Describe this function.
Describe this function
It's a sine function.
I dunno, she looks pretty linear to me.
I wanna FUCK that function
A |sine| function?
A negative gaussian.
Like, X - Y·Gauusian(0, sigma).
No, more like sin+1
Infinite recursion resulting in hard crash due to stack overflow
y = -30cos(x/30) + 30
assuming the max is 60
Pure sex
more like
(i dunno how much a and b are, btw)
Quite right. The only problem is that the curve should technically start coming back downwards on the right but its not doing that. Which makes more plausible. Let me plug in values and give you guys the exact equation
sin x + n
heres my working on it
conjunction junction
whats your function
How can it be sinx +n when it's zero at x=0?
Come on guys
looks like a/(1+jp²) to me
This thread confirms that I'm a highly functional retard. I'm 26, I live at home, I'm unemployed and I have no idea what you people are talking about.
I thought I was smart.
What level math did you get up to in high school? This is calculus man.
If you were in retard math in high school (we called it "college prep" - the step below "honors") you probably didn't even touch on functions.
Don't be too down on yourself. I know plenty of smart people who are terrible at math, but they have useful skills that they've honed and profited from in there own way.
I got a C at GCSE -_-
Retard detected
Back to grade school with you
>This is calculus man.
But it's not, no one here is using any integrals or derivatives, it's just a function that happens to have the area under it colored in, which no one had even attempted to work out yet. I'm going to go with this being the inverse Gaussian though
f(x) = 27.5 × [1 – sin(xπ/100 + π/2)]
it's not a cos/sin based function, if it hit its plateau at around 50 it would be down again on the right.
That shit is slowly growing to infinity.
call me out if I'm being retarded, but reverse Gaussian is a function, not a study of functions, the study of functions is analysis right?
Do you have some sort of learning difficulty?
I like the curves
True! This is not calculus.
And true the Guassian function isn't taught in basic math (so no need to feel bad) Its taught in Statistics basically under the topic of Normal Distribution.
Nice effort man. The graph is fine but its gonna start coming back down after x = 100 because its a sinusoidal function. Whereas in OP's picture the line gets horizontal after 75. You could also try piece-wise functions.
Lim 75?
Math is fucking gay
Was any of this math useful in real life or is it like a party trick for moments like these?
Are you seriously asking why is math useful?
Algebra and geometry is all the average person needs. Calculus is just a good way to filter out people for STEM and anything higher is only good for specialized STEM fields.
>useful in real life
Depends. Are you a mathematician or engineer? Or are you a construction worker like me who only rarely has to use basic trig?
Depends on what you do in your life.
Math is a toolbox that you use on a computer for everyone except pic related.
Looks like a mirrored high pass filter.
You can draw 2hu bullets
If you're doing useful things in real life, yes.
The equivalent form y=(90/pi)*(1-cos(x*360/pi)) is also acceptable.
t. /sci/
Don't beat yourself up too hard. I used to know this shit like the back of my hand but don't remember shit anymore. Honestly it's more likely you'll forget this stuff once you get out of school if you don't actively keep studying it, but there's no reason to keep studying it if your career path has nothing to do with mathematics.
You've got your mama in a whirl/She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl.
Isn't it really 0≤y≤(90/pi)*(1-cos(x*360/pi))
Failed at its only purpose in life. Though it was an impossible task so you can't be too hard on it.
Ougi sort of succeeded. Araragi pre-Ougi Dark may not have given the sort of advice he gives to Kanbaru in Suruga Devil.
Pressuring him to get back in touch with Sodachi was a bonus too I guess.
I belive n=55 in this case.
I have no idea I am not a math wizard
Your IQ Gaussfag