>these friends try to steal your job
what do?
Kemono Friends
I want to rape Shoebill.
Go higher up the Japari-corporate chain to Jaguar and have her take care of them for me, I won't be tolerating any of their shenanigans.
Eat a Japari Bun
Get a new one I guess?
Seriously OP? Are we seriously at this level already?
Having lewd thoughts about Friends is punishable by death
He probably just couldn't think of anything nice to put in the OP, don't be a friend who's good at pissing and moaning.
let's find out what OP's good at the library !
Is there any upcoming Kemono Friends news?
Friends with a "job":
>Prairie Dog
>Everyone in the plains apparently
>Silver Fox
>I heard Capy owned the onsen
>Campo Flicker
Everyone else either just play around all day or don't care
Did we ever find out who the fuck makes Japari buns? what does silver fox do again?
Apparently this was Shoebill's weapon we never saw.
Judging by the images at the beginning of the latest episode, there might be two more short episodes. One taking place in the mountains/cafe and the other one in the jungle.
shit is going to get real when the last bossu stop working
Bossu makes the Japari Buns, Silver takes care of the thermal power plant and Red.
Build the wall
Can't stop TOTSUGEKI
Reminder that Sup Forumsturds are literally bronies.
What all happened in the last day or so? I woke up this morning and Mine had drew a new friend, and then that thread and one or two threads I haven't read yet reached bump limit.
>never saw
I hope he thinks a bit harder next time then. If this thread starts getting too much Sup Forums or shitposting in general, there's only one person to blame.
what are japaripan ?
Oh. I didn't notice.
japari man is people
I'm glad we're going back to the mountain/cafe if true, it's the best location in the series, we may even get a glimpse of some new friends at Alpacas cafe.
>Shitblue Fantasy hasn't even caught up
Death by snu snu, one hopes.
Don't eat me!
>what do
Yes, yes Kemono Friends threads, give in to the shitposting.
>If this thread starts getting too much Sup Forums or shitposting in general, there's only one person to blame.
Yeah the anons that overreact over a harmless joke and go off topic. Like we're doing right now.
How long will it be until there are PoKemono Friends?
You cal always just report the thread and someone can make one with a less shitty OP
This thread is off to a riveting start.
>shit is going to get real
Not really. The owls now know how to cook.
And besides, Serval herself stated that episode that to just eat the food (vegetables) as it is than spend time cooking it.
Noen of them are carnivores.
Can't wait to get the Nendo and do this pose
What the hell does tsuchinoko does
being autistic is NOT a job
>Spring 2017 releases can't compare to a 3 minute CG animation.
Kemono Friends is going to be AOTS of Spring, and it'll be untouchable as AOTY, maybe even AOTD.
She studies old ruins and whatever humans left behind.
Labyrynth guide
She's a researcher, maybe she brings her discoveries to the library
I don't remember this.
Keeps the Japari Park economy afloat by finding Japari coins.
you mean AOTC
s-stop that!
It's what she was doing before Serval and Kaban interrupted her work and started destroying the walls.