Why are you not watching the most stylish show of the season?

Why are you not watching the most stylish show of the season?


Other urls found in this thread:


For a number of reasons,
>not moe
>not yaoi
>not yuri
>no ecchi
>no huge explosions or lewd humor
>unique art style
>possible references to a number of western literature, remember, this is Sup Forums


Because the writing is awful.

The OP is the only good thing about this show.

because it's genuinely terrible

>bumping a 0 post thread for a show that nobody gives a shit about right before it 404's

itt: brainlets


I hadn't seen the original and holy shit, the voiceactor sounds so similar. Also I fucking love that they kept the same OP sequence roughly.

By the way, holy fucking shit NakamuraRei's Don't is so goddamn good. Anyone happen to have a link to it?

I watched it but it doesn't seem to have anything going for it. After only 2 stories I feel like I've had enough.


I like the premise, but some of it is confusing.

for example, the woman gets a credit card to buy whatever she wants, but it gets repossessed after a day.

she decides to get a make over.
her make over gets repossessed and turns her into an ugly fat woman with missing teeth.

why? shouldn't it have just returned it to how she looked before the make over?


Yes, it should have.

The writing is terrible.

I like it
Already tired of the shitposting though

It's a fun watch for dark comedy. Faust/monkeypaw/moralfags are missing the point of this show, watch season one and you'll get it. Salesman is in no way, shape or form intended to be "fair" or "bound by his own rules".


The full version's not out I think, unfortunately.

If she was smart, she could have exploited the fuck out of that too.

>Tell a friend to setup a store
>have her buy all the shit inside the store everyday
>It gets repossessed, but friend still made the money.
>Split profits.


>It's fun
If you think this is fun, then you must have a field day watching paint dry.

What would be the point of that?

>Salesman is in no way, shape or form intended to be "fair" or "bound by his own rules".
Well that makes having rules a bit pointless.

Oh god, here we go again

looks bretty good

It just means you're not wary of jews

The same as taking her stuff away after a day.

You think it's stupid? Take it to the writers, they are the ones that had Moguro set rules only for them to be broken.

But the OP has CGI in it.
Sup Forums hates CGI, so it can't be good.

No idea about AOTS, but this is definitely going to be my favorite OP of the season. Full version when?

The visuals are good but the show is boring, it's yet another monkey paw serie, a quite generic one at that.
I'm going to give it more episodes but I'm not impressed.

She kinda broke the "rule" deliberately by thinking "maybe it wont be taken away" when she was buying the spa treatment but it wasnt really clear if it was out of "malice" and the punishment was hugely disproportionate.

>She kinda broke the "rule"
She didn't.

What kind of ending would that be?
>Lady takes a Spa treatment, knowing that it couldn't be returned and she could keep it for free, cheating him.
>Moguro approaches her and tells her that he will be repossessing what is taken, acting all serious.
>She wakes up and just looks the same she did before going to the spa.

>What kind of ending would that be?
One that actually follows the rules Moguro gave.

its like dank memes version of Doraemon. Wish i knew about this earlier

Maybe i didnt convey what i wanted to say correctly.
We agree that the rule is that whatever she buys will be returned right?
I agree that she didnt break the rule.
However, with the thought of buying a spa treatment, something that cant be really taken away, she tried to go over the rule of having the things she buys being returned.
However it turns out that the salesman can take it back so the rule wasnt broken.
The salesman could leave her exactly the same as the last day but didnt in order to teach her a lesson for trying to go over the rule, maybe.

It would fit if the salesman is a dick dealing out over the top punishments. Without having seen the original I dont know if the salesman is supposed to that way or it's an isolated incident. I think that if they presented this incident in the first part it would be better way to establish his character since the ending of the OL segment is much more extreme than the ending about the salesman and whatever he did to him.

Look at it this way. He very clearly explained how the card worked. She could have anything she wanted for free, but it must be returned in full the next day. Knowing this, she got something that could not be returned in the hopes she could have it for free. She willfully and knowingly tried to con him. Hence why he wrecked her so hard.

Also he's a villain, having dickish deals goes with the territory.

Haruka did nothing wrong.

>Look at it this way.
No. He gave a list of specific rules. And then proceeded to break them.

This is bad writing, no matter how you want to spin it. If they were going to do something like this all along, then they shouldn't have given any rules to begin with.


Because it's actual shit.

He never broke the rules. She was the one who tried to cheat him and bed the rules. Just like what would happen if you tried to pull a fast one on a real credit company, she got in serious trouble for it.

It's perfectly in character for him, nothing bad writing about that. Maguro being a deceitful liar that takes pleasure in fucking others over is how he is played, he isn't someone that sticks to any rules and helps good people while ruining the life of evil ones, you can't take anything he says at face value and expect him to stick to it.
Are you going to say Faust is badly written because the devil doesn't always speak the truth next?

How is he different from repoman?

>He never broke the rules.

>i'm only taking what you bought
>lol i'll take more than that this time for no reason

>nothing bad writing about that.
Do you also like eating shit?

Watched first episode. It just isn't interesting enough. Too cheap premise.

She attempted to break the rules to get something that possibly couldn't be taken from her: the appearance of youth and beauty, which was in fact also repossessed.

How dense can y'all be.

Still thank you. Based.

>that possibly couldn't be taken from her
Except it could. You fucking admit it.
>which was in fact also repossessed.

For those hoping for some more equivalencies, just know that Moguro often is just an asshole.

SHE thought it couldn't be repossessed.

Is there sound webm of the op?


are you shitting me? this is boring as a motherfuck

just end yourself, you are an embarrassment

If there's one thing I enjoy about this series is weeding out the folks below 100 IQ and those who can appreciate a calm, paced and simple dialogue driven story.

Something she thought, not irrefutably imposible.

Holy fucking shit, it's like talking to a wall.

Did you weed yourself out yet?

>Something she thought, not irrefutably imposible.
Fucking and? If you think you're shitposting but instead are making a bunch of informative posts then you're not shitposting. You can't say someone broke the rules if they didn't fucking break the rules.

>Holy fucking shit, it's like talking to a wall.
I know, right? How many laps do we need to go on before you get it through your skull?


Lesson of course is to never trust a shady salesman who says he'll get you a girlfriend (or anything else).

As expected.

>"lololol ill give people who want "A" a revese "A", such clever writing"

>smug anime poster

The truth reveals itself. Now I know I was right to disregard opinion.

>ha! you used a reaction pic!
>that means you're wrong!
Who was the sub-100 IQ poster, again?

I wish they would either go over the top with how mundane the whole setup is or just go over the top.

This is all just super boring.

>he's still at it
Man I hate canadians.

That would actually be more clever since you would have to actually think about what the reverse of what they wanted was. It's actually just
>I'll mildly fuck with people who have mild personality flaws, but sometimes I'll disproportionately fuck with them in a way that isn't very interesting or amusing

>ITT It has to be Lolis or shonen or it's shit


What would happen if you used that credit card to hire a handyman?

Oh wow, 4 "different people" posting the same argument in a 30 IP thread about how their stupid show isn't stupid, the people who hate it are.

Well, I for one am completely convinced.

What he made would probably break or turn out to be made without a proper operating license.

Stay upset

Why the hell did his use his boom magic shit to cheat against the dudes in the club? They wanted to leave but he uses it to make them forget and stay.

I mean, i thought the entire idea was to let them fuck themselves over once they mess up with the stuff he gives people, and not literally just cheating himself in order to win.

What if I hired a taxi to take me around?

Bad writing.

I absolutely agree. I enjoy these episodic shows that someone is dealing out punishment, so I watched what is subbed of the original and I'll watch this as there simply isn't a lot of it out there. However the show would be better if more of the victims were people who were more deserving of this treatment, or they went farther over the top and had him bring down exceptionally successful people just for the hell of it.

Maybe the shitposters are nervous jews who don't like seeing their true self portrayed for all the world to see.

I haven't actually watched the show, but wouldn't the general idea be that the woman was left ugly because she replaced her original appearance in the makeover?

It's like if she'd paid to put a window into her house, and the window gets repossessed. The big hole they leave in her wall is not their problem.

Except those two situations are not comparable. For one, the one you posit makes absolute sense with how Moguro said he would operate.

It would actually be funny if they had left and just gotten fired for smelling of alcohol.

They already fucked up significantly by the time he kept them there, but like he also has no problems fucking with someone just for the hell of it, even if he often tries to wrap it up in a pseudo moral lesson.

They actually got fired in the old version of this episode, but apparently they felt the need to cut that from an episode today.

>woman was left ugly because she replaced her original appearance in the makeover?

Yes, but she looked nothing like that before her make over.
His "Boom" beam should have simply turned her back into her normal self, not a fat missing tooth ogre

I think you could have made her have a shaved head or something as a way of repossessing her hair. The way they chose to represent it didn't really make much sense, and it wasn't very interesting either.

Why would her hair be repossessed? He clearly has magic powers, so he should have just put the woman back in her original damn body, its not complicated

instead he ruined her fucking life over a

In this case he had asked for company because he was lonely. So Moguro introduced him and set them up as pen pals "as friends" with the understanding that his loneliness would be satisfied.

He got greedy and began to desire her as a lover and wanted to meet in real life so he went ahead and set up the meeting without moguro finding out. He got fucked because he tried to fuck his friend.

His job isn't to return things to the way they are, it's to simply collect what she bought. How she originally looked isn't his concern.

Taking her hair and eyebrows (and possibly parts of her face, since it's implied she paid to change that as well) would have made the most sense, but the end result of that would have come pretty close to being horror so he just turned her into an old lady instead to keep things lighthearted. They did stretch things a bit with the way they portrayed it, but her being left uglier than she started isn't particularly unusual.

It's also probably a message about the lady not appreciating what youth she did still have and throwing it away for a fake image.

>it's to simply collect what she bought.
And he didn't do that, he took more.

Why is this so hard to get?

What about things she paid to have removed?
Like pubic hair? does he glue it back?

Not really, there was never any indication of it being just pen pals. In the original conversation he said "before they meet" he needed them to get to know each other, then after that Moguro said he would let him meet her after he sent her a letter, and he got a letter response from that which ended up being the mannequin (thus Moguro) with a time and place to meet, which he showed up to.

At worse, he didn't tell Moguro that he was going to meet her after getting a place and time to meet her in the response to the letter, but he listened to his instructions at that point and he never acted on an unreasonable temptation. There was never a good ending to be had no matter how he acted, since the person in question didn't exist, even if he didn't go to meet her.

>not appreciating what youth she did still have
She was background character, that man that kissed her he wouldn't even use her as urinal if she was her old self.
There's nothing wrong in trying your best to look good.

Technically he let her keep some of it, otherwise she wouldn't have hair or a face at all. If she wants her old everything back they're probably in the spa garbage bin, anything Moguro gave her is charity.

You're just shitposting, aren't you.

I'm not the one trying to convince people my shitty show is great, why would I be upset?

It's heavily implied she got plastic surgery. She's lucky he didn't go full repo men on her.

>It's heavily implied she got plastic surgery.
the fuck

Okay, I'm not going to get mad at you for never going to a spa, but that's not what you do there.

>implying you wouldn't pee on this

You can't just go get plastic surgery in a day user. It's not implied unless the target audience is actual idiots.

Apparently spas in japan change your facial profile.

>what is an allusion

yeah and Moguro is an allusion for shit writing

now fuck outta here

There are several treatments you can get that would have significant temporary changes to how your face looked. That's not surgery.

You might want to look up the word yourself, user.


no you see, it's an allusion

exactly what i was thinking, if the asshole's rules was to take back whatever she bought, she should have returned to her normal previous state, not fucking turn into an old hag. wtf
the writing is fucking awful, instead they could have made her pay with the credit card of a movie or some event and fall in love or some shit and then the asshole take away those memories because she paid for them with the credit card

jesus christ and the guys getting drunk, that was cheating, he forced them to stay, they did fuck themselves up on their own, he fucking cheated whats the point?? theres no lesson, no moral, no twist nothing

By all means, show me a spa treatment that turns office lady's flat nose into a pointy gaijin nose.