RIP Sup Forums
RIP Sup Forums
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Not everyone is seeing it though.
What happened?
Okay I just saw it, what the fuck, Hiro. This isn't acceptable.
Someone deleted the stockings thread ;_;
Something specific happening or are we just lamenting the fact that moot still hasn't come back and hiroshima is slowly killing us?
It shows up on the main page but not the catalog.
>Something specific happening
Huge ads between posts. Apparently Sup Forums x users don't see them.
I have an ad blocker so no problem.
But still fuck that jew.
>fuck up a deal with Jlist that had Sup Forums set for a while
>add malware/3DPD ads instead
>lie about site finance
>finally get Jlist back on board
>leave intrusive malware ad anyway for more money
Fuck you Hiro
Fuck you and all the cucks paying to post faster.
>not just using an adblocker
Wait what's the problem?
I have ublock origin and it popped up. So I just blocked it three seconds later.
I'm just assuming he's doing this too keep the site alive. I know most of you will not care or will find some alternative, but is there really any other way to fund the site better?
>captcha major canton
I don't have ads between posts, step up.
Unacceptable, Stockings was best girl.
They should at least make the ads thin and banner sized
All that blank space is triggering me
>I'm just assuming he's doing this too keep the site alive. I know most of you will not care or will find some alternative, but is there really any other way to fund the site better?
Moot managed to do it without fucking shit up with malicious or intrusive ads, so yes, there is a way to do it better.
There should really be a donation box or something
>I'm just assuming he's doing this too keep the site alive
Moot had a deal with Jlist and it was enough to keep the site going.
Hiro is just a fucking greedy jew.
Futaba experienced it and warned us aboutit yet faggots believe him.
Your fault for not using the fucking catalog.
The most triggering is that it's only on Sup Forums. At least /vg/ and /c/ don't have them.
>I'm just assuming he's doing this too keep the site alive
Yes keep buying the gooks word that the site is in such dire straits, never mind that moot somehow managed to keep it up just fine and said before he left it was sustaining itself fine
I mean Sup Forums isn't his first doing.
He ruined other site before.
It was heavily implied he took out loans and moved back with his mom just to maintain the site.
We arnt talking about 30k shitposters user we got millions of unique faggots coming this way every day.
You're assuming too much of Hiroshima. He's just a Japanese variety of the jew.
Blocking image only = you get a big blank spot
You'll have to inspect the page elements and adblock out that frame.
Really though if you consider it, J-list is at least interested in the site still. We've had advertisers since forever, people just block them constantly. Remember Snorg Tees for example? Yeah.
My conscience about blocking these will probably always remain murky as I have no clue what Sup Forums's financials are actually like aka are these extra-intrusive ads more for greed or not. If they only appeared on mobile I probably wouldn't care but on desktop too feels a bit punishing.
>I'm fine with Hiro slowly killing this site because it doesn't affect me yet.
This is how you sound.
Do you really think he will stop at this?
Speaking of ads, does anyone know how to block those annoying pop-up tabs that manage to get past the adblocker on some websites?
I know that moot had financial problems due to Sup Forums at one point, but didn't he sort that out later and said that the site was financially stable when he retired? I believe moot's word more than Hiro's.
>Fuck you and all the cucks paying to post faster.
Right, there was that, too. And even then people said Hiroshimoot is lying about the financial situation of the site.
I am glad pic related didn't really become a thing in the end, though.
That was in Sup Forums's early days.
He left under the assumption that it was running stable.
There IS a donation page now.
Sup Forums.org/donate
Didn't Moot do this once during the really early days and promise it would never happen again?
He did hiroshima is a well known jew and even the japanese hate him and warned us he'd fuck us over from the start
I really think they should shorten the internal archive to just 3 days.
There really isn't much point in it when we have actual archive sites. That alone should free up a shitload of space.
>Implying Hiro cares about what moot said.
It was a point of pride to him. If you donated, that would mean you had some sort of entitlement, and Sup Forums was his website, so he didn't like that.
That's why he made passes.
Reminder that he did the same thing to the elevens. It is only going to get worse from here
And even if I was wrong about this what so profitable about this site? Most info collection agencies already have ur info just from other websites, not to mention some browser sell ur info as well.
He didn't want us to give money without something in return that's why passes were a thing, but Hiro doesn't give a shit about moot dedication.
Shit wrong person.
I still remember checking the FAQ page not too long ago and reading how there was no way to donate but you could consider buying a pass or ad space
You should just move to 8gag. This site is long past the point of no return.
Archives shouldn't have been created to begin with, now you just can't delete it without people crying everywhere, just like what happened with (You)
8 chan has been past the point of no return ever since it was created by Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
That can't be real
moot's not around anymore to protect that promise. How many years do we have left?
Reminder that it's Sup Forums's fault moot left us and that the jew is slowly killing the site inb4 the Sup Forumsidf comes out of the woodwork to correct the record and jew you into believing they somehow "saved the site" and that moot was somehow worse than hiroshimoot
>what is 4chanx
>what is adblock + ublock
fucking plebs
The site has been dying problem is, is that its not dying fast enough
The real problem is, that as long as Sup Forums exists, there is no place for a second big English chan.
And as long as there is no other big chan to emigrate to, most of us will remain here.
>it's Sup Forums's fault moot left us
Wasn't it the Fappening and legal trouble resulting from that? If so, wouldn't that be Sup Forums's fault?
Were will we go to talk about anime?
No website about anime acts like Sup Forums.
Im scared of not being anonymous anymore.
No it was the rise of the cuck meme and the constant threads against him for no real fucking reason
Why Sup Forums though? Sup Forums probably played a much bigger role in that.
I wonder what he's doing right now, at this very moment.
We must seem like a memory to him. Ghosts.
Sup Forums is just shit as always. Sup Forums directly attacked him and ruined his opinion of Sup Forums as a whole.
Reddit. Just make a new account once every other week and you'll be almost anonymous.
He still browses Sup Forums though.
Some one should make one lol
>captcha anime fairway
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Doesnt moot now work in google?
Kill yourself, faggot
Speaking about Sup Forums, who the fuck goes there anymore? It seems so detached from the site now. Newfags don't even first experience this site from Sup Forums anymore. It might as well be dead.
Well I guess there's that, but it seems like that's something where you can just turn Sup Forums into /cuck/ and be done with it, whereas legal trouble like e.g. from the Fappening seems scarier.
But I can imagine all the shit got to him eventually.
He had legal trouble with Sup Forums before. He had gone through debt for Sup Forums before.
He loved the site. That's why he did it.
>The real problem is, that as long as Sup Forums exists, there is no place for a second big English chan.
I don't think it matters, I think once Sup Forums dies/goes to complete and total shit that's going to be it for english imageboards. Even in the past people used to call for immigration to 7chan and the like back before Sup Forums had such a hold and no one did it, the fact is that imageboards are kind of niche and most of the users here aren't dedicated to anonymity and are just as happy to post on reddit if things go down, and the group of us that are aren't enough to keep a site going at the speed of current Sup Forums that we've become accustom to.
When Sup Forums is kill, i will gladly walk to the egde of the internet just to find you guys again, brother.
See you on /azu/, be civil.
moot left because he wanted money and Sup Forums doesnt make any as hiro is now realizing
that wasn't anywhere near the most trouble the site had ever been in, it was the fact that he had a vocal minority turn against him and that he/mods did nothing about it and let that little group fester and shit up the entire site instead of dealing with it while it was still manageable.
Yeah, 8 years ago. Sup Forums died and Sup Forums took its place as the most cancerous newfag attracting board.
There's no reason for it to be impossible, the speed going down drastically would be a good thing. The real problem is that so many altchans have been created that the userbase will be too spread out, weakening what little interest people have left as the various sites are slower than sending messages by foot. If we could just combine some of the decent futaba clones that were intended to be backups, it might work. But really, I don't think it can be the same as before, no matter what happens.
You know all this could be avoided if we just banned fucking phoneposters, they've doubled the site's traffic and are almost all without failure shitty posters
>I'm just assuming he's doing this too keep the site alive.
It's okay if it's J-list.
J-list girl was there for you when no one else was.
>the speed going down drastically would be a good thing
It really wouldn't even the next most active chans are slow as fuck, it's not the 90's anymore posting and checking back in 2-3 days to see if I got a reply has no appeal anymore.
>We now have more mobile sessions than desktop sessions
Guess I am overestimating the whole Fappening thing, then. It seemed to me like it was much larger in scope than anything before.
Besides, I'd think if that was the main reason it wasn't because of this one incident alone, but also the prospect of something like that happening again.
>that wasn't anywhere near the most trouble the site had ever been in
What was it, then? Moot being 20k in debt to keep the site afloat?
If only she had reasonable prices.
>Sup Forums will die in your lifetime
Man, it's going to be so awkward for the site owners when all of a sudden there is a huge spike of activity on their sites, the site goes down, the swarm moves on to the next site, and then a few days later he finds out through rumors that Sup Forums is dead.
>those guys on Sup Forums still think 2ch is 2chan
>Gook jewt will get away with this
Fuck this shit I'm out. He gives absolutely no fucks about any of you.
The day Sup Forums dies an actual clone will go up.
4chin or 4chen or whatever
You wanna form a suicide pact, user?
I'm fine with J-List, really. It has been with Sup Forums for so long that I don't mind it and almost feel like J-List ads belong on this site.
I think J-List banners at the top and at the bottom of the page are fine, but intrusive ads between posts are over the fucking line.
I hope not. I don't want the newfags to flood into whatever replacement I've gone to.
>Guess I am overestimating the whole Fappening thing, then
literally the only ones who blew that up were reddit, it was another easily dismissible incident
>What was it, then? Moot being 20k in debt to keep the site afloat?
debt, terrorism, school shootings, take your pick
I think, or at least hope, that enough users would move over to reach at least /jp/ speeds.
Do it for Chen.
If Sup Forums goes down I hope someone rebuilds iichan.
Make it happen.
Go fuck yourself cancer. You wanted an answer, you got an answer.
When Sup Forums dies, we should just let it die. No clones, no reboots, no Sup Forums^2: Electric Boogaloo. We should all just move on, maybe form a paramilitary group and trigger the apocalypse.
Yes please
No, fuck you, man.
You guys are my family. I'm not going to just abandon you.