You could have had President Paul. What went so wrong?
You could have had President Paul. What went so wrong?
The corrupt "two"-party system and the media.
>open border ron paul
Kys neolib scum
This asshole was 4 years too late. He just missed the great wave of morons stupid enough to vote for a populist.
The polls were rigged and they let Romney win. Most of his supporters don't even bother voting anymore, the system will never let a guy like him win.
He doesn't support open borders.
The Pauls are both pussies. Now I agree with them on a lot of stuff, but they do not and will not fight. The way Rand is during his Festivus thing? That's how he needs to be all year long except even more so.
This board is horrible now, and you have no one to blame but yourself.
I was mocked for writing in Mr. Pauls name. Look who's laughing now :)
Paul is an uncharismatic autist with some good ideas. Even in a 2 party race where he is one of the candidates he would probably lose. He is the lolbertarian Adelai Stevenson.