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Einstein was john titor....
losers, how your world collapses when you realise black people can be more intelligent than you are. That they can have more virtue in how they live than you do, that they are luckier, more diligent, better parents, more conscientious, more just than you are.
But nope, that can't happen must be mug affirmative action.
The most liberating thing in life is taking things at face value. If your life isn't what you want it to be, change it. Don't compare yourself to others, at least I'm not as bad as X. At least my ancestors created a great civilisation, at least my genes are the most superior. Well YOUR genes arn't are they? Really...
Stop worrying about things you can't control, don't read about better people, become one.
Black scientists of tomorrow!
youre doing gods work brother
>a room full of niggers in suits and all of them are keenly paying attention to the class
What went wrong Sup Forums
You can't go faster than light buddy deal with it