ITT: entry level anime you'll never watch
Why? It's really good.
All of them. Started with seasonal shit in 2010 and never bothered to watch anything old.
for the love of god, remove yourself
Do it user
Every long running shonen.
anything longer than ~40 episodes
Is Code Geass entry level? I kind of feel like it is but don't rightly know for never having seen it.
In any case I'll never watch it. I just don't care.
You can easily tell this is a shit show Sup Forums is trying to trick people into watching, like Flip Flappers and Sora no Woto.
Don't fall for it.
LOGH, even my MMORPG friends that have watched only toonami shit keep telling me I should watch LOGH. I will not.
>Is Code Geass entry level?
Yes. And is also shit if watched alone, don't bother.
You'll have to live with the thought that I can be the user you're having a discussion.
nice sentence
I watched Flip Flappers because of Sup Forums and I regretted it a lot. Don't plan to watch KF because of that, but Sora no Woto was on my list originally. Now I'm not so sure anymore..
This, I'd rather use the time to read a classic scifi novel or watch a dozen other shows
Any jumpshit after Kenshin, raildex, attack on titan
>mecha shit
>entry level
>but it's not mecha you retard
You tell that to the people that can't get past the episode 2.
>tryhard grimdark edgy shit
Not gonna fall for it
The one with the big boys and the walls
>Flip Flappers
This had its moments. Sup Forums's had worse recs.
Quit after episode 2, waited 1-2 years, came back, marathoned everything and got psyched for rebuilds.
All this time i thought i just wasn't in the mood. Now i realize i was a noob.
Retarded trips. How is Kemono an entry level?
>entry level
Newfags are allergic to moe.
They only want to watch deep/mature/manly shows so they can show off to strangers on the internet how good their taste is.
Not really missing anything either, Madoka is ridiculously overblown.
Some scenes are interesting to watch but not enough to warrant drudging through the whole thing.
K-On aired on Disney Channel. If toddlers can watch it certainly is entry level.
>one piece
I basically never watched everything I was supposed to.
Simple, childish, cute, ugly CGI that's only bearable if you're 10 years old.
It's an educational show for children put in a late night timeslot.
Of those you're only really supposed to watch Evangelion.
Not everyone is into mecha so Gundam gets a pass (and because it's such a large franchise)
Ironically you're still expected to have seen Eva though.
Even if you don't like mecha you're expected to watch at least the 0079 complation movies.
Death note and FMA.
Already read the manga for both. FMA is good, but not worth watching when I already know the story
Death note is shit after volume 5 or 6
Expecting anons actually have someone to watch anime with
2003 fags will try to convince you that their shit fanfiction is better than the manga.
Brotherhood is worth watching for the cool animation.
Any Shounen with 100+ episodes.
I was thinking about who watched it with Sup Forums.
K-ON is literally the most effective pleb filter in anime, no way it's entry level.
>pleb filter
>watched by literal toddlers on Disney Channel
Makes you think.
And yet some adults watch it and manage to miss the point.
>willingly being even more of a pleb than little american girls
Now this really makes you think.
Don't know if its considered entry level though.
What was the point? That girls are cute and can do cute things? Really gets my noggin joggin.
I have friends whose mothers watch and love K-On. It's really just retarded Sup Forums manchildren who hate K-On. It's extremely popular and accessible even to normalfags to the point that I would call it babby's first slice of life by now.
See? That's what I mean.
Not everything needs to be deep to be good.
Fun things are Fun
>you're expected to watch at least the 0079 complation movies.
Are you from /m/? Because nobody considers any Gundam required viewing on Sup Forums. Mecha is a niche. Eva only gets passed around as the ultimate "you must watch this" recommendation because its revolutionary qualities have reached meme status. Half the people worshiping it have no idea why it's supposed to be important they only know everybody else considers it to be so they go with the flow.
No. Its length and relatively slow pace turn beginners and hyperactive idiots away.
However, people who are into the kind of stuff like Monster won't take long to find and watch it.
Your favorite anime.
Even so, they're still ''entry level''. Everyone is expected to have watched them even if it was just as a child on Toonami before you even knew what anime was.
I'm not even kidding, K-ON! is legitimately too deep for people like you. You immediately dismiss it because of its premise and are too narrow-minded to appreciate Yamada's masterful direction of the series.
I'm not implying K-ON is super deep or anything, but I think it's pretty obvious that it's a coming of age story that uses the fun stuff as something to be treasured later when they grow up. How can anyone who's been to high school and had at least a small group of friends back then not relate to it?
Entry level is a made up concept. U just a hater senpai
>a coming of age story
what nigga, gundam is definitely must watch. It's a great show and one of the most influential too
You just have really shit taste
>hating on Sora no Woto
What the fuck?
>Sora no Woto
Neck yourself, fampai
Maybe on /m/. The only Gundam series I've watched were G Gundam when I was a kid and Build Fighters, which I stopped watching halfway through cause it got boring. Gundam, and giant robots in general, don't interest me at all.
>U just a hater senpai
Posting like you're fucking from Sup Forums is against the rules newfriend
>implying it isn't
Just because it's not a traditional coming of age story, doesn't mean it's not one
those are spinoffs, the original series is where it's at
I've never watched a "real" Gundam series and I never will. Giant robots are stupid.
It's blatantly apparent within the first few minutes of the first fucking episode that it's a coming of age story. I'll assume you haven't seen the show.
anything come from nisio isshin, i guess. i don't like shinbo style animation and medaka box is crap all around.
not helping that the fanbase (especially normal fag) threat it like it's the best thing ever.
>shit characters
>shit worlbuilding
>cool world wasted and underdeveloped, better devote an episode to a moeblob holding her piss instead
SnW's popularity is literally a meme. It's not a case that literally nobody in the world gives a fuck about it outside of Sup Forums.
Restricting yourself from an entire genre is ignorant. Maybe Gundam isn't your thing but there are lots of different mecha anime so I'm certain there must be one that you would like.
Retards. That is not how entry level works.
I've seen a few anime with giant robots in them and I can safely say the giant robots were probably the least interesting parts of them.
What you mean is that teen agers and edge lords hate moƩ. K on is one of the most entry level SOL show. Good animation, simple to enjoy characters and no fan service to scare away normals
Has anybody ever fallen for this?
The only think you're somewhat right on is that they waste too much time on moe and slice of life shit.
>Tfw you've seen all the anime they call entry level in this thread, regardless if I liked them or not I've seen more than the plebs in this thread
feels good man
There's hardly even anything in this thread
Doesn't matter, there's people that haven't watched them because they don't just consume every single anime thing that might interest them.
And there is nothing else left. The characters are some of the most tropey and boring moeblobs ever, and everything interesting isn't explored.
The final climax alone is not enough to save aseries that has nothing going for it.
You guys are all wrong. The answer is your name.
Now that is what I called entry level.
>waste too much time on moe
what the fuck does that even mean
>The characters are some of the most tropey and boring moeblobs ever,
>I don't like the art so I'll hurl buzzwords at it, that'll make me popular here
it's old, in fact it's 2010 old, get new material.
>I'll dismiss your post calling it buzzwords with 0 arguments
Wow, you sure showed me.
moeblob is a fucking buzzword, if you want to be taken seriously don't use them
any kyoani show
serial experiments lain
all of these are entry level trash
It's worth it, just avoid the radioactive threads on Sup Forums.
urobuchi is so shit
FMA and Brotherhood.
Not because I think it's shit, I just don't think I'll ever be able to commit myself to watching series that are each longer than 50 episodes, especially when I have so many other shows in my backlog.
>I haven't seen this but I KNOW that it's shit: the thread
good job Sup Forums
That's because you have ADD.
Regardless you're missing out on a lot of really great series by limiting yourself, pretty sad
I remember trying to watch K-On and I couldn't get past the first two minutes when the girl ran out of the house with toast in her mouth cause I hate that cliche so much.
That was probably pretty autistic of me in retrospect, I need to try watching it again at some point.
How about if instead of moeblobs, I call them completely flat and uninteresting modern SoL character archetypes?
What they look like is irrelevant, they could be designed by Araki and nothing would change since they're written that shittily.
I hate k-on but even I made it all the way through the first season and 6 episodes of the second
I take your post far more seriously and agree with you, that's what
>That's because you have ADD.
You're right, I do (well ADHD but same difference).
I realize I'm definitely missing out on a good series. Maybe I'll watch them someday but for now there's so many other series that I want to watch that are also a lot shorter.
that feline fuck face makes me angry for some reason
Perhaps it's because I've seen the majority of what I want to see that I'm willing to invest in longer series like LoGH and Gintama. Gintama is the only long anime I keep up with.
I had to want to watch Gintama though to get into it.
I'm also one of the people who feels monster is not entry level because of the length and pace but it is a fantastic series.
Seconding Code Geass. I hate the character designs for some reason. Plus, I keep hearing Sup Forumsnons say it's actually mediocre so that only further decreases my motivation to watch it.
Digibro pls go
>I hate the character designs for some reason.
It's CLAMP. you either love or hate it.