This studio made Konosuba and Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.
This studio made Konosuba and Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.
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with animators
This is also the studio that made Trust and Betrayal, a literal 10/10 ova series.
This is the studio that made tenshi no tamago, anime that hipsters on Sup Forums love.
They have made some good anime in the past like higurashi, sankarea, read or die, ranma 1/2, rurouni kenshin, korean zombie, sakamoto, simoun, sakura trick and urusei yatsura.
But they made a bad fate anime so that means they are garbage, right?
Konosuba was a garbage addaption and only carried by the writing of the LN, and Showa had too much Fujo pandering.
They made fucking Angel's Egg long before your dumbass ever heard of anime
Their Fate adaptation isn't even that bad for the 2000s, and it gets much better in the second half anyways.
I wasn't trying to beat the meme horse. I'm genuinely interested in how studios go about developing series. Granted, they have source material to base their shit off of but it's still impressive that they're able to put out very different shows in terms of animation, direction, and tone.
I'm curious more how anime studios work, because as a baka gaijin I've always been under the impression that they typically to stick to similar shows, e.g. KyoAni and moe pandering shit.
DEEN hasn't done anything above a 6/10 in the 10s.
Don't be retarded, Deen has made plenty more of shitty anime than good ones. Fate isn't even that terrible compared to garbage like Pupa, Umineko/Higurashi or the junjoushit.
>he still treats studios as some sort of magical single entity that are never-changing and shoehorned into making a specific kind of show
Can we stop this retarded shit already?
Doesn't know that studios don't really matter and that the staff is far more important.
Giant Killing was good stuff.
Studios hire freelance animators for many of their cuts and only have a moderate ammount of inhouse animators.
For example A-1 Pictures has nearly no animators and depends completly on freelancers.
In konosuba's case it was
>Director and script writer being in complete synch
>seyuus having the time of their lives doing their roles
I bet the whole goddamn team had fun working on the project, and it shows man.
Shit man, watch shirobako like right the fuck now
There's a degree of art style consistency as well.Madhouse since the the mid 00s has really liked having thicker outlines and more saturated visuals.
Staff plays a big role, but I wouldn't say that studio means nothing in any case.
They made Samurai X you fcking underage kids. You all need to go back.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>Script writer and director being in synch.
Except in the moments where the characters act completly out of character for some flashy moments or dumb jokes.
>seiyuus being amazing
Completly aggree.
>Need to go back maymay
>Samurai x instead of ruroken
Lurk more you underaged shit, and watch more anime, ruroken was bloated with filler, it's not even the second best anime adaptation.
>wasn't even that bad for the 2000s
What are you implying?
That the 2000s, particularly the first half, were the goddamn dark ages of anime. I don't think this is an unpopular view.
And Sakamoto. They've really cleaned up their act, huh?
That was not the right image.
>A-1 Pictures has nearly no animators and depends completly on freelancers.
They should try hiring different ones from time to time, because it sure as hell seems like everything they've done since the first season of Working has been drawn by two people with all that sameface.
The sameface is most likely a storyboard issue.
A-1 likely provides some visual guidelines for the charcter designer. The sameface is also fairly easy to draw making it simpler for the freelancers.
Fucking Deen.
they also made Marimite and Sakura Trick
stop kidding yourself DEEN is pretty fucking based, trash like umineko and 2003 fate were probably made only to milk money out of ryukishi and nasu fangays
KyoAni also pushes out their fair share of turds but we don't see people shitting on them.
So I been watching Rave Master another one of Studio Deen's work an boy this animation is so fluid compared the Fair Tale. So I noticed while going through some of my favorite anime Studio Deen worked on a budget an they only liked to used short intense moments of animation at certain points in series they made.
I got a list an I'm going to start making some Webm's. I like it if anyone could point out some moments when you thought Studio Deens shines through the cracks an shown some good animation an I'll make a webm of it Just give me:
>Series name
>Episode Number
>Bringing an End Time of the animation
Because they're good.
When will they remake Law of Ueki
Deen did the greatest ova ever created.
How could I forget they did Pupa, All the shit adaptations they did all got surprised by the brilliance of Rakugo so it's happy days.
I think JC Staff and DEEN have improved the most in the past 5 years.
Dammit LuLu Now I wish I had just gone an used my trip earlier!
Why the fuck would anyone watch rave master?
Get out
Wrong. They ANIMATED those shows, they didn't "make" shit.
Only using one player
not multiple
Because Fairy Tale is animated so poorly
How long have you been on Sup Forums?
That's because you're fucking retarded.
By the way, anyone excited for this one?
They're both better than the source material.
Konosuba is not half as funny in the LN
Higurashi was a really good adaption I think. Definitely not as good as the electronic book, but loads better than the adaption of seacat
you get the straight males watching Konosuba and the gay boys and ladies watching Shouwa Yaoi Rakugo Shinji. All markets covered.
Only bad thing about the early 2000s was the rough transition from cell animation to digital, but there was no shortage of good and even great shows.
I would be if the latest PV had proper footage.
>muh fate
You do realize that the anime was what made Fate popular right?
You all loved it when it aired, fucking memesters.
Japanese rate it higher than UBW too in every site.
looks like a code geass character
Deen is god tier
second only to Gonzo
Youjo Senki was copying this I see.
>deenshit doing samurai flopmenco
Hopefully they will die afterwards just like manglobe
Their Samurai X part was crap.