>Fansubs are dead
What went wrong?
>Fansubs are dead
What went wrong?
Its a service issue.
Crunchyroll effectively out competed fansubs by releasing content at the same time as release.
Crunchyroll assassinated daiz
daiz was the savior of fansubs but now its over
This is the truth.
good riddance
Newfriend here. Aware me on Daiz.
Things are better now anyway
Speed > Quality of translation is how it is for 99% of the anime fanbase.
He is a moderator on r/anime, a place where you need to return to
Fansubs might resurface if netflix licenses more series. And hopefully more complete series as well.
Fansubs are done by fans
Anime is so shit now it has no fans.
>Amazon/Sentai licenses some series for US exclusively this season
>Only Sagrada Reset and Atom the Beginning are planned by actual sub groups
>Still no decent subs for Tsugumomo despite it has no simulcast
Fansubs still look dead for me.
>Might resurface
Were not there yet.
CrunchyRoll beat them at their own game. Hypothetically, they could just go back and sub older anime that was never touched before, but that wouldn't get them any epeen, so they don't.
Daiz summoning thread
Pretty much. Official subs are better and faster than fansubs in 90% of cases and since fansub groups love their e-peen and drama, they can't be bothered to work on more obscure anime.
It's been said, but it really is Crunchyroll. They release most subs each season.
Its not crunchyroll per se
Its bots like horriblesubs that rip them
no one really wants to sub for free anymore
and you think about it, why should they?
>Hypothetically, they could just go back and sub older anime that was never touched before
Or even ones that were done poorly back in the day. As far as I'm aware there's only one.hack//sign fansub and it's bloody awful. And Evangelion could do with one that standardises things with the newer entries in the franchise
Forgive the newfag question, but why has there never been any sort of legal action agaisnt HS?
Despite people saying they rip from Crunchyroll, CR themselves seem to tolerate them.
Fuck off, there's plenty of anime that don't get picked up by Crunchy, but nobody will touch them because they can't just nitpick on Crunchy's translation and modify some parts like the bitter translators they are.
If they actually cared they would work on those untouched shows.
this is a pretty garbage season so far
Somebody else would step in to fill the gap. And I think one of the HS guys has actually been to jail for two years.
Care to give us examples of anime that don't get picked by CR?
Macross Delta for example, because of the difficulties of licenses. Thank god [gg] came back from the dead for that one.
>Saying this when Delta was shit
Now I want you to compare that to when we had only fansubs and at least 2/3 were not subbed while one or two shows got subbed by five people competing for epeen
Also funny you say Delta because I think some user took over it when [gg] did their usual bullshit and dropped the show
because it became a game of "who's faster" than "who has the better quality subs."
We didn't know that before it came to it, though.
And it was just one single example, there are more that don't get picked up by CR, Funi or others.
[gg] didn't drop Delta, they dropped Kurumukuro because they lost their translator.
I would have liked to do Tsugumomo.
Unfortunately no one else wanted to. It can be difficult to find TLs that have the confidence and skill to pull off an OTL compared to checking over a CR TL.
>at least 2/3 were not subbed
When was this? 1993 when people were mailing each other VHS tapes?
Almost all airing shows had 2 or more sub groups working on them with some exceptions. It was a pretty sizable population with a lot of competition and variety in release times, quality, and sub style. I'm referring more to 2006-2012.
>His ultimate goal is to kill anime
Not the hero we need but the one we deserve.
They are not dead, bluray releases still use fansubs. But those are for connoisseurs. The "fans" in fansubs.
Most anime watchers are casuals or just watch anime to shit post on Sup Forums. For them crunchyroll suffices.
Quality over quantity/speed.
*in US
Stupid internal drama from dramaqueen fansubbers who gained a massive superiority complex over others for being able to actually put their "wasted" money in Japanese 101 to some fruition. Did I mention drama?
>scanlation is also dead
Guess it's time to learn japanese or kill myself.
>HS isn't doing Tsugomomo
>pretty much every fansub group left in existence just steal HS script and re-edit it, either adding more meems or removing them
>cartel representative Herkz claims it's because SHIT SHOW as a deflection
really makes you think
Not really, ripping Netflix is fairly trivial. You can find Netflix shows on torrent sites.
Go to tsugumo.moe and try to contact the guys over there.
If is about TV releases is ok.
Yeah, it's a shame people don't want to sub bad ecchi shit
hi herkz
More like they take the CR script and make adjustments where necessary. Some CR TLs are brilliant (see Gabriel and Seiren), others are poor. There's more than just dialog editing as well, e.g. video encode, typesetting.
I hope they're not the 9anime or AstroNotes releases on nyaa. If not, I'll send the guy(s) a message.
>older anime that was never touched before
those are mostly niche shows that nobody watched
I miss Commie.
I still remember that faggot from FFF that asked donation then when he got laptop, he joined CR, kek.
I havent seen Daiz shitposting in years
get out newfag, oldfags are talking here
I don't really get the hate for fansubs.
I'm watching chevalier d'eon and I like the type setting and occasional tl note about Bible stuff.
As someone who watches a lot of old shows I appreciate the work of fansubbers. CR subs look very boring and sloppy in comparison.
That was because he hacked a bunch of servers and got caught, not because of copyright infringement.
If you were around for gg's Star Driver and Madoka live streams, I think those ran off the hacked servers.
What people see as outsiders is the drama from staff channel and PM logs being leaked everywhere; what we see as insiders is that people just don't sign up as translators anymore and also a general decline of interest in fansubs.
>Some CR TLs are brilliant
>see Gabriel
Which Gabriel?
2006-2012 is essentially the pre-crunchyroll era. Thats what people are referring to when they discuss the effect its had.
Sounds like people should start learning nihongo and stop being filthy gaijin weaboo secondaries.
This basically
When do you guys think was the moment fansubbing really died? Even just a couple years ago nearly every airing show was getting fansubs, simulcast or not. Now I go on fansubdb and it's absolutely barren.
For me, it was when groups like sage died.
>I still remember that faggot from FFF
Sounds a lot like journalism nowadays too
you mean in english, in spanish they are more alive than ever, most of them come out faster than cruchyroll, and you can even find a decent one once in a blue moon
Wtf I love LatAm now
Remember when fansubs were good?
Nah me neither.
its same as torrents, you cant just remove them and expect nobody to jump into there place, which would happen 100%.
Fighting against torrent sites is basically getting free money from Goverment for doing nothing these days.
And then comes a season like this one where some shows aren't simulcasted, like Tsugumomo, and some are translated by Sentai which is practically the same. You find yourself watching shitty Anime Lab hardsubbed videos and regretting having stopped studying Japanese after a couple of years. I hope some good groups come back this season. UTW came back for Ajin and gg came back for delta and kuromukuro.
I hope you don't think that the pinnacle of fansubbing was when OniAi aired.
Everyone else learned Japanese. Why haven't you? Fucking EOP newfags.
When Coalguys retired.
Only the english ones.
I hope someone starts another group that OCR's TAN's yellow sub releases as an srt or ass for use on raws.
Kurumukuro was shit anyway
Couple of years? Try one semester. What's the rush, I thought, everything seems to be getting subs or scanlations, some by several groups at the same time.
Fansubbing died when Eclipse stopped fansubbing.
I think that the point was that Netflix releases its content as whole batches after it has finished airing instead of one episode at a time so people have to wait for the series to end before they can start watching
And I don't give a damn because we're getting subbed anime faster than ever. Fansubs were only necessary back in the day any sort of release in the West would be potentially years
My boy
Nothing. Fansubs are bad and you should feel bad for liking them. Pic related, it's you.
Dat feel when you will never get to shitpost another "gg fansubs" thread again.
I miss commie.
Fansubs destroyed themselves. Fansubs ing is work, and if you don't work for money you work for kudos. This resulted in two things.
1) A community burning itself out from incessant Internet Drama and squabbling over e-peen. Add in your usual autistic sperglord weeaboos whining about karaoke OPs and honourifics and you have a state of perpetual civil war.
2) The overriding obsession with speedsubs and being first out there for maximum Internet Points created a toxic, destructive atmosphere which consumed any of the other pleasure in subbing and finally exploded when Crunchyroll beat everyone at their own game.
>Speedsubs are dead
They will unkill themselves if circumstances call for it. Like if Amazon and Netflix fuck everything up.
The only ones that are dead are fastsubs, and I don't fucking miss them. They were a bunch of e-penis whores anyway.
High quality fansubs still existing. But they are obscure because 99% of the anime fanbase eat any shit.
Even if you can understand Japanese fairly well, it's still more of a mental effort than it's appropriate for a supposedly relaxing hobby like watching anime which is something you do for fun. With good subs you can turn down the volume and turn the language part of your brain off, it's a more enjoyable experience than listening carefully trying to discern who said what and pausing every once in a while to look up some random idiom from the sengoku period. I miss fansub.
They're not really dead, it's just that it's stupid to compete with CR
So when there are no subs, like LWA fansubs happen
Or for example when Funi was late with DR3 last year fansubs would happen
I don't count them as dead as long as shit gets subbed within a year.
Really, fansubbing has always been slow and bad, we had a few golden years but that wasn't the norm. Even then they weren't always super quick or good.
I think most of us grew accustomed to having fansubs/licenses quickly and with at least not total ESL tier TL. At least I did.
That said I'm a bit surprised Tsugumomo didn't get picked for simulcast though (seemed like an easy pick), same could be said for the fact that the new Tenchi OVA(s) aren't getting the amount of attention I expected them to get.
>Some CR TLs are brilliant (see Gabriel and Seiren)
I don't think you should touch any subs at all.
CR and Netflix happens. They provide fast and easy access to your chinese cartoon which is very appealing for normal folks. This is not the 00's grandpa, streaming is better and more efficient now.
>streaming is better and more efficient now.
Unfortunately, not everyone of us can eat shit like you do without vomiting
But at what cost? Yes, it's more efficient, but it's also a tad shitter isn't it?
>streaming is better and more efficient now
But it's still worse than a good encode with good subs.
I know I know, normalfags don't care and they make the bulk of the (actual) paying market.
>Some CR TLs are brilliant (see Gabriel and Seiren)
>Gabriel subs
Please just stop doing subs for the rest of your life. It's for the greater good.
This is a real cap. Fuck Daiz and the rest of you who download HS rips. Dipshits