How important are aesthetics and visual language to you?
How important are aesthetics and visual language to you?
Is Boruto the best anime has to offer?
Nuruturd trash.
Sad, isn't it?
>2016 Sup Forums pass user
Why am I not surprised you're the huge autist who's obsessed with a shitty child's anime?
you might want to get your eyesight checked out friend
Not him, put the point stands passfag. Also, stop bumping this shit up, do people even know how to sage anymore?
>the point stands passfag
uhhh what point?
The point that you're obviously underage.
owning a Sup Forums pass means i'm underage?
is that why they made a board just for pass users?
>huge autist
>obsessed with a shitty child's anime
Read damn you, read.
what does my pass have to do with that?
please keep it on topic, we are trying to discuss aesthetics and visual language in anime
great aesthetics and visual language here
No, but you being a narutard only reinforces this assumption. And
If you really wanted to discuss aesthetics, you wouldn't use these Naruto screenshots.
What's wrong with the Naruto images? They look great.
>you wouldn't use these Naruto screenshots.
why not?
i think it's been established for years now that naruto has some of the best visuals in the medium
Fuck off you ban evading, samefagging Narutard spammer.
>ban evading
What makes you say that?
Bake ?
The fact your previous shit spam thread was featured on the ban page?
Or are you going to pretend you're not the Narutard visual direction spammer?
Holy fuck stop bumping this people.
Fuck off samefag.
what anime do you think has the best visual language?
The only ones shitposting here are you. If the thread hurts your feelings, just fucking hide it.
Sorry Narutard spammer but you're the one shitposting by constantly reposting your shit spam thread and even getting banned by the mods before which means you didn't get the hint by the mods to stop spamming.
you know bans aren't permanent right?
Your autism is though.
you still haven't told me what anime you think has the best visuals
Holy shit, what anime?
Ai City, it's pretty terrible.
I told you to stop fucking posting these you fucking dumbass sperg
Remember when people was shitting on Pierrot
That's some beginner tier cinematography.
You should actually learn what good visual language means
only plebeians can't properly appreciate naruto
What does good visual language mean, and how are those screenshots "beginner" tier? I think you don't know what you're talking about.
>properly appreciate naruto
Funny because there's no way to "properly" appreciate Naruto as it's all trash.
why do naruto haters think they have it all figured out
I like how you reword the OP as to pass people's filters, Gridbro. Keep up the good my dude.
You know mods also ban the people who encourage spammers right but considering the image you posted, you're probably the Narutard, himself.
The Tamako Love Story poster was better.
To be honest we should be thanking our Narutard for killing these godawful threads.
>anything related to tamako love story
>better than anything
the movie was even worse than the shitty boring show, not to mention it's boring uninspired visuals (thanks yamada you fucking hack)