American Monarchy System

This is the ideal system of government.
The country is ruled by an Emperor, with patrilineal succession. The Emperor resides in Washington DC. There is also the Senate (but it isn't democratic)
The country is divided between 51 kingdoms (50 states+D.C., and the Emperor is the king of DC). Each Kingdom is ruled by a King. Every King gets to appoint two people to the Senate, which will often be a relative.
Every County is ruled by a Count (Patrilineal succession). Each Count gets to appoint two people to the state Assembly.
The Emperor and King have much more power than the Senate and Assemblies though, which are more of advisers that relay their Kings/Counts opinion as opposed to people with actual power. They can be removed and replaced by their count/king at anytime.

Agreed. Monarchy is better than democracy because they both turn into plutocracies, but Monarchies are run by people who care about the people whole democracies are run by jews


>in two generations the Emprah is a jew
no thanks

Even if that did happen, what’s the difference between that and our current society?

it wouldn't be a foreign monarch across an ocean though

I like this idea. Bump

Calling them Counts just sounds dumb

I would prefer this to our current system

Fuck off limey.

PA accepts only the Kingdom of God.

Fuck off retard

A republic is best but only if individuals are well educated.

>not even absolute monarchy

>Not absolute
The crest looks prestigious though, this could go somewhere

Absolute monarchy is practical in such a large country.
Having each state have their own Kings ultimately increases unity while still allowing each state to retain some sovereignty

And bump for monarchism

You can vote them out...
What's better, forcing them to face stepping down every 4 years or cementing them as Emperor for the rest of their life?


fuck that

>You can vote them out
Ah yes, we can vote for the Democrat that has sold his soul to Israel or we can vote for the Republican that has sold his soul to Israel.
The Jews have control over every major party in th west, they can’t be voted out.

Monarchy and kings are literally the most unamerican things possible.

The whole point of America was to get away from the kangz

America is currently an Israeli puppet.
I’d say changing things up might be beneficial

You're forgetting two things.
1: In a democracy, YOU can run, be it Mayor, Governor, or even President.
2: The leaders in a democracy are physically different people. You can stall these agendas by only giving the President 4 years to accomplish them. An emperor/king/count has time only limited to when they die, giving them tens and tens of years to shape the nation.

Except we aren’t an actual democracy anymore. Democracies always turn into plutocracies

>patrilineal succession
What you're looking for is "Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture inheritance". This means that the eldest son inherits all titles, unless you have no sons, in which case, your eldest daughter inherits all titles.

Eldest son inherits the position.
All sons inherit and pass on the title, but not the position. For Kings and Emperors only the eldest becomes King while the rest become Prince/Princess. Also girls never get it, succession will go to an uncle before it gets passed on to a daughter
I know you think this will make the number of Nobles too high, but that’s not actually true assuming population growth is the same for Nobles as it is for the general population, than the percentage of the population that is Noble will stay the same since Girls don’t pass on the status/title.

>not a matriarchy run by goth grils

You're not arguing any of my points. Wealthy people can't stop you from running for governor and they haven't (yet) eliminated term limits for president.

You will want your daughter to inherit. You'll eventually reach a point where an Emperor wants their direct progeny to inherit, and if there are any social tensions in the country, different sides will rally around their true successor, causing a civil war. Look up the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713, and the ensuing War of Austrian Succession.

The daughter, of course, ONLY have a matrilineal marriage, keeping the family name.