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The Promised Neverland ch. 034 Spoilers
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Credit Erinyes from MH
- While Ray changed himself, he realized that there were meat, sausages, that were put on purpose in the fire so to intensify the burning flesh smell.
- Emma took away Ray transmitter
- Flashback :" l won't let you 2 die" that's how Norman knew ray wil attempt tol commit suicide . So he investigated how he could kill himself within GF House, he discovered a certain amount of oil hidden and found out Ray plan, that's how he came out with a plan using Ray initial one.
- after investigating outside, Norman asked a paper to a child who was drawing, and wrote the plan instructions + place where are hidden the pen and key's krone onto.
- the key he found with the pen, was Krone's infirmary, so, they were able to use anesthaesia.
- The group in the forest has it transmitter destroyed with ray's device.
- Emma & Norman told the truth to all the group in advance.
- Emma learnt her lesson thanks to Don & Gilda.
- Flashback : Some children listened to krone's story by listening through the wall (not sure about this part)
- Emma & DOn are the 1st to arrive at the wall.
- mama is standing in the front of the burning house.
- Phil appears in front of mama who went to catch the fugitive.
End of the chap.
Nice thankyou user.
What? I thought reys device could only destroy ONE transmitter
>either phil is there to report his findings of the others to mama as her secret informant
>or phil is simply unfortunate enough to have strayed from the group and ignorant to the escape paid the price the others might not.
Which is it... either way it's fucking tragic.
That's be a pretty useless device, especially since Ray planned to use it on Emma and Norman
This chapter solves a lot of pending things, I like it.
What I still want to know is Emma's plan to escape (if, as implied in this chapter, the tricking Ray part was handled by Norman)
and why Norman left the pen to them.
Norman planned everything.
what the fuck is the fucking tifari!? I want to know about the outer fucking world already.
The spoiler in jap literally says that he wrote down the entire jailbreak plan after figuring out Ray's. He literally wrote down what to do in the next two months, how to capture Ray and how to escape afterwards.
Yeah ok but I don't think the authors will let Emma's plan which was offscreened, to be forgotten.
>it was all norman
why is emma such a shit MC?
This is about her idea to tell the truth to other kids. Everything else was planned by Norman.
It means Norman can really be dead.
would mama let me have sex with her if I was a rat like Ray?
what the fuck is happening
how can a 4 year old be on the demons' side
I hope this is another false flag and Phil is innocent
Someone knows if this album will ever get pdated with volume 3 extras? Since the owner's name is basedanon, I suppose he visits these threads. The translations were interesting.
He's using Ray's initial plan (the plan Ray told Emma before he set himself on fire), so that's not really something he created himself.
>He's using Ray's initial plan (the plan Ray told Emma before he set himself on fire)
It's still his effort, because he figured out Ray entire Suicide plan on his own and effectively made a counterplan without even talking to him once about anything related to it.
>Phil appears in front of mama who went to catch the fugitive.
I don't get the purpose of this moment.
At the current moment mama is more interested in cathcing Ray and Emma because they're Tifari dishes. Phil's sacrifice costs nothing right now.
Only if...No, don't tell me that he's going to tell her the entire escape plan.
>"Oh, no! Ray's planning a suicide, what should I do?"
>Ruins all Ray's plans and makes suicide by himself.
Norman you damn troll.
the first one is more likely
Phil is supposed to be one of the smarter kids around, isn't he?
he has a keikaku to outdo all other keikakus
Phil is going to be Ivan Susanin
How do you know who that is?
All this time I thought you guys were memeing
Phil is the demon god
More info from MH
So apparently Norman and Emma told the little ones (age 5+) what's going on and made them listen to Krone when the two meet her at that night. All of it offscreen...
Mama is using some weird new device too. The description doesn't make much sense...
Also Phil doesn't have to be anything right now. She simply finds him first after going into the forest to catch Emma and co. This could easily be a falseflag leading to Emma's group having to save him from her.
YFW Phil is Jerry.
What is Phil's endgame?
Tokyo Ghoul :Re
Easy - I'm not American
>Mama is using some weird new device too
Did they write what she's doing with it?
Maybe it's electro shocker?
Sherry, Norman won't fall in love with you even if Phil is going to be Emma's endgame.
Phil will not win the Emmabowl.
If he is going to betray Emma then the only thing which Phill will win is death.
If he betrays her then he deserves nothing else, fuck him.
Norman is my wife.
>- Phil appears in front of mama who went to catch the fugitive.
You sly dog, you really had me fooled.
You can register on MH and ask BasedAnon himself.
I bet you're BasedAnon
whatever, I'll expose myself
I'm not him. Unfortunately, it seems that he left us
Phil what? Kek
Out of all the characters, why did you choose Ray as op picture? He didn't do anything notable this chapter. It should've been Emma, Phil, Norman or Lani/Thoma.
Would FemNorman still like Emma the same way?
I thought the whole Phil is an evil master mind was just a meme and then it turns out he may actually be working for Mama.
Not sure how I feel about this.
Because he's the coolest character in the entire series.
Stop this. Emma is pure
>Phil appears in front of mama who went to catch the fugitive.
Fucking kek
pure sex
>the coolest character
But he's not Norman
I see you are man of culture as well.
The real question is, who's the father?
I don't really know for sure but the artist is a massive NEfag. Make of that what you will.
>But he's not Norman
Yes he's not a mere love interest, Ray's an actual character.
delet, Norman a cute.
Careful user, you will trigger the obnoxious shippers.
Real talk, though, I figure Norman is going to come back at some point and this is something that genuinely concerns me. Sometimes characters are reduced to nothing but their romantic feelings for another character and I don't want him to be that way.
>the obnoxious shippers.
It's comfy, not obnoxious.
Sure, if that's what is called now.
I'm not the same user but come on, this isn't bad at all.
Maybe that's why the author separated him from Emma, so he won't be reduced to a mere love interest and may get his own character development.
Is this yaoi?
That's pretty interesting. Though, I don't expect him to stay away from the group for too long so I hope the development he gets while he's away allows him to get some spotlight beyond his feelings when he reunites with them.
I've got nothing against the ship, though, they're quite cute but still.
I ship Ray and Gilda.
Forgive me for posting this.
Norman as Sakura lmao!
Good one user.
>Norman/Ray fujoshit
Sorry, it's the last one, I swear.
Because I feel it.
Well, I wouldn't mind, it just seemed random. But the manga is still a baby so who knows.
Maybe Gilda will start showing off her potential to Ray during the escape and impress him? Who knows, Gilda might molotov cocktail a demon and Ray blushes?
Gilda is for Don, user.
And Ray should get his shit together and stop being a suicidal punk at first.
>Ray ends up double third wheeling for the rest of his life
I don't wish this upon anyone, I hope he finds someone.
There's just one problem the kids have no way of anitcipating
She knows from Isabella that the kids are planning escape but is keeping it quite because of demand for high quality goods at the Tifari and believes Isabella can handle it. The second she see's that there's smoke coming from plantation 3 and then all of a sudden other plantations have caught forest fires, she'll realize Isabella failed preventing the escape and will alert the security.
This is cute.
I hope he finds too, but let him calm down at first.
Seriously, chapter ago he's about to kill himself and this was his life goal. No way that now he'll look how great Gilda shows off her potential.
Yeah, I agree with that. He's probably still in shock at not being dead in the first place, he never planned for this.
But if he gets someone I have a feeling it'd be a new character when they're already out of that place.
And how kids are planning to go through the gates? Geez, demons and Grandma can simply block the way and that's it.
>New character
That's quite interesting topic to discuss. I always wonder who kids will meet after they escape - adults, or other kids?
Maybe both? I think it probably depends on how society is outside. For all we know things might be normal and there's farms to keep the demons happy and these kids are "necessary" sacrifices to keep everyone going.
Or maybe it's just an entire mess, who really knows. I wonder if any other kids escaped, we know it's been at least thought of before because of Mama.
34 chapters in and no naked Ray in a jar
I am getting pissed
I ship Don and Ray.
The plan is to disperse security by lighting the other plantations on fire and forcing the demons to spread out their numbers to put out the forest fires, thus lowering security and attention on the bridge. Though with Grandmother knowing about the kids planning escape, she might take the hint that the other plants catching fire is the escapees in action and the molotov cocktail plan may backfire on the kids.
>This art
Why did he do this? Is it a reference to the situation where Ray tried to make Norman believe that Don is a spy?
Anyway, this art is still cool.
I ship Ray and books
>Low security on the only place which connects you with a real world
That's kinda stupid especially for Grandma, who, as you said, knows that Tifari dishes are planning to escape.
However, there is one thing that may change the situation. If in the HQ there are not a lot of people/demons, then yes, they will have to low security on the gates because someone must put out the fire. But still, it's enough 2 people to secure the bridge with closed gates. Even this will stop kids.
This ship is already ruined by Ray