Why was it so overlooked this season? It was at least better than Gabriel Dropout.
>it was at least better than Gabriel Dropout
t. tasteless faggot.
And it was overlooked because it's fucking boring and based on stupid fortune telling bullshit that no one cares about.
Koume's application to Lune Nova was rejected in favor of Akko's!
It wasn't overlooked. Plenty of people watched it and the people that didn't were vocal about not watching it because it was only girls or yuribait.
>reddit spacing
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
I've watched up to ep 5. I usually enjoy those slow, comfy shows and have no problem watching them.
But Urara was like the most boring anime I've watched in years, I sincerely can't remember a show more boring. Like not even "DURR HURR ANIME SHOULD HAVE ACTION ECKSDEE" but holy fuck it's boring incarnate.
>properly formatted text immediately makes you someone from reddit
What's your disability?
It honestly started mediocre and picked up in the last 4-5 episodes.
But to watch 8 episodes before it gets bearable is just too much for me. I really, really tried, but couldn't do it.
Kill yourself, retard. Why is t. not instantly deleted on Sup Forums anymore?
How about you actually explain why this shit bothers you so much instead of going for a throwaway response like "dude kys lmao".
>Why is t. not instantly deleted on Sup Forums anymore?
That's because not everybody who posts on here is some pathetic fun-hating loser like yourself.
chiya is far better mc than gabriel
Personally, Urara was my AOTS. And Kon is best girl.
>fun-hating loser
my sides
Why do I want to have sex with all the Uraras?
Look, Gabriel Dropout is fine, but the characters honestly don't get that much depth, and the only Gab segment where she might have gotten development was never brought up again. Meanwhile, Urara's main 4 characters are less tropey and are more fleshed out overall.
This is what /u/ faggots want to believe.
>Meanwhile, Urara's main 4 characters are less tropey
the what now?
This, except Nono. Maybe if she had a half-decent VA.
I once thought New Game was the most generic slice of life yuribait show ever, then this anime came along and stole the title. I guess even fans of these types of shows have a limit because it went largely ignored.
Or they were probably distracted by Gabriel Dropout which actually had some humor in it.
The girls were cute.....that was about it. Nothing else was really interesting.
The OST had some nice moments but honestly felt pretty dull apart from Kon being a sexy cutie.
Back to your JoJo generals.
>crossboarding Sup Forumsshit
kill yourself
Hey man I gave it a try, but it's hands down the most soulless by the books slice of life yuribait anime I've seen. Sorry but thems the breaks.
break the conditioning
Fucking affirmative action
Kon is at least a little more than a 'responsible' girl, Nono's mini-arc about overcoming her shyness is different than what most would expect, and, in my opinion, Chiya and Koume both don't fall into any particular trope. Meanwhile, Vigne is absolutely just a 'responsible girl' character, Satania is the "energetic girl", and Raphiel is basically Mugi and Miyuki with a bit of sadism.
Because GJM doesn't have a flipping bot in their irc yet.
gabriel dropout only got traction because satania was a walking meme
be honest, it was a trash anime
Because Urara wasn't on CR, so it Sup Forums and /r/anime's shit fanbase didn't get to see it
>starts with fanbase war
I dont think it was overlooked, retarded amount of threads with equally retarded posts wont do the series any good.
It was better than everything this season, no need to attack other shows directly.
Also Kurou best girl.
Hey I like "t."
Because you need a developed palate to be able to enjoy it.
Dropped it after ep one or two. It's the very definition of cringy moe shit with no substance or fun. (I liked kemofure.)
Why the need to make the same thread again and again crying about it not being popular. You bitch when it's popular because it brings normalfags in, yet you bitch when it isn't popular and has a small following usually with less shitposting. But no you need to create artificial fan base wars for no reason, ruining any thread that does want to talk about it.
Just like Chiya wants her to be.
That started in Sup Forums but no surprise a retard leaf wouldn't know.
You didn't watch enough of it if you think any of that is true.
You can't.
Just watch ep6, if that isn't enough, then really drop it.