What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Sup Forums?
Has the unconscious association between kawaii anime shoujo and Trump support, propagated via propaganda pics like this one, gone too far?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Sup Forums?
Has the unconscious association between kawaii anime shoujo and Trump support, propagated via propaganda pics like this one, gone too far?
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Sup Forums is ALWAYS right
Fuck off back to .
Keep this shit off of Sup Forums.
I think you should go back after checking these.
You have to go back.
*Except when they're wrong
Fuck off and stay there.
I feel like is the best board for underages.
I like the cute girls with the hats.
Sup Forums is unfortunately one of the best sources of news these days just because everything else is so unreliable.
Politics brings out the worse in people for some reason. I don't give a shit about any of this shit.
Is this canada way to cover up their fuck up?
You have to go back.
Sup Forums has been infested by Reddit since the election, it's not fun anymore. You can't even have a good loli thread anymore.
>Sup Forums is unfortunately one of the best sources of news these days just because everything else is so unreliable.
t. Vladimir
Sometimes the hats look really good on the girls so I don't mind.
not anime
This only leads to shit flinging, please keep it on
Puffy vulva.
jumped the shark by manifesting itself into a presidential candidate
Sup Forums will never be able to separate itself from trump, his controversies or the alt-right
the kinda cool thing will be that trump and his memes will supplant all the hitler ones and the fetishistic obsessions of the late 20th century and early 21st century over hitler and his regime (by both those who like him or hate him) will be replaced with fetishistic obsessions of trump by those who like him and those who hate him
and trump isn't that bad of a guy compared to hilter so that's kinda cool
The election brought a huge wave of cancer from Reddit and it's filled with "ecks dee anime memes amirite trump! haha MAGA haha"
All lolicons and fags should be gassed.
Top lads who get a bad rap when people from other boards decide to talk politics.
>giving hats to non-Americans
That's what makes me mad the most, utterly retarded.
Sup Forums is just the bottom of our society arguing that they're not the true bottom because of magic
I don't disagree with their positions for the most part but their userbase is borderline illiterate. Super low quality posts.
"Finally, I can post about anime, pokemans, my little pony, and politics in one place."
It's shit m8
I always go to Sup Forums to get my alternative news(tm) after reading the real news.
Before Trump it was also to laugh at edgy jokes and pictures but now I laugh at LARPing retards and their conspiracy theories. It's a fun board but I never post since my flag is not relevant.
People who use reaction images from shows they haven't watched are scum
What anime features a leader who gets impeached after he sells out his country?
Yes its very stale now and full of cancer. The election was a blast though start to finish. So many memes.
>he fell for the "factual information is fake news" meme
Nope, Sup Forums is ALWAYS right
>Canadians are this mad that they lost
day of the rope/rake cannot come soon enough.
Am I scum if I haven't watched to show but have fapped to it many times?
>an anonymous image board
>best source of news
What did they lose
Sup Forums goers are literally worse than Sup Forums retards and should stay the fuck off Sup Forums
Damn, I guess that means Trump really is Hitler.
The fact that you even made this thread is all we need to know you're a cancerous piece of shit like that entire board.
I've completely shut myself off from all news and politics and am now a much happier person.
I don't want to start spamming headlines but there are a lot of cases of the big news organizations flat out lying.
Sup Forums's transformation from Hitler to Trump would be like a leftist Sup Forums going from Stalin to Elizabeth Warren or some shit.
Tell me your secret.
Alt-right that is.
Ignorance is bliss
stop using Sup Forums and get involved in your local community. It makes you much happier and opens up a lot of free time.
If the one day of flags has taught me anything its that you guys are probably Turks
Fuck off, Sup Forums
You don't deserve to put a MAGA hat on Shinobu.
Remember to thank Hiroshimoot for inviting this shitposting to Sup Forums
It's all an exercise in futility. Everyone around me is a robot with per-programmed opinions and there's no point in talking or paying attention to any of it.
It's much funner to argue about anime or videogames. Because at least there's a heart there! People have their own opinions formed from the heart that they'll still defend with passion, but not mindless fanaticism (usually).
>implying far right ideologies are not extremely popular in Turkey
best board to chill with russian shills
When the reddit nation attacked.
go back to your containment board you faggots
You tell me.
ITT: Canada.
>implying 'ree ree everybody get the fuck off my board' isn't a far right ideology
Not that I don't agree on this particular issue. This thread is pointless.
Post more cute hat girls
Sup Forums is containment for underage retards who think they know how the world works. It's where you belong.
Who cares Shinobu is a dirty used goods slut.
Sup Forums has gotten so caught up in shitting on hillary supporters that they forget how quickly the tide can change, then again they try to forget them being wrong immediately after the fact too.
Why do libs want us to go to war against russia? Why is it that it's wrong for us to want peace when they literally almost elected a warmongering bitch.
You crossed the line
Nigger, I will fight you.
Pol stands for Poor Obese Losers
Also, donuts suck.
But no cases of Sup Forums lying?
They even lie to themselves.
It was like that before. Sup Forums has been poe's law for years
Bitch you what?
Fuck off.
how narcissistic does a person have to be to get a continual rush from habitual falseflagging
You heard me.
>98% chance to win
I hope for the better of Sup Forums that it's falseflagging
Sup Forums stands for Poop OnLine.
>equating celebrity news to real news
shiggy diggy
You fatshaming?
Don't watch the news and don't talk to people about politics, seems simple enough, I've done the same myself. I talk to friends about video games or shows and if they mention politics just say you're not interested and move on.
Blonde loli whore
Not as bad as Senjougahara though I'll give you that
I wish hiromoot made it so people could not use Sup Forums if they post in other boards
We need a wall
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are literally killing Sup Forums
You know you've done something wrong when you eclipse Sup Forums tenfold when it comes to cancer.
The difference is that Sup Forums does nothing but make shit up.
Reminder that weeaboos don't deserve happiness, they all deserve the gallows.
>liking a literal cuckoo
They're terminally spooked
>stop using Sup Forums
uses Sup Forums
>the board with trolls, autists, white supremacist is the reliable board.
C'mon son.
That's not a tweet from her
I'm trying you know. I've only been here for thirty minutes today.
One day I'll stop using this place for good and become happy.
The wall should be around uber allies /jp/ and /c/ too.
That's /vg/.
I actually saw a thread on Sup Forums of multiple anons talking about "mysterious coincidences" like trouble making posts on Sup Forums or their email loading slower than they were expecting and them freaking out and taking it as reliable evidence that they were "getting too close to the truth" so THE CONSPIRACY must be tracking them and trying to hamper their expert investigative skills reading wikileaks and shitposting about secret satanic pizza tunnels.
No beef there, CNN is garbage. When we sent like a thousand troops into Poland, on TV all they were talking about on CNN is fucking Twitter drama at the whitehouse.
Mainstream media does have some fuckups and misleading headlines, sometimes outright lies. It sucks. So then you turn to the alternative news, which... is just 90% bullshit and propaganda designed to get your clicks. You see the problem there, right?
>Man, the mainstream media isn't always reliable. Instead of fact-checking and verifying everything I hear about across multiple sources like a responsible citizen... I'll just go get all my news from INFO WARS!
>the two boards with the biggest reddit contamination are the most cancerous.
who would of though.
>3 million votes
>smaller electoral victory than Obama, Both Bushes, Clinton, ETC