We need to discredit this thing and destroy it before things go out-of-hand

We need to discredit this thing and destroy it before things go out-of-hand.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's a book.
that's pretty much all it needs to be discredited.
just political fiction.

>it's a book.
>that's pretty much all it needs to be discredited.
America, everbody

why? jew shekels

So that means Harry Potter is a legit source of facts.
>A fucking leaf

>it's a book.
>that's pretty much all it needs to be discredited.


>some fag writes a Trump fanfic for shekels.

The bible is a book

Is it trustworthy?

This is true. We need to burn all books that critical of the God Emperor. MAGA!

>it's a book
>that's pretty much all it needs to be discredited.
lmao just lmao