What are Israel's interests? There are three. 1: Expand Greater Israel. 2: Prevent Iran from achieving nuclear power. 3: Dismantle and disrupt coherent secular Muslim countries in the region.
Trump has already destroyed two of these interests. By vetoing any war against Iran and Syria, he has completely ruined Israel's path to success on point 2 and 3. Syria is the backbone of anti-zionist resistance in the Middle East, and Iran is the brain stem. So long as those two states are intact, Iran will achieve nuclear weapons by 2030. When Iran has nukes, Israel is fucked. They will be rolled back to their heartland and continue to suffer demographic decline until they cease to exist, or they will be nuked. There is no win strategy for Israel once Iran is nuclear. Trump could "renegotiate" the Iran deal 500 times, there is no way to prevent them from arming without physically destabilizing the country, and that requires boots on the ground or CIA intervention which the Russians will prevent. It took years of effort and enormous amounts of money to spark the puny uprising in Syria and that has already begun to collapse now that Hillary has been disabled
Point 1 has also been handled perfectly. Obama has stuck in the knife, and Trump doesn't need to twist it, he just needs not to pull it out--and he won't. Trump will seek to "negotiate" something with the Palestinians. Israel doesn't want negotiation they want submission. Without it their efforts will be hampered and they will be unable to extend their reach to Iran
Now let us look at this from the Israeli side. The UN has turned against them. They were expecting a bought-and-paid-for stooge like Hillary to back their interests by destroying Syria and giving them a route to seize the South and to infiltrate Iran.
Instead they get Trump, who is nominally on their side but who in reality has already ruined their last-ditch effort to bring down Assad. This is the problem: They cannot chastize Trump for anything he does because he is the only one who is even NOMINALLY on his side. They have to take whatever table scraps he throws them and smile, or else he might turn on them. The problem here is that there's nothing he will do for them that will solve their problems.
Here is the key: Israel is living on borrowed time. Every minute that we are not actively hacking away at Iran's buffer of stable states is a minute that the Iranians get to work on their nuclear program while pretending to be building reactors or whatever. Trump will "renegotiate" the deal with them but he'll focus on the money we gave them, rather than taking actual steps to fuck with their programs, because Trump has prioritized positive relations with Putin over positive relations with Israel.
Putin's geopolitical interests do not align perfectly with ours in most regards, but in THIS regard they do, and Israel is the eternal fucking albatross around our neck that needs to be thrown into the sea. If Trump steers the course he will be a disaster for Israel and our problems in the Middle East will reach a timely, pleasant conclusion.
The short version: Trump is a poison pill for the ZOG machine. They needed a Hillary or a Romney or a Bush but they got Trump, and it's going to destroy them.
Trump just actually doesn't know what the fuck he's doing with Israel so he's being deliberately confusing and allowing Pence and McMaster to take the reigns. He's not honorable in the least.
Henry Thomas
Andrew Rodriguez
McMaster considers Israel an illegitimate occupying power.
Wyatt Long
Mason Reed
Grayson Powell
Cooper Wright
Jason Carter
Dylan Rogers
Carter Allen
Asher Wood
Andrew Wright
Israel will become christian after Trumps wall
Juan Bell
Parker Harris
Ethan Brooks
Liam Flores
RUNDOWN ON THE CURRENT STORM: >Insideranon confirmed on Nov 4th the storm would begin >Storm started and Meganon and FBIanon also confirm it's here >Q Clearance gives more breadcrumbs about Mueller >WHanon appears and tells us that he and Anon5 were doing work "behind the curtain" >DCanon confirms this and also tells us to watch for the 6000 indictments on the way >Last week Megs, Tracey, and StormWatcher tell us indictments are at 9000+ now >Trump coded message on the 1st and 2nd (HUMA, CP) confirm that he is also in on the storm >Q tells us to buckle up last week and talks about Guantanamo and Mattis visits >Huge uptick in activity there, Megs confirms we should be looking there >5StarAnon appears and says to look for big news to drop Wednesdays >Hillary and Bill start to burn evidence at their house, likely under arrest by the military and being transported to Guantanamo as we speak >Huge stories drop today, we are in the eye of the storm right now >Swamp is being drained, it's actually fucking happening
Cooper Ramirez
b-b-but, Rongold Drumbft is a Zionist! Make sure and not vote for him in 2020, goyim!
Cameron Martinez
Samuel Russell
Dominic Diaz
>Last week Megs, Tracey, and StormWatcher
Stop trying to take credit for other peoples' work you degenerate motherfuckers.
Andrew Nelson
You're a dumbass. He is not going to let Iran develop a nuke no matter what. He has done some things to put pressure on Israel however. Ending all of those programs that gave training and weapons to the moderate rebels aka ISIS/Al Nusra/Muslim Brotherhood and their various spin-offs helped Assad do what him and Ghaddaffi were doing before NATO got involved, which was BTFO outta those jihadi niggers with ease. Then moving the embassy put a giant target on Israel's back.
Right now, Trump isn't doing anything but biding his time until Israel's enemies (Syria) rebuild and strengthen up. However, we aren't sure we're these Iran protests are heading but we have a pretty good idea. It's very reminiscent of the Arab Spring protests and that's not good unless you like huge Zionest cock in your ass.
Luke Rodriguez
The Iran deal is still active.
James Baker
>muh 342322334543D chess nevermind his israeli dick sucking or being bought by the rothschilds, theres no comeback whatsoever to him literally selling his children into elite jewish families for breeding.
i dont mind admitting i helped back the wrong horse from afar, it wasnt out of pure naivety, it was grasping for any sort of hope in a desperate political climate. make no mistake the tide has not turned, theres history being written right now but the rope just got 10 foot longer.
David Garcia
You're embarrassing yourself.
Gabriel Johnson
>Ivana recalls Trump studying Mein Kampf >poster claims it was in revenge for 9/11 This is supposed to sync with the time traveling theories, right?
Grayson Howard
Grayson Kelly
In a way. Have you seen this preacher named Kim Clement? I think he was in Plus Ultra as well. He prophesied about this.
Kim Clement is a preacher who makes a ton of prophecies. Only thing is, I think this guy might actually be in secret societies. He talks about Trump. He talks about “The Giant” “The Giant of debt.” aka the Jews. He also talks about someone close to Trump who is young. Could this be Kushner? He says that what this man will do will SHOCK everyone. He is a genius. It really feels like we're watching something crazy Anons. This man also died before Trump became president.
Nolan Stewart
It doesn't matter what is or isn't active. Sorry, but Iran won't develop nukes. I don't believe Trump is a kike shill and even I understand this. Trump isn't on Iran's side either.
Benjamin Price
there is no political tug of war, theres no good guy, politics is their weapon of choice, they own all sides and have for a very long time.
Luis Brooks
Trump = jewlover Trump = Israel first, USA second Trump = my daughter is a jew, fucks a jew, and shits more jews onto the earth
David Price
Dude, it's not about developing nuclear weapons. It's about Israel saying that Iran needs to get rid of the nuke deal and it still being active. the nuke deal is for medicinal purposes of uranium anyways.
Michael Gray
I was joking. Pointing out that the theory is bullshit from the 9/11 angle. Trump also tried running for president by 2000, too. It's probably a lifetime thing that received extra impetus from the 9/11 attacks.
Cooper Morgan
Why wont they leave /pol. No one likes them.
Charles Cruz
Obama was /ourguy/ all along?
Isaiah Rivera
>Secular >Religion based on subjugation of those who commit Haram >Coherent
Nukes were never an option for Israel, nor will it ever be for Iran. Forget the nukes.
Dominic Harris
Because they're paid shills.
Chase Rivera
latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-wilbur-ross-commerce-20161208-story.html >Ross, then an investment banker working for Rothschild Inc., helped bondholders negotiate with Trump, whose finances were unraveling. The final deal reduced Trump’s ownership stake in the Taj but left him in charge, and bondholders were unhappy when Ross presented the plan. >“Why did we make a deal with him?” one asked, according to Rosenberg’s book. >Ross insisted that Trump was worth saving. meet your secretary of commerce
Gavin Barnes
THE NUKE DEAL IS STILL ACTIVE. There's otehr uses for uranium other than weapons retard. the Iran nuke deal is for making medical isotopes of uranium.
Ryan Sullivan
Agreed weve never split the atom. Nukes are fake anyway.
Jace Murphy
Have you heard of "mutually assured destruction"?
Jose Williams
Sorry to burst everybody's bubble, but the 'nuke scare' is just over-hype to justify 'greater israel'. Always has been and always will be. If Iran wanted nukes, they would buy them from Pakistan, USSR, etc...
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Grayson Moore
>b-but muh stupid zionist shill
Tyler White
>Trump will "renegotiate" the deal with them but he'll focus on the money we gave them
...was it not originally their money?
Grayson Watson
Kek. JIDF have such shitty talking points.
Luis Hill
No Punished Trump isn't Trump against Israel... it's Trump vs. The United Nations.
Ross is based as all hell. Probably the most effective Secretary of Commerce in American history. I love listening to his interviews whenever he makes them. He might have a slow cadence, but he is sharp as hell. Trump was right when he said he was bringing in killers.
Tyler Sanders
>Swamp is being drained, it's actually fucking happening I'll believe that when I see people locked up and bodies hanging from ropes.
Are jews trying to coopt fashwave? kikewave?
Daniel Bell
William Watson
No. I made that meme. Kushner isn't a zionist. He's gonna be the one making the speeches detailing what Israel has done and why they are illegitimate. He's going to be the one explaining why they must give all their land back to Palestine.
Daniel Johnson
Don't vote for Trump in 2020, goyim. Trump is a Zionist. leftypol told me so
Gabriel Howard
Q couldn't stop the spread of information. You can't either, OP.
Trump, like Hillary, is a Rothschild puppet.
Adrian Green
Joshua Collins
You know you literally responded to a shill right?
Josiah Gomez
No he isn't
Oliver Ward
>I made that meme Well you wasted your time. It looks like you're saying that the future belongs to the jews. Bad meme, 0/10
Hudson Torres
>partying with the Rothschilds means nothing, goy!
It's all falling down. Paper airplanes don't fly long.
Adrian Robinson
Are you stupid or have you not actually researched Kushner and what he's about?
Henry White
You guys use pictures. A single fucking frame from a single moment in time to extrapolate so much bullshit out of. You need to prove he's a Rothschild puppet with FACTS.
Christian Rivera
>partying with the Rothschilds means nothing! It's over. All that's left is to spread the meme far and wide. There's is no back-peddling now. The Enemy is de-masked and cornered.
Luis Wood
How many presidents get away with not sucking Jew dick hard enough? Last I checked, they end up dead or deposed. Trump hasn't done anything significant to help Israel. What, he said some nice things about Israel and moved an embassy? How does that expand their empire exactly? It seems as if Trump just realized he needed cushioning against any accusations of antisemitism. (((They))) can't call him out on acting against Jewish interest as easily if he's spewing all the same muh greatest ally jargon they are. You never know about an ally. An ally can turn.
Alexander Gomez
the jews have nukes. To force europe to protect them from arabs
Sebastian Wilson
ok il bite. red pill me on kushner, haim.
Jaxon Watson
Bahahahahahahahaha you're a funny namefag. You have good intentions, you're just too retarded to do actual research.
Christopher Bennett
Oh? So debunk my claim with your research then. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Both the Palestinians and Israeli's at this very moment are saying that a 2 state solution is off the table. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and is pretending to be a super shabbos Goy. Israel just a few days ago approved a bill or some shit to annex the west bank.
When Mueller exposes everything Israel and the Rothschilds have done it will invariably lead to the proof that Israel is not only a terrorist nation but illegitimately founded. They will be forced to give all their land back to Palestine.
1 state solution
Jace Jenkins
No. The burden of proof lies with the accuser. A picture is not proof.
Nicholas Reed
Ohhhh you can't debunk my claim? You can't give a good reason for why Trump is long-time friends with the Rothschild Family, or why he employs Rothschild banker in his cabinet? I've given photographic evidence to back my claims, where's yours? This funny namefag just rekt you, the Zionist Plot, and Trumpism in just a few posts. It's over. Swallow your pride and capitulate or meet defeat in shame, I care not which. :)
Game over.
Nathaniel Long
>long time friend Picture doesn't prove that >Employs Rothschild Banker Need to prove that
Liam Martinez
>partying with the Rothschilds during a Gala solely to honor the Rothshilds is not proof of anything! I think you suffer cognitive dissonance. You can't wake up from that tho, but until then you are the enemy too. >Need to prove that Fair request.
See the research now for yourself. I'm off to shower.
Hudson Fisher
I think he is talking about wilbur ross, except he isnt employed by trump. but whatever
Eli Gomez
*You can
i meant. I hope you can...
Easton White
Ayo hol up *smacks lips* so you be saying that a jew is jewing jews`?
how does kushners family benefit from this?
Isaiah Lopez
Why does Kushner's family have to be involved? Trump calls him son. He probably resents his father for being a criminal.
Tyler Cox
Parker Garcia
KekAbuDies says fuck yes, Yisrael will sucxeed! Brown Yews for Yisrael!
Wyatt Johnson
Israel will fall.
Connor Carter
Ffs you stupid namefag, Trump is a billionaire who made his money from ny real estate. You honestly don't think he hasn't had to rub elbows with them so he could conduct business? HURRRRRRRRR. Fucking retard.
I'm so fucking sick of you ignorant faggots who don't follow the truth through your perceived perspective all the way to the full destination and then you get on here and spread your garbage on here while acting like you're king shit. >Rothschild banker Was one. For 20 years of his life. Then bought control of what he was managing. You seem to be failing to catch that detail. Sup Forums covered this before Trump even was elected. Trump hires people that are best for the position based on how much experience they have dealing with what they will be handling in that position.
Elijah Harris
and he's smart enough to know to vet who he hires/values loyalty and hard work above all.
Joseph Johnson
>Trump had to suck Rothschild asshole so he could become rich! Why don't all rich people suck Rothschild asshole then?
>he was a rothschild banker for 20 years >it was nothing
We are winning a game you kikes invented.
Hudson Hill
Dude you have yet to provide one piece of proof of anything you claim besides a picture at a social event. Your head is so far up your own ass you can't see the light of day.
Alexander Garcia
Post yfw: >Trump gibs crumbs and gestures (like releasing the Rabbi) to Israel that embolden them to think he has 100% support of Israel. >Israel false-flags something to provoke a war with an Arab country and Syria/Iran declares war. >Trump finds out that it was a false-flag and calls Israel an aggressor nation and 'America First'. >Pissrael stands alone and gets annihilated.
Caleb Sullivan
Are you fucking retarded, or are yu just another neocoh evangelical? Kim Clement is a fervent zionists who fooled millions of people into blindly following Israel.
GTFO of here, you are wverything wrong with the USA. Damming your soul for a false prophet who tells you to follow satanist kikes.
Justify Trump partying with the Rothschilds are Gala event solely to honor the Rothschilds. Go ahead.
>inb4 1488DD Kabbalistic chess that you can't explain or justify either
Cooper Foster
No. Do you realize the true meaning of Israel. NOT THE COUNTRY. Israel WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE A COUNTRY
>israel is forever
Michael Gomez
>implying they don't You're really outing yourself as a newfag, namefag. Any user worth their salt in politics knows this sordid detail about the world. None who are rich on fiat money get away with conducting their businesses without showing face to the people who control fiat money. Exactamundo.
Hudson Myers
Mass numbers of fooled leftists and minority slaves as well as the WASPfront of Israel will never allow PUNISHED TRUMP to be a reality.
We'll have to settle for crushed New World Order with a free-market Israel or nothing.
It's cool though boys, at least they'll be running the shit with our knowledge and the malice moloch demons of the Rothschild will be over.
Brayden Rivera
You're a fool.
Caleb Roberts
>implying every rich person sucks Rothschild asshole oh my look at all these proofs you provided...
Aaron Perez
THIS. Israel is the entire Earth, not a patch of desert.
BTW, here is another video from you retarded evangelical priest, calling Netanyahu a "Most Holy Prophet" and literaling urging for boots on the ground in Iran.
Yes i'am sure the "spirit of god" is talking directly to this zionist priest and telling the goym to follow NETANYAHU AND INVADE IRAN.