Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon

It's fucking over. Do you feel Kyoani did this one justice even with all of the changes?

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stop being a baby about it & go read the manga

original camp tent

Left me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I'm glad I watched this series.

both the anime and manga are trash

Every change was for the better. The original is too weird.

It was really good, glad there will be a OVA atleast

I wish more KyoAni shows would decide to forgo the use of their instagram filter.

Yeah, it was a fair adaptation, and it was nice how much time they gave the secondary characters.
Though that last episode was cac. I really loathe when they drop all the moddiness and drama into the last episode then "and they all lived happily ever after".

Get your fucking stupid reddit/imgur crap out of here normal fag.

decent ending

Yeah. I think it would've served better if they had dropped one of the lamer SoL episodes and given the Daddy arc two episodes where Tohru gets more time to reflect on her inner turmoil in the first and returns home in the second. As it is the pacing for episode 13 is shit.

>Kobayashi flashbacking to literally 30 seconds ago

Was this confirmed?

files.catbox.moe/qjjfmb.webm short
reposting since old thread is almost dead

First half of the season was an impressive 9/10, second half was 7/10, overall the show is a solid 8/10

Literally best KyoAni show since K-On.

I hate to be one of those people, but I feel that overall, the manga did it better, especially the chapters that this episode adapted. The melodrama and fight scene thrown in just padded the episode out and did not contribute anything positive to the narrative. Elma got shafted, Lucoa was given more screentime only to be overplayed as a running gag, alongside Shouta and fivehead. Whether or not you found this amusing is subjective but it did not add to their characters. I disliked Iruru but she had some good interactions with other characters, so taking her out was a bad move. One decent addition, however, was the bromosexuality between Takiya and Fafnir, because it added more to the latter's character beyond "edgy NEET who is Tohru's friend." It was a decent adaptation and show overall; the original was somewhat better.

It was a very enjoyable show. Kanna best loli dragon.

It's not necessarily better, just more fitting for an anime's finale.

The original was just another simple chapter like all the rest with a small badass Kobayashi moment.
The anime took that and added some more arc to it and, yes, melodrama. They wanted to make the ending have an impression so they upped the stakes for it, even if it didn't make too much sense in some parts.

Also, Tohru's dad blasting off Kobayashi's glasses rather than some random fucking vase was one point where it was clearly better. There was a lot more meaning to that act and it made for good tension.

Low bar.

I can't believe Kanna's DEAD!

It's weird. I stopped watching Kyoani shit ages ago.

Then this poped up and I was like sure I'll watch it I love this guys manga and h-manga.

I can't remember the last time I like an anime so much... maybe like 5 years ago or something....

I think this season is going to be something to remember 10 years from now.

anichart.net/Spring-2007 Man this was 10 years ago. I feel so old.

The ending was rushed, the fight scene was not needed at all.

That's a high bar.

There were some great anime along the way.

That's a good one.

Is there a chance we get a S2 after the manga gets more chapters?.

Sorry, I just couldn`t.

Ask us in two years.

>anichart.net/Spring-2007 Man this was 10 years ago. I feel so old.
>Gurren Lagann, Claymore & Lucky Star all happened at the same time
Damn, that actually does sound like a fun season. A lot more variety.

This past season seemed dominated by SoL Isekai comedies.
This coming season is clearly for the shonen action Season 2's. Even LWA's second cour is getting more serious this season.

It felt like my heart was breaking here.

It ain't better than Hyouka, Nichijou or Eupho.

>Dragon Maid better than Hibike
neck urself pleb

>Lucoa will never watch you sleep

The BD set 2 has quite the lewd Kanna and otter Kanna in special 2 is a CUTE: maidragon.jp/product/bd/bd_2.php

Yes it is.

nice goalpost shifting

Scans never.

Unless I bite the bullet and do it. But backlog is already fucking horrendous as it is.

Ending felt very meh.
I know it was about tohru, but I just felt the other dragon's should have..done more? Instead they just felt like bystanders.

Kobayashi was literally the only one defending her. Hell, Kanna didn't even speak up. The fuck

>Kobayashi Talk no Jutsu'ing a dragon form fight

Man I thought the manga's confrontation between Tohru and her dad was anticlimactic. How did they manage to make it lamer?

Kanna, understandably, was scared shitless. You want too much from a child.

OST when?


Now that's a term I haven't seen in years.

Wow, what an accomplishment

And although the main part broadcasting will be finished, BD & DVD Volume 2 will be released on April 19, Special Event will be held on June 18! OP ยท ED theme song, character song, radio CD are also on sale now! Original soundtrack also released on 4/12! Continue to TV anime "Mr. Kobayashi Sachi's May Dragon" Please!

He was a good friend

Considering K-On is the pinnacle of anime, that's quite the accomplishment.

Kanna's pretty powerful. She's more than capable of defending herself against gramps, assuming he'd lay a finger on her anyway.

Maybe it's just me, but it felt like the other dragons were in zombie mode that whole episode.

I don't know if you translated that yourself since I can't seem to find it myself, but thank you regardless.

I don't want to say goodbye to these heartwarming doragons. Just look at this happy family, mama Tohru and papa Kobayashi look adorable together when they're with their cute and fat daughter Kanna.

I already liked most of the characters when I read the manga but the anime made me like them even more. I'm going to miss these fat doragons.

Kyoani is pretty much the artistically defining anime studio of the decade. Kinda like Gainax years ago. Science Saru is next.

This episode was kind of jarring. The rest of the show was lighthearted then suddenly it's all serious and shit.

Stop cowardshaming Kanna, you pissbaby.
On others I agree.

Is Tohru's dad a bitch

>Encouraging flash

You know, I liked this short little moment. With all the /ss/ and booby jokes, this moment was genuinely sweet. Lucoa is at her best when she isn't a /ss/ boob joke. I also like her outfit change, it's for the better.


Literally for any anime you're interested in, you check the offical twitter they have all the info.

Adam and Eve not Adam and Shenlong, okay?

Kobayashi at times takes markedly masculine poses. Contrast her to Takiya with his oy vey nice geschaft handrubbing attitude and see for yourself.
And now she`s taking her girl and daughteru to meet the parents.

Damn Kyoani, why must you wink at us so.

>The original was just another simple chapter
Except it also showed how much Kobayashi cares about Tohru, just without Kobayashi breaking character. The manga had plenty of melodrama. All the anime had to do was stretch it out a little and maybe give it more depth.

>They wanted to make the ending have an impression
this totally makes sense in a comfy sol. Also, if they wanted to up the stakes, maybe they should have spent a bit more time actually raising the stakes, instead of inserting pointless cliches (such as an abduction back home and a climactic final battle between parent and child) and then acting like they didn't happen.

>it didn't make too much sense
That is pretty much exactly why the anime did it worse.

Lastly, when you threaten to hit someone, you generally don't actually hit them. The dad blasting off the glasses added very little, if anything, more to the scene and only served as an excuse for Kobayashi to fall on her ass, blubber for a few seconds, and then do her cliche shonen preaching.

Also, I think it was pretty out of character for Tohru to not just attack her dad after he hit Kobayashi, especially considering what drove him away in the mango is her grabbing his arm and giving him the death glare right before he attacked Kobayashi.

How did this make you feel?

Kyoani always improves source the source material. Maidragon was no exception.

Nice forced drama.
overall pretty mediocre shit

I was skeptical at first since the first episode was mediocre, but it combined good comedy (some of the running jokes were meh) and good characterization/development with great art, OST, and animation.

8/10, AOTS, KinoAni knocks it out of the park again.

Like a missed opportunity. Totally should have said omurice.

I don't think Kyoani wants to teach the viewers that rebelling against your parents it's a good thing. The lesson in the anime was a lot better: "trust"

kyoani was a mistake

ease the autismo son.

>le forced drama meme
Is there any drama in media that isn't forced?

Being a single dad must be rough.

Also shit taste.

Did you miss all the stuff boiling down below the happy hijinks? This anime has had some pretty serious themes all the way through.

reminder that the author of the manga is a pedophile and that the show delivers gay children fanservice

Superb taste

Ahahaha so I wasn't the only one thinking "Sonaniran, demo ne omurice ga hoshi" would be the perfect response?

Even if I liked Dragonmaid, I would not boast that as a feat

K-on is great if you fit the niche demographic that enjoys that kind of moe and no substance, but otherwise it's not much to write home about

Underage shitposters were a literal mistake.

The word you're looking for is melodrama

Of course not.
I guess we`re both too jaded by the hollywood media and it`s love for oneliners.

So hes our guy?

Spout more memes.

That's not the same thing at all. Tone =/= theme and this was a complete tone shift.

Lolicons don't like gay children.

Kao-tan was better after character development.

almost forgot this was airing today

K-On is about the worst CGDCT you could pick for "no substance". Try GochiUsa or Kinmoza or something.

How do you know that?

This wasn't the only SoL of the season with a sudden tone shift. And as those other shows proved, changing the tone isn't necessarily bad.

u wot m8
Might as well shit on Hidamari while you're at it.

Only a couple dozen more posts until the mad people leave to greener shitposting pastures. It's a new season after all.

How is that relevant? Even if that's it doesn't mean it is for this.

You have to leave too user, Maidragon threads won't be around forever.

Even if that's true*


Does that mean that Kanna, Tohru, Lucoa, Fafnir, and the useless one are going to die? ;_;

Except Tohru literally rebelled against her father. Also, I'm pretty sure this isn't a kids show, so I'm not sure why the fuck Kyoani would care about that.

They're fictional characters, user. Unless they're killed off in the canon they're never dead.

One of the first enjoyable kyoani shows in a while, it was nothing great though, if I weren't reading the manga I would probably forget about it.

You're very good at comforting others, user. You're going to be a great dad in the future.