Why was Sato such an asshole? What was his problem?

Why was Sato such an asshole? What was his problem?

how was he an asshole

>self centered
>living off of mommy
>delusions of grandeur
>rude to the few people who care about him

Just to name a few.

If he was a nice person he wouldn't be a hikikomori

He ended up being kind of right though


Sounds like Sup Forums to me.

24 episodes to get a fucking job.

Don't forget about asshole Misaki.

Better late than never.

Took me two years to find a Job
And I had an engineering degree

wasn't everyone in NHK a bit of an asshole?

Sato looks good compared to what others did.


Literally me

Except society is shit and you're a faggot

He ran out of HDD space for more lolicon and went into withdrawl

Ok, but what else?


Hardcore child pornography .


Why does everyone gloss over this
Sato should be in prison along with Yamazaki

Are you saying there is something wrong with it?

There is not.

if you become a hikikomori, it is your fate to become self-centered, eventually. you can't help it it's the natural outcome of someone who hardly knows anyone and spends almost all of their time alone. there are little concerns left other than matters related to yourself. some will devolve quicker than others, but it's inevitable.


would sexually exploit/10

>blows all his savings to save Misaki who betrayed his trust
>doesn't start an affair with his senpai who he knows is married upon getting the chance
>encourages Yamazki when he learns the truth about the girl he's interested in
Just to name a few. Sato is extremely giving and does the right thing when it matters, getting caught up on the fact he's socially maladjusted is retarded, and obvious.

I mean, the show literally ends with him investing back into Misaki, helping her study, grounding her. He doesn't need her, she needs him. Sato isn't an asshole, he's just an idiot who doesn't understand some things.

>rude to the few people who care about him
This is the only valid thing on the list but he Sato isn't an asshole because of it since he doesn't realize he is being rude to them, that it's hurting someone who cares about him. It's not malicious.

If you don't get Satou in the slightest you're the definition of normalfag.

>What was his problem?
Untreated mental illness and drug addiction

Did you even watch the show?

Only in the manga


Literally no one caree about him though.

she's never gonna come

He was stuck in a shitty series that only /r9k/ers and the lowest of the low would identify with.

He was alright.

Child pornography wasn't illegal in Japan until a few years ago. Yamazaki in prison? Is that another shitty manga OC?

All of it is valid. One of the major points of the show is that mommy isn't always going to be there for you. You might even have to get off your ass and find a job yourself.

Probably not. You see too many people thinking of Misaki as some savior waifu when she didn't even save Satou.

I think the anime didn't mention CP.



You guys realize Satou had some sort of genuine mental illness, right?

if he had a mental illness, most of Sup Forums has one too

I'm not denying it, I'm just stating a fact






I never finished this show and now I know I never will.

Can you believe some people identify with this asswipe?
