Are these the amerimutts you guys are always talking about...

Are these the amerimutts you guys are always talking about? They are hideous! The day of the rope can't come soon enough brothers.

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Sieg Hail !

HAHAHAHAHA , look how happy she is that she's completely fucked her offspring, the noses just say it all, she completely wasted her fucking genes kek.


Sieg Heil !

hahaha totally brother. look at this horrible and ugly family! you can tell they are miserable! how long till hubby chimps out? i might be fat, white, balding, and lonely but at least I am not in a mixed family

It's always horrible seeing 9 years old kids acting like 25 years old bitches.

Those kids are cute, however the bitch will pay the toll like the rest.

That's just white women. The lowest, easiest trash of any other women. They fuck niggers and have bastard children.

Asian girls, on the other hand, marry white men, the highest class of male, and produce strong families.

They're gonna be cute as hell when they turn 16.