I literally don't know what to think boys

I literally don't know what to think boys.

Who is more BASED

Bannon is spineless shill cuck who no sense of loyalty

The one who is not pro Israel


>concern trolling

Lol I hope they put in the same prison cell

Gay fanfic right here

When rats get their tails twisted up, they'll fuck each other, shit all over each other and eventually try to eat each other. Other rats will join in fucking the helpless rats and there can be complete pregnancy cycles as more and more rats get twisted together. Trump and Bannon have their tails tied.

trump wed his favorite daughter to a jew and fired the jew's strongest detractor from the white house. remember this when r/the_donald and RNC shills grasping for party unity shill against bannon, who i hate for different reasons.

You are referring to a rat king.