Is there one (1) character who could defeat One Punch Man? Asking for my brother's friend

Is there one (1) character who could defeat One Punch Man? Asking for my brother's friend.

OP are you starting a war?

Yes. The report function.

meme characters don't have measurable power levels so theoretically anything could defeat them or anyone one could be defeaten by them.

Yes. Murata can erase him after drawing him, resulting in his defeat.

Fucking speed readers I swear.

His fanbase killed him a while ago.


Mob > Caped Baldy

1/2 punch man.

suiryu after he removes leg bands

>1/2 punch man.

Literally unbeatable.



Accelerator duh

You either puch or don't, there's no such thing as a half punch

Died to a banana

please explain

Your wife's boyfriend.

No user you don't understand it was an ATOMIC banana peel.


Add King at the end, it might become slightly less cancerous.

Yes, Superman, he can lift infinity!

Pic related beat him every time in their matches.


Gets beaten by

Have you heard of Madura Uchiwawa?



The hero we need

That works actually.

Then that one dumb girl LN character that gets bought up to counter DEMONBANE. Can't remember her name.

There are many who could defeat Saitama.

But in his own manga Saitama is invincible.



still one of the greatest heroes of all time


Motherfucker thinks at the speed of light, sees the banana peel beforehand but still slips on it? I call shenanigans.

Bonus points for each of the characters being able to utter one full sentence in the timeframe of my first fap.

I just remembered her name.


average genjutsu user can beat him

who would win?

saitama? or saitama's weight in mosquitoes

wtf i love flash now

I guess that makes you a RACE-ist

This easily.

Bugs bunny if Saitama is the asshole.

anyone with enough toon-force powers could take him

>popeye + spinach
>pebble in shoe ed
>scrooge mcduck if saitama tries to steal his sheckles
>batman with preptime
>chuck noriss round house kicks
>my original donught steel edgelord character

A punch is a punch, you can't say it's only half.

Fuck your shit carlos.

He defeats all enemies on the windup to his punch, so he doesn't even get the satisfaction of ever throwing one.

Isn't he a joke Character, his strength and power are part of the joke

let's just say my boy giorno can solo your entire universe

back to Sup Forums homo


Giorno and GER


Fuck off. Tell your brother's friend to look at the other times this shit was posted

C'mon op there are so many character that can easily beat him

Even this disgusting pervert could beat Saitama

This handsome man

His entire gimmick is he beats everything and takes damage from nothing, it isn't fair to put him against someone serious

Any Sup Forumscksuckers here?
I never into DC comics but apparently
>Kill him with fire, comes back immune to fire (how does he come back?)
But anyways
>Saitama kills him with his hardest punch
>Doomsday comes back
Can he still beat him?

Any toonforce character beats Saitama.

I kind of feel bad for him in ch. 42, even if he's huge asshole

he pulls back his punch at the last second

Saitama is weak shit. Anybody can beat him. Fucking Ed from EEnE can beat him.

I hate these threads.

Not because of powerwanking. But because people miss the whole point of OPM.

Saitama wants to have fights like Goku has in DB/Z/S. Blood pumping fights to the brink of death where you never know if you'll win or die. Something he'll never get, because within the OPM universe, Saitama is so strong, no one can stand more than one punch from him. It's a deeply depressing tale about the limits of your dreams. Just like a regular human can only dream of these typical shounen/seinen fights, Saitama can only dream about these fights. In that sense, Saitama's life hasn't changed a thing - his life before he became a hero and after he became a hero is almost the same. His dream remains unattainable.

ya but who can defet one pucnh man

The only thing that can defeat Saitama is his depression.


Blast is going to turn out to be a time traveling Saitama. The final fight in OPM will literally be Saitama vs Saitama (Blast).

And Saitama will defeat himself in one punch.


Dark Schneider
Goku (and everyone from Saiyan-saga onward for that matter)
Jedah Dohma
Sol Badguy
Half the cast of Touhou
Star Wars EU Jedi/Sith
Ghost Rider
Pretty much everyone Herald-level and above in the Marvel Universe
Wonder Woman
Symphogear verse
A whoooole lotta Digimon
Naruto top-tiers
One Piece top-tiers
Asura from Asura's Wrath
Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara and anyone able to match or surpass him (which would include Yukimura, Ieyasu, Mitsunari, Nobunaga, Motochika, etc.)
Nippon-Ichi verse
Literally everyone and their mother in Castlevania
Vampire Hunter D
Cloud, Sephiroth and every major FFVII character
Squall Leonhart
Squall's pants
Mike Tyson
Mr. T

>Saitama vs Saitama

Super Autism 3 was needed to make this

i miss watching this with my dad as a kid

Shit like this is so fucking dumb. There is no possible way he could die. Even if you tried to think him out of existence because you're ultimate jesus, he would be able to go back in time the moment you start thinking. Why does it even exist? How does "he's a guy who can move fast" turn into this?

Comic books are retarded, news at 11.

Madara Uchiha

Is it the comic book equivalent of shounen power levels? Like how Naruto starts with shadow clones being forbidden hot shit and by the end they are basically summoning meteors and turning into gods.

I remember picking up the first volume of the new flash (I think) and he almost died because he got caught off-guard and didn't have his powers activated atm

>Yog-Sothoth has control over all of space and time
>Yog-Sothoth sees all, knows all, and is all
>Yog-Sothoth is itself all of the spacetime continuum and is omnipresent
>Every being that possesses intelligence is considered a mere facet of Yog-Sothoth
>Yog-Sothoth is coterminous with all time and space yet is supposedly locked outside of the universe we inhabit
>He is considered to be absolutely boundless
>Nothing can exist without Yog-Sothoth

It was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self—not merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence's whole unbounded sweep—the last, utter sweep which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike.

Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth.

Stop making power-level threads now.

That's the best kind of retarded though. Like pottery in fact.

Saitama can atleast compete with Namek saga DBZ characters.
Also even Boros would solo One Piece, Naruto and some more in your list.

People that downplay Saitama are just as retarded as people that hype him up to no end.

Dr. Manhattan

>>Yog-Sothoth is coterminous with all time and space yet is supposedly locked outside of the universe we inhabit
And Saitama is the one who locked him out

That's incorrect though, Saitama did know the thrill of fighting for a while, he lost it along with his want of power.

that's not a fair comparison, it's theoretically impossible to beat Ed because of his ability to bend reality at will.

He's not locked outside the universe. He just has difficulty interacting with the universe, because the universe and everything in it is created through the continued dream of Azathoth. It's like trying to put something inside a soap bubble without breaking it. If Yog-Sothoth forces its way into the universe, it ends up waking Azathoth up, destroying this universe, breaking all Nyarlatotep's toys (because Nyarlatotep enjoys toying with young foolish mortals and gods). And Nyarlatotep will get very angry at Yog-Sothoth.

Not seeing anyone else Boros can solo except maybe D and the Sengoku Basara verse. Star Wars EU is debatable due to the sheer amount of mindhax the Jedi and Sith have,not to mention their reaction speed.

Yes, arale can. Everything saitama can do, arale can do better.

Saitama has pretty low tier toonforce.

After checking some stats on obd it seems like Star Wars EU would wipe the floor with Boros since they have solar system wiping ships.

I also underestimated the Torikoverse. Yeah I guess those are all that Boros can beat.

Leave Saitama to me.

Saitama killed unkillable being and you still comparing him with others?

It's not confirmed if he killed the mosquito.

>hasn't read the webcomic

>reading the webcomic

King already defeated him, though. Many times.

>Eats a banana and throws down the peel.
>Saitama slips on the peel.
>Reigen makes a big show about it being his ultimate move.
>Saitama looks mildly inconvenienced at best, but proclaimed defeated anyway.

Evil water being actually

It was heavily implied that Beerus would one shot Arale during the crossover episode.