I love Diana!
Little Witch Academia
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Settle down a little for fuck sake.
The relentless Dianafaggottry just make me hate her even more.
why does she ride her broom like this?
Rule of cool.
Ummm... no sweetie, she lost by a disqualification. Diana Cavendish won by over SIX MILLION votes.
She is the true winner. She is who the witches chose. Any time a Akko supporter tries to brag, I laugh HARD in their face, and educate them with the facts. It feels good being on the right side of history. Akko is literally the least popular witch of all time.
She's too sore to straddle it.
Diana makes my heart flutter
Well that's true...
She got disqualified, this is a loss no matter how you look at it.
It doesn't matter if Diana truly think she don't deserve it.
>that image
That face would fit Diana because Akko's already won.
maybe her butt hurts
Somebody please translate this. I'll suck your dick.
I just want them to be friends
And as far away from Andrew as possible
Oh they'll be friends alright
Maybe her butt hurts.
I wanna see more adventures of the press team.
Was it the first time Shiny Rod was used to cast normal spells?
Looks like it. Maybe now Akko will use it more often.
I hate Diana
who was belt
surfed a lot as a child and in her spare time I guess.
except in the sense that not only did she manage to wow the alumnus and the student body in a way that only she could,
but her not winning actually ended up being for the best i think. it's like the opposite of shiny chariot's situation, that still has the same result. SC just wanted to make people happy, but she ended up winning
akko wanted to win, but she just ended up making people happy. hopefully that really drove home the point of it all for her
>cool looking broom
>exposed legs
>red robes
>sexy voice
>dominant pose
Is there a better girl in this series?
I wanna super pork this adorable dork!
I want Lotte to be my wife!
Can Ursula cycle through hair colors at will?
>hopefully that really drove home the point of it all for her
I wonder what point you mean.
Akko is for the sensei only
>she sees your dick
I'd like her to write me home something if you know what i mean.
>Diana in that dress
>invisible lotte
Invisible......what exactly?
I swear these threads are 80% Diana these days. And I mean both Dianafags and people triggered by her.
teachers in tracksuits pretending to be dorks to hide their powerlevels!
>people triggered by her.
All part of her appeal.
One of the episodes from 14-17 has to be about B-team.
What happened recently that Lottefags became more vocal?
Don't get me wrong she's one of my favorites too but did something happen to trigger those posts every thread?
So that's why the threads became shit lately.
That means we just need more comfyposting
she btfo'd diana
Lotte's the real hero of LWA.
That pose seems familiar...
>BTFO's Diana
>voice of the reason in the group
>unapologetic Nightfall fan
>most hetero
>most likely had been with 4men
Lotte's the hero LWA deserves, but doesn't need right now
Seems like it? From what I've seen from ep.6 and the 2nd cour PV that seems to be the case. Also, it seems that to use her powers in an effecive way she has to drop the blue hair since it seems to be some kind of Glamour Spell she has to mantain.
Lotte is an irrelevant glorified sidekick.
t. salty frogposter
i want to do all sorts of things to diana's stomach!
Pretty good user, loving that leg position
Your lines are super messy but you've got the character's likeness right.
>daily reminder that the very first main character we saw in LWA franchise was little Diana happily watching the magical show of Chariot
that's why the filename has roughdraft in it
how would you impress your witch waifu Sup Forums?
I'd read the whole Nightfall collection and show her that my Nightfall knowledge is as good as hers if not better.
We shold bring her yay back no matter what!
I didn't think it was lineart, my sketches are messy too, just not that much.
As long as it works for you, there's nothing wrong with it.
Is sucy autistic?
Why are you posting an empty template user?
she is indonesian it's just normal
You mean pinoy
No she's just eccentric and perfect for Akko
you would want like that wouldn't you fucking disgusting shit pinoy monkey
everything has to be pinoy for your shit monkey pride fucking chinese mongrel shitskin fuckstick look at her does she look like pinoy to you? no. your woman are disgusting whores with shit colored skin like they born not from amniotic fluid but shit fluid
fuck you
Diana is pretty much a meme character at this point of time.
Also, literally worst girl
I want to fuck this mouse.
Are you?
Are the blu-rays for sale yet? I genuinely want to have some.
Akko's animal forms look like caricatures, in stark contrast with Diana's unicorn.
Does this mean Akko literally visualizes animals during casting as these cartoon-like figures? Maybe the reason why she's so bad at magic is because magic requires a strict, rigid method of concentrating and casting, which Diana can do perfectly.
If so Akko would have to lose some yay and stick with tradition, or she would have to brute force magic to conform to how she wants it to be.
You can pre-order all of them now, open wide.
Yeah you can preorder on AmiAmi for example
Diana doing it to show how amazing she is.
Akko doing it to make people smile.
Their style differ because their purpose differs too.
>Diana doing it to show how amazing she is
I don't think that Diana actually cares about image that much. Maybe just because she wants to get it over with? Like methodical and efficient just to do it quickly that she never has any room for whimsy?
I'd get her pregnant and then spread the news so everybody would know, after that Diana couldn't get an abortion since she's from good family and all and if word would've gotten out that a prestigious daughter got abortion her famil would be ruined, naturally to not make her look like a whore i'd have to marry her which would be my plan's goal in the 1st place.
Akko is for Andrew
From my perspetive, the magic they use reflects their characters.
The Unicorn and the somber atmosphere reflects the cold and emotionless nature of Diana but to summon a companion also meant she yearns for true love.
Akko's transformation are based on the wide range of emotions she has but also how free she is.
Literally who
You know exactly who I'm talking about
Why is she naked?
Andrew is for piano.
Akko for bringing people yay back.
andrew vestal formerly of the unofficial squaresoft homepage????(??)
at first I thought she was being beaten by a banana girl
Akko lewdly teasing Andrew as he tries practicing the piano, trying to get him to lose concentration and make a mistake
I love Akko. She makes my spirit smile, and my heart soar. This anime is doing things to me...
>I don't think that Diana actually cares about image that much.
I think she does care. I think she's kinda like Akko in episode 12, who was thinking she had to achieve the same glory and fame as Chariot in order to become Chariot, only to realize that being like Chariot is something more fundamental that has nothing to do with fame and glory. I think Diana wants to be like Chariot too, and just like Akko in episode 12, she believes she has to achieve the glory to get there.
I think even her goal of saving magic revolves around Chariot. I wouldn't be surprised if she somehow found out Chariot was trying to do that (and failed) and now she's trying to do what Chariot couldn't, without really understanding Chariot's feelings at all.
The only thing I'm not sure of is if she's doing all this unconscionably or if she's aware of it.
What's with Andrews obsession with bunny girls?
this is all I've ever hoped for
Stop making Akko so incompetent. Everyone likes an underdog but someone who fails constantly, isnt an underdog, they are a loser and no one likes a loser. You know at this point Akko will always lose and fail at everything unless its Asspull-o-clock. Makes for really bad and predictable storytelling.
Diana obviously cares about magic a lot, since she studies it so much and you can easily see it in her diary entry. She's just so disillusioned with the world and how it's been leaving magic behind that she doesn't know if she can do it. Everybody praises her for being so talented and from a prestigious family, but if she can't achieve her goals then what good is she? It doesn't matter how smart or good at magic she is if in the end magic dies a slow, cold death. That's what makes her so serious, so depressed.
The word you're looking for is woman. W-o-m-a-n. That's someone who's older than a loli but not a cake yet. Ever heard of it? Well now you do.
Diana is done for.
I am the new mack daddy of Luna Nova.
He's not me. I always post a recently update image. I'm on my netbook though, so I can't dwell into the numbers too much. Just a warning, I rewrote a lot of sentences in this post, and I'm terrible at quality check, be warned.
There are three scenarios after a group drops a show:
1) people re-download the same episodes from a different group
2) people continue watching a different groups releases
3) they drop the show
By the first scenario we should see a 9k drop between episode 6 and 7 in overall downloads. Since episode 7> episodes had more parallel downloads.
By the second scenario we should see a 9k increase by the continuing teams between episode 6 and 7, and no changes in overall downloads.
By the third, we should see a 9k drop in overall downloads between ep 6 and 7.
Now at the actual numbers. There has been a steady decrease in overall downloads. Even in your SumComp row. 5k between ep 5 and 6, and 3k5 between episode 7 and 8. Going by the middle we expect a 4k2 drop between episode 6 and 7. Instead there was a 1k increase in continuing team downloads. The difference indicates the number of people who chose the 1) scenario and re-downloaded the previous episodes or just continued with a different group. The rest, 9k - 5k2, 3k8 people presumably dropped the series. Which is close to the 4k2 prediction.
I never provided analysis to my graphs, and it was never intended. It is just to compare shows' downloads to each other. Series get dropped by subers all the time. If we assume that they happen during the same circumstances (aka the quality of the show or low interest) then it shouldn't really influence how we interpret the graphs.
Gimme back my hat or else!
She's not a loser though. The message of the story is that awards and recognition aren't the only things that make you a winner. Going after your dreams, trying hard, and making the world a better place are a much more important way to live your life than always striving for "winning".