What should we do about posters from cancerous boards like Sup Forums spreading their cancer in Sup Forums?
BAN Sup Forums FROM Sup Forums
I hate Sup Forums but /mlpol/ was one of the best boards on the site, we need to bring it back
Ban evading is a sin.
Day of the rake first, you fucking leaf.
Bans aren't bans anymore, they are mistakes made by mods who don't follow board culture.
You're just denying the fact that leftism is dying.
Also, these threads are cancer
Crossboarders like you in general are cancer. Now delete this shitty thread
Ban them all, and "trigger" them with lolis.
But is it so bad yet that we need metathreads?
>this thing is already banned and always has been since it's off-topic, so let's make an off-topic meta thread about it
Fuck off, retard.
I'm all for removing Sup Forums but they are a tiny minority here.
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
Don't like it? Fuck off to reddit then you cuck nigger faggot.
people who derail countless threads screaming Sup Forums are just as bad, and happen to be mostly canadian
Most of us just want to shitpost with you, and keep our politics to ourselves. I won't complain about Jews on Sup Forums, I just wanna be comfy
link to the offending posts or fuck off
>>>/spa/ showed us that all shit posts, even on Sup Forums are Canadians
I second this. For one day I actually enjoyed visiting Sup Forums
suck my cock dude.
Hello OP. I just wanted to inform you that I have saged and reported your thread?
Reported, we need to make a lefty Sup Forums to double the autism desu
Enjoy ya ban
You first
Sup Forums keeps the tumblrfags, SJW autists and anti-loli normalfags at bay.
MAGAhats are the new Fedora, prove me wrong
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
Sup Forums literally attracts the worst kind of normalfags.