Canada is much too ignored for a superpower that controls so much fresh water, timber, maple syrup, and greasy nasty sand nobody fucking wants pumped across their backyard. So here we discuss leaf-pertinent topics and post leaftastic images on the hopes we are honored by the presence and insights of our wise stickybeards.
Leaf-discrimination like pic related are not allowed in this thread. If you hurt someones feelings with your speech you will be fined or jailed just like in Canada.
Only leaf-positive posts and pics are permitted.
At least they are white.
Imported Chinese are not white
Not for long
Send help
We're done for.
Trump need to start dropping red pills about our government links with the deep state or we are fucked
The problem I see with a Leaf containment board is that Canada is such a territorially expansive proxy. It contains all the lands north of the US, some desks at the CIA and FBI, along with most of Russia.
Nice proxy leaf
Why do Canadiand love macaroni & cheese so much?
Do any Leaves unironically think that they should be annexed into the USA?
No matter how much oil we pull out of the ground and how many trees we harvest, the world will continue to make “eh” jokes and accuse us of chugging maple syrup. I mean fuck, I’ve chugged a big bottle of maple syrup as a dare but that’s irrelevant.
don't forget about 'aboot'
Fuck, I’ve definitely forgotten that one. I wish Trump could just steal Alberta from Canada so we can have a president with testicles instead of a prime minister with ovaries.
This is Canada’s last election to a fucking “T”
They are ignored because they're always hiding behind meme-flags
A leaf is a leaf is a shitposting syrupnigger!
Day of the rake!
For real tho, I feel like the leaf should just be a meme flag at this point.
It's a better meme then all e other flags.
Its at least on the same level as the Catalonia flag