Would you help a Demon mother take care of her son?

Would you help a Demon mother take care of her son?

what a slut
father still unknown

Updates are too slow

For a second there I thought this was Maken no Day Dreamer.

if the biological father is too weak to step up to the plate, then it's your duty. Step-dads are the real heroes, they step up when other """men""" won't.

Literal cuckhold

Im not a cuck, so no.

>le cuck meme

Jesus, this fuckign meme needs to die already. Being a cuck means you like to see your gf/bf fucked by other men. That's it. At this point I don't even know what the fuck you guys think it means. It seems like it's just replaced the generic insult "faggot" on this website, and it's essentially meaningless now.

Regardless, becomming a stepfather doesn't make you a "cuckold" in the slightest. It makes you a man who proves he can provide for the people he loves without a second thought. Not only that, but women can become single mothers for a whole host of reasons. Maybe the biological father passed away due to a sickness or an accident. Maybe he and the woman just couldn't work out their differences. In any case, he's gone and out of the picture, and now this beautiful lady whom you love has children who need a father figure in their lives. Guess who they're going to call "daddy"? That's right, you. Guess who they will ask to walk them down the aisle at their weddings? That's right, you. Who are they going to call when they need advice in life, at 3 am? That's right, you. You are the real father, the man they look up to.

And that's completely disregarding the very real fact that you can have additional children with the mother if you both decide it's what you both want.

nice blog, cuck

I always wondered how invading some other persons life and telling their kid how to live makes the step parent a cuckold

>your wife's son
Fucking cucks.

>Would you help a Demon mother take care of her son?

Nah, I would only take care if it were mine.

It's got nothing to do with liking it.

>Cute manga thread derailed by cuck bulshit less than 10 posts in

pretty much this

Welcome to circa 2015 Sup Forums

But you are an actual cuck, faggot.

I don't think there's anything wrong with raising another man's child if you truly love and care for it as if it were your own. It's a noble pursuit that gives a kid a father figure and a chance to become greater than they otherwise would've been without you in their life.

You can thank Sup Forums for that. They're worse than Sup Forums at this point and the mods and admins of this site refuse to deal with the issue. They've spread out and attack other boards at will, derailing threads with their retarded memes. Then when people get pissed they act like the victims and cry about how everyone else is the bad guy in the situation.

Saved :D

Yes. That's what Onihei would do.

Funny when flags were here, leafs would bring up Sup Forums even though it has nothing to do with it.

I would hardly consider anything serious with a single mother, but if I'm in love some little kid won't get in the way of that.

There's a brief flashback to him. Seems like he died.

t. a good father to his wife's son

Royal is busy, so he can't translate the chapters more often.

if someone is interested on helping us with the translations perhaps we could have faster releases