kike worshipping idiot.

>many people believe the world is just good because it is good
A lot of these postmodernists who love this kind off stuff are nihilists. They don't seem to care or even notice the world as a whole. All they care about is their uninhibited individualism.

I think by instinct we know what is right and what isn’t and through manipulation we deceive ourselves into believing degeneracy is good.

What about monogomous log cabin conservatives?


They literally were the ones who developed most of the EUROPEAN CULTURE until christkikes hijacked it and claimed it as there crap. idiot.

I am ashamed to be from this fucking country, Odin forbid any of my family has to continue living in this fucking SHITHOLE with christkikes and idiots.

The fucking Danelaw meme... holy shit


Scientism LOL

Pagans would be a lot more tolerable if you didn't sperg about muh gige on stig in every thread. This isn't even about christianity, you autist.

Thread is over, everyone pack your bags.

If you dont like it here you can pack your bags and leave. Assuming any country would grant you citizenship with those swazis and face/hand tats.

>Why did old societies have morals and ethics so well figured out compared to the modern world? These people didn't even understand how the sun works, but they seemingly knew what was abhorrent and shameful instinctively.
>This includes non-tolerance towards homosexuality, men who think they're women and vice versa, promiscuity and pedophilia.
>Not only are most of these gradually becoming more accepted in modern society, but most have already attained legal status and are considered par for the course
Your a fucking idiot.


Because they were living in a more natural society. Modernity is the result of the industrial revolution, not some ideological shift. When weak men die strength naturally becomes a virtue.

The global population has been large in the past. This seems to be the only epoch where a substance like oil has artificially swollen the population beyond sustainable levels, but there has been very large societies that have risen and fallen several times. Whenever population swells and abundance is available on a large scale, people's minds deteriorate into boredom and push the envelope of degeneracy.

Two sayings: "Idle hands are the devils workshop," and "Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it" are valid. All of this human garbage that is so prevalent in society today has been seen and dealt with many times over. It's nothing new. A plague and scourge on properly functioning societal dynamics, but the ignorant masses follow the plight of the individual over the collective/"greater good." Especially when women are allowed to take control. Pic related.

>my two cents.

There’s almost no technology that an early 20th century psychologist would have access to that was not available to the ancient Greeks. Psychological understanding is, even now, mostly based from observing people in various situations and drawing conclusions from experiments.

For the ancients, they made these observations by observing thousands of communities across many countries and seeing how each one functioned. They would make claims like “the people of Sparta raise their children in this way, and Spartans are known for this traits, while the people of Athens do this and are known for this trait”. This sort of knowledge (multiple large uncontrolled trials) is actually pretty effective compared to what we use today (small, but tightly controlled trials).

Also, ancient people worked with animals every day, and human beings are a lot more like animals than we like to admit. Animals need to be trained to be useful, and become unmanageable if you train them wrong, as do humans.

Modern people have no idea how crappy and politicized psychology is. It is very much a pseudoscience.

>Read the last sentence.
>Read the last sentence.
>Read the last sentence.

Are you implying that your pagan "ancestors" were okay with fags and trannies?

What are you talking about? Promiscuity, pedophilia and faggots were present since ever in rich and probably even in moderate circles, only poor fucks had to stick together so they wouldnt die alone.
Its just that now hormone pumped amerifats have access to the internet so they can spread their degenerate views to the rest of the world.

>Why did old societies have morals and ethics so well figured out compared to the modern world?
Because they knew what they were doing wrong, since they didn't practice any morals or ethics.

>Promiscuity, pedophilia and faggots were present since ever
They weren't generally accepted and kept on the down-low though.

stupid idiot, i can log into my proxie and can have any flag I wish. Go back to Sup Forums for flagging. Pol always had pol flags.

Being a shart is sad

You actually improve your validity without memeflag.
Why the fuck do you use it?

Morals and ethics were practiced by small communities only, but those were destroyed by Christians. Small communities knew how to fight for themselves. It's Christcucks who came with large hivemind army to unite them all under cross, that's what ruined morals and ethics. Church knew what they were doing wrong, so they wrote the bible to describe how not to rape people in castle cellars for years. The big state isn't a problem, what's problem is one high priests who's word is absolute and his minion royals, those were degenerates no matte how much morals and ethics they were preaching. So the morals and ethics got further ruined by big cities and money. It's not normal for people to live in such big numbers and with no nature around them, having to buy everything from day 1, since no nature to take basic food and freedom from. Of course history will mainly preserve statues of big conquerors and their bullshit about morality, after they slaughtered thousands of people who didn't agree with them.

Atheist only concerns itself with debunking the metaphysics of religion. Generally they have no ethical system.

Stefan Molyneux's "Universally Preferable Behavior" is the best argument for secular ethics I've seen.

Oh people still liked to fuck what they liked to fuck, and people still fucked around.

It's just that nobody wrote about that kind of shit much.

Oh really, then why is it that every atheist society had no homosexuals and hardly any crime while all Christian societies are high on drugs, homosexuals and crime? Crime is higher by 3 times in every ex-Socialistic country now that Christcucks are in town, divorce rate jumped and people don't stay together for life like they used to. Atheists are the ones who follow morals Christcucks only preach about. Christians don't respect nature, don't respect women, don't respect marriage, don't respect culture, they only talk about it.

fuck off newfag, country flags mean jack shit with proxies.

I am pretty sure that number of partners people have since 1980 is much higher than before, mainly because of Christian capitalism.

UPB is fine, but its only an ethical framework, and not much else. It does not comment on say, whether or not homosexuality is right/wrong- only that you shouldn't initiate violence against gays.

>puts zero amount of effort into researching a topic beyond dank maymays

You missed out on a few thousand years worth of literature, you pretentious lazy little fuckwit.
You truly know nothing but memes and it's nobody's fault but your own. Ideology and philosophy is fashion to you.

They were strict about sexual morality because they did not have condoms or birth control, so they couldn't avoid the consequences of sex. On the other hand, they also did some things that we would consider unthinkable today. Ancient Semitic tribes like the Phoenicians and Jews would sacrifice their children to Moloch by burning them alive.

Soviet atheists killed millions of people.

And then Moneyjew makes a total 180 when there is some sheckels to make with young men who want more then some rational secular ethics and so he invides RealCrusadesHistory on and talks about religion and stuff.

the idea that morality and truth itself can be subjective to the beholder was what did it

many groups have spent their time attacking meaning itself because if meaning dies, so too does guilt

this has been the religion of my ancestors for the past 1700 years

Fuck the computer. I don't want my neighbors to be gays that are molesting the neighborhood children.

It's not that easy to use a proxy on Sup Forums.
They get banned pretty efficiently.
Those people that succeed are good enough to be taken more serious.

I don't think the problem is psychology, I think the problem comes from the fact that in our society people have the right to live without having the ability to do so. in sparta kids with problems where thrown to their death because they would be useless for their society, nowadays people like that live around us without contributing something to the general.

Stop worshipping losers. The people whom denounced faggotry and general degeneracy died of and/or stagnated and became shit tier countries (look at the Middle east). You can be conservative without being a homosexual crusader

Correlation != causation. Being smart, educated and wealthy tends to cause both less religiosity and less criminal behavior. That's why we see less of both in the developed world. But don't forget that the worst atrocities in history were committed by atheists (commies), atheism certainly does not make one moral.

Got any proof for that? Famine isn't Soviet fault, that's Ukraine fault for not knowing how to grow crop and war banning importation of crop. Also people who died in Siberia were neither white, neither more than under a million, which again is war. Soviet family was working much better than now.
>picture related
>829 divorces per 1000 marriages (2017 statistics)

You know those oligarchs are all Christians and those daughters of those rich people have their own shopping centers of Russian cities. They talk about Christianity, they are bunch of degenerates that buy 4 shoes per day, none of them they need, then they go party and fuck bunch of men. Later back to private church for praying. And on top of that they are traitors, since their ties to foreigners, especially dollar is ever-present. Russian mafia is directly tied to dollar, directly tied to Israel where they have apartments, directly tied to Russian Christianity. And Russian Tsar Nicholas II also married grand daughter of British queen, why? Because Russian culture isn't for Christians, Russian money isn't for Russians, it's only for selected few of Christianity. So much about morals and ethics of Christians.

God wrote the law on our hearts from the beginning. We were instinctively blessed with revulsion towards degeneracy. It's takes corruption from drugs/television/processed foods/etc to numb the conscience to the point where things like abortion, cuckoldry, homosexuality, transsexualism are found to be acceptable.

>Correlation != causation. Being smart, educated and wealthy tends to cause both less religiosity and less criminal behavior
This is very relarive and is a modern development.
It used to be that the rich and wealthy here are the most religious and moral people again the propaganda spread by marxists.

Modern era this is true. And it is dangerous because the people with actual power have no moral bonds anymore.

No, countries who have high religion and low crime are countries with high punishment like Singapore, where if you give somebody hand to hand bribe cops can beat you up legally and legally put you in prison. That's why they have low crime.

They were bad Jews, not representative of all Jews, and you only know this because its rebuked in the Bible. So tell me what is so different today with abortions from these barbarians? A bad Jew doctor sticks a vacuum in the vagina of your mother after it stabbed your brothers tiny brain. Then your mother complains that the 'alien' baby screached a nightmarish screem of a baby being murdered.

The people of antiquity were actually lawless in comparison to civil and commonwealth States of the post-Modern world. Only after Levitical law, Judiac law, & Brittish common law formed did we even form civil law in recent centuries. The racial, alt lifestyle and workplace civil rights movement was formed in recent history. Why only now do we have new Civil rights of workplace sexual harassment change. In-fact we are only ethically wrong in isolated matters e.g. Felonies, Adulteries, Homosexual offender acts (NOT of common LGBT Alt lifestyles), perversions, Sup Forums, civil rights abominations etc. Actually when any attrocities happen in 3rd worlds we hear about it immediately. The commonwealth is far superior to the barbarism of antiquity.


>atheist society had no homosexuals and hardly any crime
Do you mean Communism?

They killed Libtards.

>not preparing to embrace glorious post humanism
>not excited to become man+ with the cybernetic power to destroy a country in an instant
>OP is a faggot

What if commies become Transhumans first?

that is irrelevant friend

>Famine isn't Soviet fault
Stopped reading right there.