Chapter is out. Reiner is best boy.
Shingeki no Kyojin 92
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Zeke a best.
>chapter is out
>don't post said chapter
BRA did nothing wrong.
BRYH a best.
Armin a cute.
Best girl coming through
Reiner did nothing wrong.
The latest chapter.
Galliard a cute.
Such a good daddy.
Armin a shit.
Lawdy she thicc!
>walls disgust me
Also I don't even know who's fighting who anymore
did reiner and co win
Gabi will heal him... And then eat him
Has he gone full Eren?
Armin a cutie.
yeah but where is it?
Not yet but Shartmong deserves death and he will deliver.
Gabi a shit.
Bert died like a bitch
He's right. Walls a shit, it's not Eren's blind senseless hate.
>Ackermen basically being "oc do not steal" Uchihas
>there are specifically 9 shifters who all will die within 13 years for some reason
>really specific circumstances that a royal with Titan powers can save the world but doesn't want to because they for some reason will inherit the will of someone who doesn't want that
>also really specific circumstances that if a nobody with the progenitor titan touches a royal while titanized they can pretty much control all titans
Ok this series got way too fucking convoluted and dumb for its own good
Annie is next cause she is a bitch.
Shartmong is a bitch.
It took a nosedive when it got unnecessarily complicated
>Reiner, beast titan is evil
>from my point of view the eldians are evil!
BESC confirmed for Reiner's BFFs
The Beast Titan is good though, and only Wall Eldians are evil.
For the most part you're right but
>there are specifically 9 shifters who all will die within 13 years for some reason
read moar
I don't even know who's good or bad anymore holy shit
Congratulations. You've been redpilled.
nobody is the answer to either
there aren't any stakes
There's a reason why people sided with the nazis in 2nd world war
>Reiner has gotten more screentime than every shifter barring Eren.
I guess AT being Isayama's favorite Titan paid off.
Reiner/Gabi is endgame.
Please take your "muh black and white morality" shit back to the sinking thread
>"Don't fucking die before I get to inherit your powers!"
How is mono-morality any better than binary morality?
This isn't any better than "black or white"
I don't even give a shit about either of the sides
How come all Eren bromances are better than the one he has with Armong?
Because Armin is just shit. Nearly every one of their conversations revolve around muh ocean.
Eren should have stayed dead.
She's the only replacement for Ymir. Next to Hisu.
So why is Eren's titan the "Attack Titan" again? Doesn't seem to be the early rage attacks because that was probably all Eren.
He attacks. So literally fucking notrhing.
We truly were attack on titan, mikasa
He is ripped af
Grisha's version wasn't
Do you think Galliard ate Ymir?
What are they supposed to talk about now? No wonder they'll stop being friends.
YH this week.
I'm not saying it is. He should know who's who. Marley are displayed as bad guys, they're nazis for fucks sake. Simple really.
But they have 5 titans. They probably left a titan back home for defense while they took 4 to war.
Marley would never put two titans in one basket.
But there is definitely no reason why Ymir would be kept alive.
Endgame right here, brothers.
And? How this prove Ymir wasn't eaten?
Can't wait.
>Dont know shit about titans and think they are their biggest threat so they stay behind the walls
>Have imperialistic aspirations, they torture and brainwash Eldians to use them as Titan soldiers and weaponize the titans. Plot attacks against the Eldians killing thousands of innocent civilization
>There isn't a Black and White morality
We get the cute headbutting scene this week.
Is Marley named after Bob Marley or Marley Marl? This is important, guys.
I agree, terrible writing. The series had so much potential in the beginning too, could have been so much better. Its like this is where they decided to do with it? Really?
I kept waiting for the what or the why everyone turned into titans, and why only certain ppl could control it, but naw we get WW1 but with titans cuz lolmuhnationalism.
Such a waste.
Kek, I love this
THIS is correct.
But don't swear it, some Anons have no idea how the fuck morality work.
>There isn't a Black and White morality
No there isn't, you retarded Sup Forumsack. Whatever Marley does is nothing compared to what the Eldia empire did and keeps doing and want to do.
It was at least stronger than the coordinate Titan and it had abs
>Reiner is best boy
yes but Reiner is also kill
Frieda should have spent more time practicing hand to hand fighting instead of diddling Historia.
>Reiner is also kill
Reiner is immortal.
He is also gay.
>ever dying
Here, we have another one to add to the collection.
>dont give a fuck about either cuz the story is terrible
They do have a somewhat similar fighting style and physiology, but I don't really think so.
>I don't even know who's good or bad anymore holy shit
Marley is the bad guy for the Eldians
Eldians are tools for the Marley
Wallists and the rest of the world are bad guys to Marley
This isn't rocket science faggot pick a side
Wasn't eaten by Jaws?
His power is crushing things unlike Ymirs titan. He has drills in his teeth and something weird going on with his hands. He leaps but so can Pieck when he was leaping rooftop to rooftop in return to shingashina arc.
>right after she accuses Falco of saving an enemy soldier to blackmail her
She's more worried about her titan being lost than Reiner dying.
>My greatgreatgreatgrandfather was a criminal
>I should be punished for his crimes
B-But muh "hundreds of years of oppression"
>And keeps doing.
>This guy can turn into a unstopable man eating montrosity easily, let's just let him walk around, what bad could happen.
Sure is Sup Forums in here.
>Whatever Marley does is nothing compared to what the Eldia empire did and keeps doing and want to do.
>believing propaganda
>believing Eldians should be treated like animals for things their ancestors did
something smells like white guilt
So how many years did it take for Marley to brainwash you?
Eldians are too dangerous to walk free. All you need is one wacko to get their hands on a titan serum and they'd be able to massacre countless citizens before anyone could stop them.
>believing propaganda
It's like you have never seen the shit a bunch of mindless titans can do. Watch the third ending.
>b-but, Eldians actually build the world.
Fuck off Grisha, not even Kruger apologized fir them.
Maybe you should leave them on their isolated rock then instead of crashing in and making them take action
Reminder that the third ED portrays all the atrocities committed by Eldia.
The Eldians deserved what they got.
>Even muslims cinfirmed for hating Eldians.
>B-but, Marley brainwashing.
Reminder not to believe Marley lies spread by BRAcucks
The only reason I give a shit about this series.
>>This guy can turn into a unstopable man eating montrosity easily, let's just let him walk around, what bad could happen.
He wasn't even aware of it you deluded fucking idiot.
Here's an example of Marleyans being opressive to poor Eldians.
>mind-wiped them so they didu nothing wong
>kills anyone who tries to find out the truth behind their shitty state brought upon them
>literally won't save their race with the ultimate colossal weapon
>stops them from rising in technology
It's not Marley's fault that Eldian royality fucked their own people over the most really.
>the first king made a vow with the founding titan to never take action
Reminder that Marley attacked Paradis because they wanted to rely on titans even more than they already were. Without their cheap weapons they wouldn't have any power and couldn't defend themselves from other global powers.
>He wasn't even aware
the fuck are you even talking about?