Opinion on ghost in the shell live action?

opinion on ghost in the shell live action?

opinion on live action in general? trash right?

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I wanted to leave the cinema 2 times so far. Once was Star Wars Episode 3 the other one was Ghost in the Shell. At least Episode 3 had one interesting character, GitS just looked pretty.

stop making fucking threads about it. everyone fucking hates it. lurk more.

Discussion of live action media belongs on television and film

It's trash, sure, but not as trash as the original movie.

im aware everyone hates it.i hate it too.my non weeb friend says it has good reviews from "all the anime fans" so thanks for proving my point

looking for weeb opinions not tv fags

Sup Forums rule #4 nigger

I watched it saturday. In my opinion it looked really pretty and was competently filmed, but it was boring. The story was uninteresting and predictable and the action scenes were short and unexciting.
It felt like they wanted to do a middle ground between the philosophy-oriented Oshii film and a futuristic action movie but it failed at both. Hell, even the people in the theatre where I watched the film was bored.

Was it just me or did Scarlet look like she doesn't know how to fire a fucking gun when she killed the Geisha?

No idea; I was too distracted seeing how Major Scarlett was outsmarted and beaten by nearly everyone.

scarlet is the worst actor I can think of

They basically strip mined the entire GITS franchise for anything they thought would have Hollywood appeal, then on realizing they had a confused mess on their hands, tried to cover it up with star power and flashy visual effects. Thankfully, Americans saw through this and it flopped.

I just worry that either it complely bombs and the Hollywood execs decide that anime adaptations can never work, or it does AMAZING... in China and then we get nothing but china-pandering flashy garbage like Michael Bay Transformers movies.

He is... the Edge Of Tomorrow

It could have been a lot worse. Stupid script, dumbed down story. But it had some good stuff that almost make up for the dumb shit, Chief Aramaki was great, Batou was great. Major was okay but most of her dialogue was horrible, but I can't really knock ScarJo when her script was horrible. Obviously the visuals were gorgeous. Villain sucked, some weird mishmash of all the gits villains while not really doing any of them well. Tons of GitS fanservice, like TONS. A lot of details only fans would notice.

7 / 10 Does come anywhere near of holding a candle to Oshii's film, and nobody was expecting it too. Shallow and stupid, but competent and entertaining. It must of done something right, because it really made me want to binge-watch all the GitS stuff again. Could have been a LOT worse.

Wasn't this film an actually decent adaptation that no one watched?

ign pls go

It was alright.

>Chief Aramaki was great
I have to disagree with that. He had one amazing scene, but every other time he was on screen, he just seemed so bored. Like he really didn't want to be there.

Sorry user but I vehemently disagree.
The "don't send rabbits to hunt a fox" bit was fun; same with the scenes copied from the 1995 movie, but that's it. That film wasn't entertaining at all.
I'm not one of those "my childhood was raped" individuals and I don't really mind if Hollywood decides to make live-action adaptations of japanese series, but still I found the movie bad because it was bad.

>Major was okay
How? She was the worst thing about it.
Not because of ScarJo, but simply because all about Motoko's character was completely shat on.
She was nothing like the Major.

Batou was the only decent thing about the movie, other than the visuals.

Her walking style seemed so fucking stupid.

That sounds like Aramaki to me.

Fair enough. I hesitate to even call the movie good, I just know that I was surprisingly entertained by it. Up there I meant to say "Does NOT come anywhere near to holding a candle to Oshii's film." I think might have just enjoyed the film because it sprinkled a lot of GitS lore into the movie.

Let's talk about how bottomlessly stupid the script is. First lines of the movie


And did anyone else notice how literally no one but the Japanese-speaking character knew how to pronounce "Hanka"? They always called it "Hanker," even Hanka's own CEO.

I think I just shut my brain off and enjoyed it for what it was. It was hard to be disappointed when my expectations were so fucking low.

He pissed away that (already poor) excuse with the second question.

>one interesting character

you meant Sheev, right?

its a 6/10 and im being generous about it

Noone actually knew about it being an adaptation. They just fucked up marketing, the anime adaptation thing didn't hit it.

The Ghost in the Shell live-action has flopped and I'm grateful. Every worthless piece of shit involved in the creation of that failure is now forever written off, if you ask me. Hollywood has committed a cardinal sin. Their arrogant, elitist and self-entitled attitudes have spawned a sacrilege to classic anime. I will proceed to boycott and ignore anything even remotely related to this abortion of a film and those who brought it into existence can fuck right off.

The gas chamber for ScarJo simply because her hideous frame and butterface could not possibly have done Motoko Kusanagi's beauty justice. Her acting was stilted and hollow. Even the philosophical inquiries were way off. They literally fucked everything up.

Lastly, Mamoru Oshii can slit his wrists with any of the old razors that were sent to him from angry fans pisses at him for insulting other works. He was supportive of this fucking shitpile of a movie and that is where he failed miserably. From now on, I never touch a filthy Hollywood adaptation of an anime unless they take their heads out of their fucking asses and do it correctly. Paramount, DreamWorks, Reliance, Amblin and Arad can all go fucking drink Drano and die miserably. ScarJo can go get raped over and over again in a Russian gulag. This shit will not fucking fly, and from the looks of it, this travesty of a film will not make its budget back. If they dare make another, I sincerely hope some lives involved get cancelled out.

Ghost has been used to wipe quite a lot of asses, and that is unforgivable.

It's a competent but mediocre cyberpunk action film that largely misses the point of the 1995 movie. (though arguably the story is more thematically a mashup between 2nd Gig and Arise and the Hanka Ghostdubbing arc of the manga)

It isn't actually that bad. I would say it's actually a notch above most of the generic blockbuster shit that critics go crazy over. It's far better than basically any marvel movie I've seen.

There are some major letdowns though.

The movie opens on a sour note not using the GITS theme during the shelling sequence.

The Whitewashing/origin storyline came off as on the nose. I didn't care about the whitewashing shit, but the way its handled in the film is bad and awkward.

Feels like there was a lot cut from the final act as you see the team together to take on Hanka... and then you just see Aramaki roam into the office of the CEO and beat takeshi the fuck out of him. Apparenly 30/40 mins were cut before it hit cinemas, so maybe it was from this?

I would give it a solid 5/10. Where say, Guardians of the Galaxy would get a 4 and most marvel/capeshit movies would get like a 3 or 2.

>Thankfully, Americans saw through this and it flopped.

Lol wut? Movies waaaaay worse than this like all Marvel movies dominate the box office and they are literally copy-paste formulaic as fuck films as they get.

This movie would have flopped even if it was a critical darling I suspect. It's just not something the public was interested in.

The coughing android.

They should have made a Pandora in the crimson shell movie instead, casting Jennifer Lawrence as Nene and Adriana Grande as Clarion

I'm actually with ya. You more or less summed it up. The Chief, Batou and the Major were the stars of the show.

The villain was flatter then an DFC (which was why he was terrible, why was he "herka-durk-durk I'm just a dick!)

It was alright, Something I wouldn't pay 20 bucks for. I've never seen the first GITS movie, so I can't compare. It was competent, entertaining, and one of the most beautiful movies I've seen.

A 7/10 , maybe a C- , definitely better then what we thought it was going to be. Not great, but alright.

And like you, I wanna binge on the franchise myself again, I just need to dig up said things first.

Far from trash, but also a long way from really good.

Visually a 11/10, but the plot was boring hollywood garbage.

I have to say that as awful as this movie was, the sets/environments are fucking -iconic-. When people mention this movie in ten years they will be gushing about the city with just side notes about how bad the script was.

>First lines of the movie

That is such spoonfeeding bullshit. What a shame.

>GITS main theme used in the credits and nowhere else.

El fantasma en la concha.

wasnt it at the beginning? maybe a remix?

>opinion on ghost in the shell live action?
Pretty much as good as I thought it'd be. Just okay.

>opinion on live action in general? trash right?

Will the chinese market save this from completely flopping?

>Waaaah......It's not made by Island chinks so it's not good and this I'll shit on it on the internet

>7/10 out of anything with bland plant persona ScarJew

Why was Scarlett doing the virgin walk the entire time?

I want to see it even though I know I'll be disappointed because so much of criticism has been "muh whitewashing" and I feel like that isn't giving it a fair shot

I saw it my friends love it...i thought it was ok...I think the critics would have given it better ratings if the the lead was Asian though and i do agree Major should be Asian. It's a movie you download for free on the internet when you have nothing else to do.

go back to your containment board

I went in with low expectations. I was thinking as long as it was better than Michael Bay's Transformers in execution and treated the source material better than the Hollywood Dragonball movie, then I could at least deal with it as a sci-fi action flick.

Scarlet all hunched over and stomping around like an idiot whenever she had to walk somewhere was kind of distracting, but other than that I didn't really see anything I hated. It wasn't a great movie but it wasn't bad, either. I thought it was OK.

Wasn't trash, but it wasnt great. It was a typical sci-fi flick. Action was kinda boring, but the visuals for the most part were fantastic

It had nice visuals, but everything else sucked

Imagine a shittier Edge of Tomorrow without the charm.

I hated those suits, just give them full warhammer 40k body suits ffs.

So I fucked off from watching it, and watched the actual 1995 movie instead, which was a rollercoaster of a ride.

But I heard in the past that the GitS series is shit or something.
Is this true? Or is it something only due to SAC2 or whatever that recent one was?

They're referring to Arise, which was a crapshoot. SAC is great all around.


>there are people who thought this was a movie about ghosts haunting crabs.

What about that Filipino live-action movie remake of the World Masterpiece Series version of Princess Sarah?

Only heard about it on TV Tropes since I am a huge fan of World Masterpiece Theater (especially Anne of Green Gables) but I never saw the live-action movie since I can't a find subtitled version and it was only shown in the Philippines.
And this movie was made before the time that almost all Filipino movies get English subtitles and they were desperate for foreign markets to watch their films.

I enjoyed it

I never expected it to come even close to the first animated movie, but hey, that's fine. I kinda liked how they played with our expectations here and there, with Major's "real" identity and her relationship with Kuze. The movie really gave me the feel they at least bothered to understand the source material, even if they dumbed it down. But then again, dumbing it down depends on perspective i guess. Anime, manga and movies already differ in tone and how seriously they get themselves. Can you imagine the kawaii uguu~ tachikomas in the first Oshii film? Of course not. So this movie really isn't any different, it's just another take

I didn't like how sappy the Major could get with her two moms and Kuze, but then again, i didn't particularly like the origins/Kuze subplot in SAC either. Simply in both cases the things i liked were enough to make me ignore those i didn't

Batou was a bro. Loved how Haramaki didn't hush a single English word. Lack of nipples aside it was nice to see they didn't shy away from showing the Major butt naked so often. The scenes recreated from the first movie were pretty cool

My biggest complaint is the villain was too generic. I'm not even talking about his motives, those were fine although simple, the guy himself was just too... nothing in particular

Shame this won't get any sequel i guess, i was curious to see where they would head after this origins story was done. But i guess cyberpunk will always be niche, star power or not

Hey sup moTOko
My nigga toGUsa does not even use a revolver
So much worse action scenes and generic state against supervillian plot. Fuck them.
At least it had cool aesthetics.

Scarjo being a midget needs to pose herself like a man to appear confident and 'threatening'.

>apear confident
>get tased by generic bar thug no. 2
>and some weird guy in the cellar
>and then abducted by Hanka henchmen to be executed, without even trying to resist
Apart from the linear plot and removal of philosophical aspects my biggest issue with to movie was that the major is way to fucking weak.

Also they should've used the original song for the shelling sequence.

Movie wasn't as bad or as good as it could've been. Enjoyable but still disappointing because of wasted potential. Visuals are great.

Loved it.

Didn't feel like Ghost in the Shell at all.

Major especially felt completely out of character.
She was way too weak and felt like a damsel in distress way too often. Major should fucking never be seen as a damsel in distress, with zero control of the situation.
For fuck's sake, she got taken out by goons with TASERS twice, and had hard time standing up to some roided up club thug.

Kuze was pretty ok I guess, and far more interesting antagonist than the "lol ebil corporate boss guy".
The backstory they came up with for Major was hamfisted and cliched, and failed to make me care about it at all.

Also, the biggest fucking crime in that movie was how they DIDN'T PLAY MAKING OF A CYBORG THEME IN THE FUCKING SCENE THEY STOLE FROM THE MOVIE.


One of the few good live-action adaptations of anime.

maybe a remix? felt like a new theme paying homage really, the new theme gave me a little anxiety because I kept waiting for that second "aaaaaaa" that never came

Fuck off with your shitty /r9k/ memes. I think this film would have been far worse. Fights were decent (no memorable though) and the end fight was pretty awful. The world looked really cool with all the right Blade Runner vibes. I think there was the right a mount of philosophy bullshit too. Kind of mediocre but didn't piss me off or make me look at my watch.

Was a pretty solid movie. Not great but deserved more attention than it got.

They turned a perfectly profound story into a mediocre 'hollywood-esque' one.

Fucking cringed when they revealed she was previously named motoko.


It's shit.

You can find it on Youtube, I think, if you want to watch it yourself.

There's also the loose live-action adaptation made by the Japs. Changed Becky to a boy so they can have romance lul.

All i know is i want to fugg that shell

only cybersex, doesn't have the required hole. This one doesn't even have nipples

It has a hole alright

Not that a hole is necessary to rub a rod

all live action is shit

no exceptions

Serious question. Why didn't Aramaki speak English?

Can Takeshi even speak fluent English?

But it adds to the atmosphere imo

This might seem exceedingly weeaboo, but I actually want to watch it dubbed in japanese. At least it'll sound like GiTS, even if it doesn't really look like it.

Even the world looks like some sort of hyper turbo blade runner rather than gits that more very near future.

to remind people that japanese people were still a thing, despite actually being set in japan.

It's sort of fucked that the only credited japanese actress is never seen on screen though.

The mom wasn't Japanese?

she was

Felt like the director actually knew the source material or at least bothered to watch the movies and maybe SAC.

But then the completely horrible attempts at philosphy that fell flat constantly even if some of them were almost carbon copies of the 1995 film.

Too bad the bad guy was straight out of a bond film, the spider tank scene sucked ass and the whole origin plot was awful.

Batou feeding dogs was nice tho, and overall the movie had beautiful effects.

4/10. Barely qualifies as entertainment.

I was talking about Rila Fukushima never seen in flesh on screen, as she was only used as the model for the geishas and I think voiced one of them.

I don't know if the mother was credited or not.

Complete shit, especially considering the original. Gunplay and action were about as generic as you can get. Acting was completely horrible. I was cringing two minutes in when Hanka's CEO and the doctor started arguing about whether the major was a weapon. Awful forced dialogue to try and push babby's first existential narrative.

Story and character development were dogshit, I'm pretty sure it's never made clear who the major is, what section 9 is, why it exists, how these characters are together, etc. They tried to stitch together puppetmaster and the two main arcs of the TV series and failed completely. Major is an emotional wreck and it doesn't make sense why she's in her position. I completely fail to see how you're supposed to discern the motivations of the characters without just know all this contextual stuff beforehand from other GITS works.

Visuals were aight, sometimes. The city felt overilluminated at times and seemed more like a homage to Akira rather than GITS. Certainly the actual scene composition wasn't particularly good. They did a real half ass job of recreating scenes from the 1995 movie, not sure why they forced it so hard. They completely missed the point of those scenes, ignoring the philosophy, world building, character development, and atmosphere they're supposed to create. Chase scene was crap, tank scene was crap, invisible assassination scene was crap, making of a robot was crap, etc.

tldr: SJ is a shit actor, whoever directed this is a shit director, and they completely missed the whole point of GITS as a franchise. expected/10

It's shit.
Day After Tomorrow was actually okay, though.

>Chase scene was crap, tank scene was crap, invisible assassination scene was crap, making of a robot was crap, etc.
i disagree a bit, some of them were OK. The only one that really stuck out was the boat/diving scene, because they missed the point of that one entirely.

Edge of Tomorrow, I meant.

Very much this. All the shots of the city streets and skyline with floating holo ads were fucking gorgeous. I also liked the look of Batou's car and the corporate hitmen and the orange suit doctors with visors. The story was a pile of overcooked oatmeal.

This was actually good though

If it makes you feel any better, the credits song was actually some kind of remix, but the first minute or so is the same as the third chant song (謠III Reincarnation). I actually think it would have been worse if they tried to use the original sound track at all, it would have felt even more like desecration rofl

The only good thing about it is that it sucked enough performance wise for Hollywood to leave the franchise the fuck alone now.

It was fairly trash.

They did one interesting thing, with Major infact losing her memory and being a different person before. That and the Major in this interaction was very young (like literally newborn) and very unsure of themselves. That was actually an interesting contrast.

Too bad they did absolutely fuck all with it an the movies is trash.

Not really. It's breaking box office records on China

IDK man, rewatch the chase scene from the 1995 movie. I remember the fighting at the end of the live action was really shitty and emotional in a way it never would be in the OG film.

Live: Dude gets to the end of the alleyway, sprays his bullets for no discernable reason, major gets really upset and spends ten minutes beating on him.

Anime: Dude gets to the end, is relieved, hears a noise and sprays instincitvely, wasting his bullets. Major is invisible and just watches him swing around like an idiot before taking him out like a pro. There's also spiel about how this guy is just another puppet and doesn't even know why he's doing what he's doing.

The chase scene in the anime paints Major and Batou as competent, shows off future tech, and highlights how much of a pawn this guy is. In the live action, it's basically just to have Major whack some dude on the ground for way too long. Similar story with the tank scene, which (in the anime) shows off how desperate Major is to get to the puppetmaster.

Yup. Having literal whitewashing as a plot point was a good idea on itself.

I thought the exact same thing.

Was it just me, or did Scarlet look like she doesn't know how to fucking walk when she was walking places?

that's true, but that doesn't mean the scene is complete trash. They still somewhat got the most important part, the guy with the implanted memories realizing he doesn't have a daughter, across. The meaning of the boat/diving scene was lost entirely.

Did they credit the original Motoko who is seen without her face for like two seconds?

Well, I guess I feel like they completely missed out on the contemplative atmosphere of these scenes, which to me is the entire point. The daughter memories thing was also not a part of this scene in the live action (iirc), and in the original movie that's a completely seperate character. I felt like the purpose of the scene in the live action was to recreate a scene that existed in the anime movie, rather than actually being meaningful for the narrative they had built up to that point. I guess you could argue it introduces the character who has false memories, but there are loads of other ways to introduce characters, and clearly they weren't too concerned about being faithful. I think the director was just like "yeah, i LOVE this scene from the original, let's remake it" or just trying to grab at fan's tingly bits to increase marketability.

She was acting robotic. When she sits down at her moms place for example she rested her arms next to her legs like they were dead limbs since she didn't need them at the moment

I don't think it was necessary but i can see why they made her do that

I dislike that however, they shouldn't have changed so much about her character and the background of the world. Her distinguishing feature isn't that she's the first cyborg, full body prostethics are rather common. It is that she went full prostethic at a really young age, and that she's incredibly competent. Thats why she works at section 9 and is deemed irreplaceable. Its like they invented a new character for the movie, not based it around what is already established in the franchise.

8/10, better than the reviews

who here watched it without having seen the original gits?