Why do liberals all have identical opinions?

Have you ever seen a liberal who, for example, believed strongly that global warming is man made and that businesses should face heavy carbon taxes but who also personally believed in a strict nationalistic, closed borders, limited immigration policy? Of course not. Every liberal I've encountered all hold the same opinions on everything. I've found people on the right hold varying opinions on many subjects but liberals all think the same way across the board like a cult.

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Jew hive mind

how do i acquire such hair?

Yeah basically. You can get as nuanced as you want, but it's basically group think so they can have friends that will put up with them. That, and they basically don't have the mental prowess to deviate from group mentality/collectivism

>bill maher
>sam harris
>gad saad
>jordan peterson
>dave rubin
>joe rogan
>tim pool

Maybe they think that way because they aren't fucking retarded virgins.

Because political opinions have become a brand to wear.

They don't consider politics to be a serious discussion for finding solutions and systems in governance and societal organization; they see it as a piece of clothing to wear or a hashtag to put on their bag.

Of course they're going to parrot the same opinion. The opinion is made to be sellable.

Leftist idealogies are strongly based on whatever politicians promise and say. If the big liberal politician at the time says that all whites should commit suicide, white liberals would. You're right, it is like a cult.

To be fair the little losers are not allowed. Group of liberals hanging out- can you imagine the outrage if one of them says something about global warming being a hoax? Or open borders is a dumb fuck idea? They will promply be attacked lol. This is how ex-dems are created. Red pilled by their own.

>Sup Forums poster thinks he isn't in a giant alt-right conservacuck safe space that is identical to the libtard ones
>believing your echo chamber is superior

Man you guys are pathetic.

They're retarded

I'm a conservative that acknowledges climate change being man made

echo chambers promote extremism and internet is full of them. extremists do not want an opposing opinion. they desire validation. the more they are validated and teh more they participate in like thought, the more extreme they become. they eventually police themselves. it is a government wet dream and allows for the censorship and promotion of their own agendas by pushing conversations and topics in the direction they want and letting the people do the policing.

thus, you end up with liberals obsessed with maintaining and pushing these cultural marxist sjw opinions. its why the gender shit is going further and pushign boundaries - these people need to be validated in their oppression olympics so badly that they will force the group to further and further extremes and if you are not with them, you are racist, transphobic, homophobic, mysoginistic, nazi, trump supporter and so on. There is no moderate, no in between, no room for debate.

The internet enforces this so easily - you ban them from your community, you dont go to their site, you block them, you shadowban the dissenter, you remove the post, you downvote and shame them with social media. In real life, you would fear retribution. You could not stop the person from speakign his mind. You have to listen to a dissenting opinion. But not now that you have an army of like minded people easily organized and controlled. Not when you can throw out these kafka traps of -phobias and racisms and so on.

That is why they are all the same.

Liberals love soy. It's the missing link.

Reality tends to have liberal bias.

Dominant jewish irish genes.

no one has ANY opinion on any of these well known libs that dont toe the liberal line?

you are literally fucking retarded then. I bet you dont even know the definition of the word climate. The climate has changed for as long as it has existed.

yea this, i also unironically love dave rubin, i know hes a jew but the dude is as chill as it gets

no it doesn't. Reality has a tribal bias. The leftist social engineers that took control of the media have a liberal bias

Any yet here you are, not banned and fagging up the place.

I like to say that they are subscribed to the "liberal pack"


Of all the shit on Sup Forums this faggot and this picture in particular really fucking bother me

And yet here you are, not banned and fagging up the place.

Social engineering works retard. Culture trumps genetics in social development in post-agricultural society.

a second kek, dont hide this post this time fag


They don't, though. Why do you think communists are always purging each other, and tend to become less radical later in life after they've been on the wrong side of the lefty mob a few times?


Modern “liberals” are actually leftists, progressives and marxists. Liberal is a misnomer you shouldn’t call them that

The basis for everything these people believe is Marxist social and economic therory

The entire history of the world and everything in it can be defined as the oppressors and the oppressed

They do not beleive in truth, they do not believe in objectivity, in reason, in honor, in any value system besides power of oppressor and oppressed.

The opinions they have are the same because they are all designed to tear down the world to make way for the communist utopia.

Weather that is tearing down religion, economics, cultural tradition, gender roles, race identity, national identity etc etc. you can keep going.

Hey have no values only the power game of oppressor and oppressed thus their opinion is whatever fits the narrative at that moment

So many red pills, for people who love thinking for themselves.

>Yeah basically. You can get as nuanced as you want, but it's basically group think so they can have friends that will put up with them. That, and they basically don't have the mental prowess to deviate from group mentality/collectivism
This 100%

Meh, I think that abortions and gays are fine but will shoot anyone who comes for my guns.

Leftism attracts collectivists. Identity politics came from the left. Class warfare came from the left. Unions came from the left. Communism and socialism are fat left economic philosophies.

A key part of being in a herd, is not deviating from the herd.

But for young people especially, it's much more a combination of idealism, ignorance, fitting in with cool kids who's liberal parents let them have parties with alcohol in high school.

human minds have not evolved to live in areas of high population concentration, much less contend with a globally-connected, always-online information network, MUCH LESS carry a portal to said network around in our pockets at all times.

rei i...

>Why do liberals all have identical opinions?
Because all you read is Sup Forums strawmen

yep, popularized "progressive" group think, but the minute you suggest something MORE progressive than their current set of popular values, suddenly these "forward thinking" people will turn on you. also very contradictory usually e.g.: gun control: constitution is outdated and irrelevant --- immigration control: constitution is relevant and applicable to every person on earth

it's a jewish thing.

>Why do liberals all have identical opinions?

because they are the easiest to mind control.

I can't get over how fuck-ugly this dude is. I mean, is he real, or a computer generated nu-male stereotype? This is really fucking my head OP, like a car crash where all the corpses are dead babies and I'm horrified but I still can't look away.


This must be what rape feels like.


can't rape the willing

Yeah I guess I do much to the ire of my friendship group....although I am not for any policy unless there is a clear benefit to it...

no glasses, haircut, no beard, and he would be a decent lad

Also when i posted the pic it was kind of as a joke i didnt know people would spread it

Dick Dorkins

he found out Sup Forums was making fun of him so he embraced the meme

its called GROUPTHINK.
its a Soviet thing

>(ID: QGFagBA8)

I'm sure this will end well

>Why do liberals all have identical opinions
Byproduct of science-fetishism. They think the principle of "There's one right answer for everything" extends everywhere. And they assume all the world is pre-observed for them, so they just have to read whichever media has "authority" and parrot the opinions they find there. Find the celebrity scientist, that funny guy on tv, and whichever politicians confidently say things that appeal to me, treat all that as final word on everything, mock and shame and punish anyone who disagrees.
Yeah they mostly just think everything is settled, and you're either smart for looking it up and repeating it or stupid for disagreeing.

very solid base for the New left, when the current alt-left collapses and cannibalizes it's own corpse.

If people like these guys made up the new democratic party, id be okay with that.

Nofap day 90

Most "liberals" are just normal people who believe simply what the people around them believe. The second someone they trust and respect challenges those beliefs, they typically start crumbling.

Because it is rigidly enforced. Anyone with an incorrect opinion is ostracized from the group and made into a pariah. This allows for a purer ideological base, but removes potential for growth.

I don't think its that bad and will be a big nothing burger and most likely reverse by 2030-2040.

It never works. It ends up always collapsing due to a resurgence of tribalism.