Aqua or Megumin?
Aqua or Megumin?
Aqua is a retarded aunt you have to take care of.
Megumin is for brutally manhandling.
yunyun pls go
>fun goddess that carries the series or boring chuu2 autist
Such a hard choice.
I'd have Luna instead.
I want to marry Lalatina
Is it worse to put your penis in a fully developed retard or an mentally mature girl who looks like a 12 year old?
>mentally mature
i'd go for the megumeme
Lewd Megumin or cute Megumin?
No Megumin.
Fuck off, Aqua
>mentally mature
Prove she is not, faggot.
It's just a way of life for her people
This is the only Konosuba-related thread I can find, so I'll post this here. I asked the artist about it on twitter:
>"Clesta-sensei, do you ever plan to print the Megumin scene from Cl-orz 49?"
Hope is not lost.
Why not both?
Haha, how is that even a question? Get real, OP.
She is intelligent, wears adult panties, reasonable when the situation calls for it, and is mentally prepared for a sexual relationship.
In the LN, her panties are pure white though. Shows that she has her hidden innocence.
I'd cum on Megumin's footpussy
> Or
Trips confirm. Megumin's footpussy is for cumming on.
darkness, wiz and yunyun
>naked apron + DFC
Well... I actually like both girls equally, but I'm going with Megumin there. Sorry, Aqua.
This is my fetish.
Why not both?
Aqua is for a casual fuck and sneaking out while she's in the shower.
Megumin is for gentle loving and passionate handholding.
>inb4 Sup Forums git out
But I'd go for Darkness instead
Eris > Yunyun >>> Megumin > Aqua > Wiz > Darkness
Eris and Yunyun are both very good girls; Eris only has a slight advantage due to DFC.
>I shouted and reached towards Megumin with my right hand, grabbing a black cloth tightly.
>That’s right, it was panties.
Fuck off retard
Beat me to it
Top post right here.
Aqua is annoying as fuck, what is wrong with you anons.
Megumin is for loving and making her into a mother
True as well.
>liking flatboards
fucking pedo pleb
>Not wanting to live out your fetishes with lalatina-chama
>making it
>"what is wrong with you anons"
>only two votes for toilet goddess
Nothing I guess.
>hurr durr I'm megutard
Yeah yeah I got you
Some people like the idea of having a banter-filled relationship with Aqua, then fuck each other angrily until she cries because you came inside her
She's the easiest girl in the show. There's literally no merit to seducing her.
>I hate fun
shut up retard, you're all pedos for choosing meg*meme
But her voice is so god damn annoying, I'm normally into rape crying but this bitch's screaming makes my ears bleed
Megumeme at least has potential, more power, easier going, and could actually take a beating
Aqua if you have dignity.
Megumin if you like eating dirt.
Oh, yes. It must be quite fun to have to take care of a literal retard.
I hope you get mentally disabled children and understand that Aqua is a plague.
>sticks his dick into a mentally disabled person
Childhood is liking Megumin.
Adulthood is realising Aqua makes the most sense.
>not the intelligent, adorably edgy crimson semen demon built for making a family
nigga you gay
if i should choose one of two
Which mentally disabled person are you talking about?
get the fuck out of here zegofag
>asking me to choose between a retard and an intelligent, nihilistic girl with a wicked sense of humor
Megumin. NC.
Patrician taste.
Komekko is 'the' Best
holy shit kill yourself
>sperging out this hard on Sup Forums
>Megumeme more power than Aqua
...This is so blatantly wrong it's hilarious.
I already liked Megumin a lot in S1, but the bath scene in episode 2 of S2 made her best girl forever imo.
So, Megumin.
Well, she definitely has more firepower. And she defeated more bosses than her.
will someone marry this woman already
Leave it to me
You might want to go the fuck back to Facebook.
If it ever came to fight between Megaman and Aqua then Megaman would lose badly. Aqua has all divine-level items, divine magic, and maxed out stats except for intelligence which is admittedly sub-par. In contrast Megaman can use Explosion once per fight which isn't foolproof and can be avoided.
>can be avoided
>instant casting
Sorry, but you're wrong. Megumin's explosion has proven strong enough to destroy a goddess(Wolbach) and she can instant cast it now, at the very beginning of the fight. There's no way in hell an archpriest is winning this.
Why not both?
cute>lewd always
When it comes to Mecumin, I'm not so sure
Usually I'd go for DFC, but this time I'll go for the retard that's kindred spirit material despite it being immoral.
>I have no vagina and I must PEE
even while lewd megumin is cute
but not all cute megumin art is lewd
Pls stop Yunyun bullying. She's a good girl.
Did you mean the half goddess who was badly damage and no one is sure if really died cuz her body wasnt fund?
megumin is cuter and more likable
>cuz her body wasnt fund
Explosion doesn't leave corpses, they vaporize.
It's not that it has instant cast, more like she can do it without verbal chanting. She used to be able to withold activation once the chanting is completed. I guess it's more like hidden preparation now? Anyways, the means to combat that is as simple as ever, nothing too overpowered.
Just like lalatina and vanir right?
Now that what i say going too far from the line.
I'll going to cast explosion inside her.
Fug now want write a green text about Aqua dismembering megumin with her bare hands
The fact that someone thought of this and took the time to draw it up just offends me on a deeper level than your typical troll could reach.
Congratulations. Consider suicide.
Hot af
I fucking hate your overrated shit show so much
*record scratch*
Thank you, now I can't enjoy bullying Yunyun anymore.