Sakura Quest

For some reason the Amazon streaming is only for Japan, CR get the rights for west.
So subs time will be:
>Sakura Quest starts Wednesday 4/5 at 9:00am PST

Other urls found in this thread:

Watched it yesterday on a thread here.

It was awful.

What was wrong with it?

Don't mind him, it's the same guy shitposting every P.A show.

I have high hopes for it not sucking because she looks cute.

>24 hours for subs
>no other subgroups
>not even any raws
This is the worst thing ever, and this was one of the only new shows I was picking up

>Fills up the Maid Dragon spot.
I'm okay with this.

>24 hours for subs
>complaining about it
Have you never seen something not subbed by CR?
A day is nothing.

>Wednesday 4/5 at 9:00am PST

Pretty sure it's less than 7 hours?

Kids these days are so spoiled.

Why Inori in in the poster?

You're correct, my bad.
I added a day by mistake.

That's Aoi silly

No, it's another Yuuna.

Huh. I thought Ponkan8's doing the character designs, from the key art. Didn't know it was BunBun

3 hours
I wonder if this thread will make it

I hope it's good. Not expecting much in terms of production values though.

Amazon Japan already streamed 1st episode one day earlier (yesterday) for some reason.

Amazon always do that for first episode.

Which channel's doing the livestream?

>Dead threads
>no hype in either Japan or the West
Flop incoming.

It's alright, this was probably always going to be a one season show regardless. Some of my favorite shows are flops (Sora no Method, Flip Flappers).

What else can we said for now?

1.5 hours.

Subs 2 hours ETA?

Who are these yuusha?

Apparently people running Japanese micronations or something like that.

5 minute to go.

Nice job CR defeating the amazon "subs fucking when" menace.

I can't wait for more KnowName's MV hijack

No Mari Okada so fail. Does PA Works never learn?

pink aoi-chang a qt

The 2 best selling show by PA was nothing to do with Okada.


At this point shirobako s2 would be better, literally aoi clone




Firstly wrong, only Angel beats is "best selling" and both Maeda shit`s shows are the worst cancer they made, even though AB was financially successful.

Meanwhile Okada not only pretty much gave start to PA Works with iconic True Tears, but also is writer for their best looking and director show so far - Hanasaku Iroha, as well a masterpiece that was Nagi Asu.

Meanwhile PA Works tries to make "okada shows" without Okada - Tari Tari, RDG, Glasslip without Okada and fails.

Sakura Quest though is even more doomed - its Mizushima show without Mizushima.

>Mari Okada

Boring as sin


P.A. Works doesn't exactly have a good history. They have a good show here and there but it's mostly average or worse.

Kiznaiver > LWA


This is biggest BS i've seen.
But keep going it, it's not like people don't know who you are.

>Sameface: The anime

The show ends with the nation being annexed by Russia.

You're right, but for the wrong reasons.

Kiznaiver suffered from the same issue as Zankyou no Terror - great on a technical standpoint (animation/art/music/directing/etc.) but terrible on a writing standpoint.

Okada was the worst thing about Kiznaiver.


>best looking and director show so far - Hanasaku Iroha
You're trying really hard.
>masterpiece that was Nagi Asu

>This is biggest BS i've seen.
So no arguments? Than fuck off PA hater. Keyshitters and Kazoku family fags are true cancer.


>Zankyou no Terror
Oh god, don't remind me. Kiznaiver was trash too but it had me laughing my ass off toward the end because of how dumb it was at least



Please go back to gaya or whatever you came from and stop spewing memes you dont understand.

Hanasaku Iroha is about the 2nd best looking TV show in whole industry after Hyouka. It was anniversary PA Works show funded greatly by local preffecture and sponsors and PA went all out on it. No other their show looked even remotely as good. And not just their shows, most other studios also. It was also the only their show they made Movie for as well.

Their 2nd anniversary work was Kuromukuro, but it was way cheaper and uncomparable.

>masterpiece that was Nagi Asu
Is probably the best Okada show to date, better than AnoHano and other stuff that she completely wrote and not just "worked on". The show was wonderful.


Reminds me of that bugs bunny picture

Guys, ignore him.


remember Mayoiga?
side note about Okada, I saw lately that she's writing an autobiography. I wonder what kind of fucked up shit could possibly drive someone to write that garbage

>Hanasaku Iroha is about the 2nd best looking TV show in whole industry after Hyouka.

I give anything involving working adults a try since it's few and far in between for anime.

Kiznaiver was great not because (or rather not JUST because) of technical execution, but because Okada delivered her usual signature trait what most others writers utterly fail - genuine emotions. Everyone writes drama, but its only Okada that really brings characters to life and makes their emotion break the defences of viewers empathy.

As far story went it was a mess - but it was a mess that Triger demanded from her, she wanted to write it differently, but was told to make this. Her achievement is characters and that retarded drama still makes you feel, as opposed same stuff in every other similar show making you smirk.

Okada is character painter that knows what strings to play.


Stop relying

Name some better looking shows?

Are you just shitposting without actually having watched the show?

Oh, I guess this is gonna be a bad PA Works show after all


nice dude

Holy shit.

Okay, this absolutely has to be bait.

Mayoiga is pure Mizushima plot. He wrote the story himiself and Okada just adapted it.

The thing Okada actually WROTE are only: Anohana, Nagi no Asukara, Hanasaku Iroha, M3, Wixoss. Not many actually - most other she is just a creative director pretty much working on parts of script and adapting others plot.

I would comment on what Hanasucka Iroha looked like, but I fell asleep every time I tried to watch it.

Christ, Okadafag actually exist?

Into the trash it goes.

Can anyone explain what were BUNBUN's motives with "abec is actually my neighbour"? Is that some sort of complex inside joke?

Can't blame them, IBO was great

I'd bery my dick in her.


It's the same one that I argued with in another thread some days ago, it's no use talking with him, ignore.

Now this thread is going places.

Am I allowed to like True Tears, WIXOSS, and M3?

Also Okada did the Kodomo no Jikan script and series composition so that's pretty nice.

No one is allowed to like M3. No one.


The number one rule is you cannot like Red Data Girl.

I thought I was free from this. Never mention this show around me again.
I like the other ones, though. Wixoss wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be either.


True Tears is only good because of the eternal buttdevastation from the Noefags.


Thats my favorite PA Works show. Would like S2 very much, since S1 is pretty much just a prologue to main story.

Did you watch it all the way through? The beginning was definitely slow, but I was really into it later on.

Always liked M3. First half of WIXOSS was fun too.

Pink Aoi isn't that cute when you think about it

>Alexandre S. D. Celibidache

You're allowed to like Aki-lucky.

I've seen it. It's slightly above average, but not exemplary TV anime. Not that much better than most of PA Works' output.

You can like whatever you want to like.

Italy owns anime now.


Goofy PA is best PA.