Dreamy Dreams
PriPara, Aikatsu
Other urls found in this thread:
Does Yui stream while she dreams?
This is the thread that will witness whether Elza can save Stars.
I want to fuck Lala.
Hi is this the Miracle Tunes thread
Hey what happened to the group coloring?
>but seeing it might as well be considered a reboot
But everything in the first episode points out to a continuity.
>as older characters not being there anymore for the time being
Well this is true, there will be cameos but who knows when.
>I'm especially wary of what the Farara plot will turn out to be and why they made a character with a name and design similar to Faruru
Almost as if they were of the same kin right? it's like you watched S1 and skipped everything else with Garuru and Jewlie, mini-falulus and rosette pacts.
Production is too self aware, if they wanted to start from zero why would they carry Lala along? it's obvious they make things on the fly and made this new season as simple as posible to leave room for improvements. But it is better if you don't watch it, I don't understand how you finished 140 episodes while thinking that it wasn't an outsanding show and that they will pull something amazing when that's clearly not their strong point, everyone agrees Idol Time is the same as Pripara because it does conserve its essence which is not going nuclear in the first 12 episodes, but taking things easy instead.
You're right, if you're not watching Stars or Idol Time, there's no reason for you to be here.
It died when love died.
Hey, don't belittle Fairilu and Cocotama and all the other little shows.
I want to fuck Yui.
But they're barely discussed here.
Organizer reduced the projects to a measly 9 squares and it still took way too long to complete!
The first episode of Idle Time was pretty nuclear.
Shall we make TOKIMEKI
You're barely discussed here nerd.
It was also super old and from season 1, not very exciting.
I'd rather make DAISUKI.
I want to see Yui curl her toes and hear her say yume iku~
Ainon is discussed all the time.
>That kind of beatmap
How do little girls manage to do that
Never doubt little girls.
I doubt she has a Twitch channel, user.
Do i have to finish Pripara to start this or is it like Aikatsu! where it is in a semi different universe and the plots are unrelated. i dont want to miss inside jokes but this show looks like liquid candy infused with my bloodstream.
Pripara is like that too.
It's a direct continuation. It is starting as it's own it for now but it's very clearly gonna bring back everything sooner or later.
Oh, there are inside jokes aplenty. They're much more related than Aikatsu and Star so. The story will make sense because you can easily infer stuff from the previous series from context.
Predict what we're going to see in the animation for the Stardom OP.
Oh, unless that early upload of the first half of episode 51 included the OP. I haven't watched it so I don't know.
It didn't.
Subaru x Yume.
Koharu's breasts
but Yummy is dating Roller.
A pink shoebill
Koharu's breasts on a boat.
That's an easy guess, there's been some in both OPs not directed by Kimura. If they're cool, they'll have Ako x Kanata.
>I don't understand how you finished 140 episodes while thinking that it wasn't an outsanding show and that they will pull something amazing when that's clearly not their strong point.
I didn't watch it thinking or waiting for something utterly amazing to happen you know. I watched it because I enjoyed it. And I think I'm satisfied and I don't think Idol Time will make me any more satiated or bring somehing new to the table. that's just what I want to say. Maybe I jsut suck at expressing myself.
And you could have said that in a nicer way. And there's others shows.
I'll just go to sleep.
Here's a hard one then, will there be M4 uniforms in this OP?
I wonder, were they really just for graduation?
Doubt it.
>mfw I'm fapping to miracle tunes and lalafucker gets arrested
It's like I'm really in britain or something
>And you could have said that in a nicer way.
It's just the truth.
You are the worst.
>[Renshuu Subs] Idol Warriors Miracle Tunes - 01.mkv
Holy shit
Dr Lala, I'm PriPara
Figuratively fapping, of course. I literally fap to Lala, but I only figuratively fap to Miracle Tunes.
Sandwich-kun is dead DEAD
Tell me about Sophie!
Why does she pshuu?
It's a shame, that was my favourite filename.
The main character carries over, but she's moved to a different town (where everything is different and nobody knows her). There were a couple of (good) references to the original series in the first episode, and there will probably be more. I would also be surprised if they didn't bring back more characters, at least for cameos.
But you could watch it on its own and enjoy it. I bet tons of little girls do just that.
It's a top class filename.
I stole the pic
I've seen this pic+filename posted on the O. Which one of you nerds was it.
Why would you feed an idle before throwing her out to the stage?
Did they always call them "mascots" in addition to "managers", or is that just Punicorn?
That thing needs to be removed.
I think mascots are a holdover from PR.
>removing Usagi's pantyhose
The guide :pastebin.com
Would someone please update it by the way?
The guide is a snapshot of happier times.
What needs to be updated?
Fairilu air time
Idol Time.
Updated music torrent links, also where was the pastebin which described the sub situation for PriPara? It's become even more of a clusterfuck since.
Do people actually use the IRC?
You can stalk mezadevs there.
Nice CG
What a slut!
That bellybutton-pussy.
They know their target audience well
Post the one with the vagina bones visible.
What's with her hand-on-face pose?
She's in pain because of her judgement tooth.
wow, are you sloshed?
please only post when sober
>God those cummies are yummies
How does my post give the feeling of me being sloshed? Also, no sloshes until my birthday the 25.
you definitely need to kill yourself
Gotta love the CG animators.
Our bros.
It's her dreamy pose and it's adorable and lovely.
I hope she gets a performance like this.
Her head's too big.