>yea this looks great lets go with it
Yea this looks great lets go with it
Other urls found in this thread:
does this show have any chance of being better than busou shinki?
which was crappy
busou shinki was good
this is shit
The mastah character has more personality which I like
But I don't like that she told the robots not to call her mastah
Next time don't type like a child
What's wrong here? That looks like a pretty standard parts sprue.
It's beautiful
I've got a better idea. How about I hotglue you and roll you around my bitz box?
ITT: fagots that enjoy watching 20 minute long figurine commercials.
>no doll joints
In this Board: faggots that enjoy watching 20 minute long manga/LN commercials.
>20 minute long arcade game commercials
>20 minute long children's toy commercials
>20 minute long children's card game commercials
I'll watch any sort of commercial as long as it has sexualized anime little girls.
>ywn get paid for making qt grill plamo and having them wreck virtual shit up
It hurts to live, anons.
>doll joints
Get the fuck out if you don't like doll joints
They are disgusting reminders of fakeness
Without them, we get true minigirls
>Wanting minigirls
Your soul is still weighted down by gravity.
> Animated living grill
> Making the man do all her work
>Making the man do all her work
So is this the /tg/ anime? Those look like Bolt Pistols.
The same goes to Yugioh, digimon and even fucking pokemon but you don't see anyone complaining
Yeah I like Gundam.
Everyone knows 20 minute long dagashi commercials are where it's at
No, it's the /toy/ anime. There is no actual game, it's just plastic models. The duels are something unique to the anime.
TFW you try this out because it looks like Angelic Layer and midway you realize its just a toy commercial.
TFW you are old enough to remember Angelic layer
Quick! Someone summon the fa/tg/uys!
We're already here.
>that one dude in the comments defending not painting his 40k minis
No place is safe from heresy, certainly not the youtube comment section.