President Bernie Sanders 2018

What do you think is happening in the Bernie Sanders timeline as of today?

Other urls found in this thread:

the world economy tanked because of "free" education.
war was the inevitable result.

Dollar collapse due to shit economic policies. Bank runs and hyperinflation. Emergency legislation repealing FDIC.

I would have gotten free surgery to look like OP pic so I could pass my free college courses by sucking the prof's cock

Bernie's free college plan would cost the government less than half of what the Trump tax cuts cost.

>tfw liberals are wrong and the trump presidency actually prevented ww3


long live autodiacts


[citation needed]

>letting people keep their money is the same as taking their money and spending it


>cost the government
the government does not pay for things

Free is just leftspeak for taxpayer subsidized

Bernie the communist only paid 13.5% in taxes in 2014. Why didnt he take 0 deductions and send and extra check in?

If Sanders runs I might vote for him. If anyone else runs I will vote Trump.

Lol yeah they even use terms like "the gubment loses money" as if it was theirs to begin with

You will probably be poor for the rest of your life no matter who is president. Thats what happens when you have shit for brains

I would encourage all of you zero level testosterone limp dick motherfuckers to donate all of your money to bErnie right now. Because that old motherfucker won’t even be alive in 2020 LOL

Holy shit. Less than me. I ended up paying about 20% of gross fed,state,city.

>Parasiteniggers dreaming of freebies and handouts.

All the Jews are dead, and Hawii is 50ft below sea level.

Wtf i love bernie now

Well I can't prove that I don't have shit for brains but I'm definitely not poor. I've worked very hard and never spent as much as I earned. There will always be someone smarter than you no matter who you are.

Nothing horrible at this point.
It would still be the Socialist honeymoon phase.
End of this year/start of next year the cracks would begin to show.

niggers pillaging even more freely and probably actual militias being formed

worse hyperinflation than venezuela
bullets replace dollars as currency

Word of advice user. When a jew says he's going to give you something for free, you should probably call the cops, cause you're about to get robbed.

Did it, or are you mindlessly reciting the words of your daddy - Mr. Dimwit Donkeyshit?

America becomes a bigger and better Venezuela. All the nigs chimp out when the gov can't give them food stamps anymore. Riots and Rapes abound. Bernie does nothing to stop them because he never knew what it was like to be poor, so he can't judge them.

The military stages a coup and execute Bernie for treason, and America finally enters the Roman Empire stage of its development.

How would a commander in chief Bernie Sander of the US Navy handle the Koreans in that timeline?

bernie is an absolute cuck and the republican majority house passes a tax break, despite ranting about stupid shit


This is awesome.

By trying to convince South-Korea into becoming communist and share their wealth with the lower-class North-Koreans. Then absolutely cucking to Kim Jung-Un and he gets to run everything now, but it's not a problem because NK doesn't care about anything other than uniting Korea under communism and only reacts to outside threats like (((Peacekeeping))) fleets and armies waiting off their shores.

Free in this context means that the student is not charged for it. Obviously taxpayers pay for it instead.
Trump's tax cuts costs $100B/year. Bernie Sanders' free college plan costs $47B/year.

I never said it was "the same". I was responding to a post that claimed the Bernie free college plan would tank the economy. Obviously that's ridiculous, since the tax cuts cost much more. All analogies are false. To argue against my analogy, you have to show that it is false in a way that undermines my point.

The government pays for things with taxpayer money. What are you talking about?


I'm not even here to defend Bernie's plan, I'm just stating the objective fact that it costs less than half as much as the Trump tax cuts.

You are both retarded, it's "free" because the government would pay for it

Keeping communists out of nooses costs quadrillions of dollars a year.

Almost exactly the same. Congress would've refused to work with sanders for the same reason they refuse to work with trump.

Bernie sanders sounds like colonel sanders

Kfc guy
Kfc guy you could tell was not poor or cheap with himself on food, living large, being large.

So people when thry think of bernie saunderrs aka free stuff aka lots of gibs, they think also of colonel sanders.

In africa, being fat is a sign of wealth.

Big snood..

Jinko bisdol.

>Russia scandal is still on full blast except now it's that the Russians colluded with Sanders to defeat Clinton in the primaries

>no American fuckery in Somalia or Yemen

>complete impasse in both house and senate over budget/taxes

>Sanders Administration sends blitzkreig of FBI, IRS, and other authorities to skullfuck the banks and entities that largely caused the 2008 crisis. Goes largely unreported by MSM.

>At behest of bipartisan coalition led by Paul, Sanders announces investigations will be expanding into the Federal Reserve. Not reported by MSM.

>Sanders dies of sudden 'heart attack' and is replaced by Neoliberal Establishment VP

>Clinton agenda back on schedule, just in time for Iran happenings and new reports of Russian aggression

Implying the leader of any major nation has mattered in the past 50-70 years


Bernie pivots to center.

Famine and Capital Flight.

>not poor
>vote for Bernie
>Bernie wins
>become poor

These threads seem pointless. Weirdo OP seems just want an excuse to spam pictures.

Lol, kys for being a dumb nigger

I love how Sup Forums always posts this chick even though she's dating an Asian dude. Must feel bad huh whiteys?

Buying pretzel (but he forgot his wallet)

The next election is in 2020 you fucking retard. Not only that, there is a line of succession if something happens to the president, and the old jew is not in line for that. Go smoke another bong.

promoting a race traitor whore, kys
