3x3 Thread
3x3 Thread
3/3 but why you mixing movies with series
What's the top left? Looks interesting. Top right too.
At least try and hide how new you are.
Left Paranoia agent Right Bartender
5/9 Nice
mah nigga what the fuck
Don't you fucking dare dump all those shitty /m/ 3x3s. No one wants to look at that garbage.
>complains about no text
Is this a new feature?
I think you managed to out-pretentious well done.
sorry this took so long to post; I was admiring it.
I don't know how anyone can unironically enjoy Angel's Egg, shit as boring as watching ink getting dry.
Mixed feelings
me 2bh
What anime is bottom left? I remember that girl from somewhere
Before I knew where this was going, I would've listened to you. Right now I distance myself from whatever you have to say. I've made this something way bigger than you are ever gonna be. I made it this far, and I'm taking it to the top...
I don't know if this is a attempt to copy cuppy or it is the fag himself.
Junrui wa Suitai Shimashita
same reason people enjoy 2001 a space odyssey and most Tarkovsky films.
Don't give me that crap.
muh pretentious
I love the surreal atmosphere
you better rewatch k-on, hibikek, konoshitba
Besides LotGH with it's bland dialogues I don't understand how anyone could actually dislike any of those shows. I showed many of those too people of all walks of life and they all loved many of those shows.
But I'm guessing it's just people pretending they dislike them so they can sound more hipster and unique.
> how anyone could actually dislike any of those shows.
Ergo Proxy is maybe the most boring, pretentious shit I ever watched. I find Kaiba a little bit boring and meh, don't really get the hype surrounding it, but it isn't particularly bad either, same goes for GitS and Haibane Renmei. Angel's Egg is fucking boring.
I didn't like NHK because I couldn't really relate to the MC, despite being a NEET myself.
Not a fan of Monster, but it's better than the ones I mentioned until now.
Tatami Galaxy and Lain are good, NGE is God-tier.
Well, this is one of the reasons I know people are just pretending to dislike them. Just taking the most generic way to label a show in a negative way. Yeah, I sure am fuckin convinced.
3/6 +Paranoia -FMA
6/6 +HxH, Rurouni, Jojo.
Nice taste desu
3/3 +LotGH
What did you expect you fucking faggot? I mention like 10 shows in my post, do you want to me to go in-depth about why each one of them are bad?
Also, not liking something because it's boring for you is valid as fuck reason to not like something. When people say that Ergo Proxy is boring, they are not pretending to find ergo proxy boring, they simply do.
> I sure am fuckin convinced.
You asked reason why people might dislike something, I gave you reasons, If you want a fucking essay or a convincing argument, make a convincing argument yourself as to why each of these shows are good and I i'll think about countering.
they simply find It boring*
>why each of these shows are good and I i'll think about countering.
They're all thrilling and exciting to watch. That's why I'm not fulled by the whole "boring" argument.
3/3 That image quality though
>when you see a good 3x3 but ends up being ruined by 1 mech show.
*Trigger Warning*
whats the shows on the middle right, and also the one on the bottom left? Are they any good?
Yeah, because Lain isn't a boring piece of shit either, such a thrilling anime to watch with its almost non-existent characters that can't express more than two emotions correctly. Lain herself is an abysmal character, people like what happens to her, not the character itself. Reading blog posts about the thing is actually more interesting than watching it.
Having everything shoehorned to a subpar story with tension-less mecha battles doesn't make the show better than the ones you labelled as "boring". I don't understand how can anyone in their right mind take NGE seriously.
Haibane Renmei is amazing, so is Tatami Galaxy. Deceptively simple and accessible on the surface but surprisingly intricate when deciphered. Those don't fall in the common "2deep4u" trap many pseudo-philosophical anime fall into (hello NGE and Lain) and have actual relatable characters instead of having either bricks or 1 dimensional assholes with mommy/daddy issues.
Lain is boring as fuck what you mean. I agree with other user. It's also aged like fucking milk. I agree with what he says about the other shit too. Everything is overly philosophical and slow as shit. The only thing he;s wrong about is NHK. Angels Egg was also kind of fun in my opinion. Then again i'm a sucker for great 80's art.
Being overly philosophical and slow isn't really an issue as long as the show is gripping.
Haibane Renmei is slow, and people usually have issues with its relatively, but justified, drab and quiet presentation (especially early on) to strengthen its melancholic atmosphere. But it's far from being boring because it doesn't go overboard with it unlike Lain or Texhnolyze. The characters actually feel like real people that can express more than two emotions, they organically react to things differently, have needs and desires, are affected in a believable and relatable way to what's happening to them. The symbolism is also organically implemented, the drama is well-executed and understated, causing it to feel genuine.
The only episode I feel was kinda meh was episode 3, other than that I didn't have any issues at all with Haibane Renmei.
It's also the only ABe anime that has its vagueness taken advantage of (which is a flaw you also find in both Lain and Texh) since this is what primarily fuels the drama in the show.
Unless you really dislike slow-moving shows, I don't see how anyone could hate on Haibane, at all.
>Unless you really dislike slow-moving shows, I don't see how anyone could hate on Haibane, at all.
This, it's the only reason people can dislike stuff like Haibane, Ange's Egg or Lain.
Angel's Egg is almost impossible to understand unless you know for a fact about it's religious undertones which most people won't.
Not exactly. You just have to understand the concept of faith and pretty much every adult on the planet does to some degree. empty egg = blind faith isn't something you'll figure out only if you adhere to a specific religion. You just have to know that some people are conscious of what they believe in and some are not.
If you found something boring that means that it didn't deal with themes that you found relevant to yourself. That is a valid reason to not like something but it is not a valid criticism unless you actually believe that everything in the world should be specially tailored to suit your personal taste.
>They're all thrilling and exciting to watch.
For you.
Symbols are universal. It's possible to understand it at least on an intuitive level. It's possible to enjoy it from an aesthetic perspective.
Names of all these?
>That image quality though
As expected from a lazy shit that doesn't rate every one above him.
How does not rating everyone make him lazy?
rate others
Bad taste, pretty good aesthetics.
Awful taste, looks unremarkable.
Pretty good taste, looks acceptable.
Consider me fully triggered.
Pretty good taste and aesthetics.
Bad on all levels.
Pretty good taste, looks decent.
Acceptable taste, looks unremarkable.
Good taste and aesthetics, except for those manga pages.
Pretty good taste, looks acceptable.
Boring on all levels.
Decent taste and look.
Honest taste and honest look.
Decent taste and aesthetics.
Good taste, decent look.
Acceptable taste but it looks unpleasant. At least you tried though.
Okay taste, looks unremarkable.
5/6 -Inferno Cop
>he changed it again
5/6 -Inferno Cop
2.5/3, still watching kino
2.5/3, still watching tex
3/6 -Jojo part 4, Yahari, Gintama
5.5/6, still watching tex
2/4 -Jojo 4, KinMoza
3/4 -CG
4/5 anime -Drifters
Filler text
2/5 Manga
3/7 Anime
4/4 - I really need to go watch Inferno Cop.
The only way this could be more obvious bait is if it had SAO.
5/6 - How is Black Lagoon? I'm looking for more anime and it's been recommended kinda frequently.
As for my shit, people only ever achieve things through sacrifice, and if you really want to change your life or the world you need to make some pretty fucking big sacrifices. Too much anime gets by without any sense of consequence, so it's always nice to see stuff where shit actually matters.
And then the comedic stuff is just fucking hilarious.
Depending on how the rest of LWA goes it could take a spot here.
Oh for fucks sake, why does the mobile app suck so much ass?
what is middle?
One Punch Man
>Gundam seed destiny
The fuck is wrong with you user?