Daily reminder that Trump is a sociopath.
Daily reminder that Trump is a sociopath
What the fuck this the movie devil's advocate ?
It's from this new book, you can trust its accuracy
> Donald Trump allowed Wolff access to his administration due to his favorable opinion of an article Wolff wrote about him from an interview in June 2016 for The Hollywood Reporter. Wolff was allowed to spend time in the White House conducting research for his book. He conducted over 200 interviews with Trump and his associates, and was allowed to witness events at the White House without his presence being managed.[2]
Wtf I love trump even more now.
looks like this book is going to make his fans love him more and his haters to hate him more
Fucking Chad. It's the woman's fault for cheating, she could just say no. Based as fuck, stop being beta and maybe you could hold onto your women.
no shit he's a politician and an actor
Donald Trump ensnares people into his world the way rats do when their tails get tied together. When rats get their tails wrapped together, they squirm, bite, fuck each other and shit all over each other until they die. During this process other rats will opportunistically get involved and occasionally also get their tails tied together. Eventually all the rats tie in one mass of shrieking, shriveling, rotting flesh. Trump is the rat king of our time.
>Trump plots for months to fuck his friend's wives
>evangelical Christians will still love him
Yeah ok bud good luck with that one