If you're gonna make a comedy it should probably be funny.

I heard there was some earthquake around that time. Earthquakes aren't funny.

Why do faggots always spout this "Nichijou wasn't funny" bullshit now? Fucking plebs who can't appreciate nip humor.

when drawn in a different style I almost thought it was pani poni dash

It's not funny. Try actually watching it.

Not true. There was an earthquake that came out a few years ago, really shook up the comedy scene.

>nip humor

It was too good

It was never funny. Also your argument doesn't make sense since the Elevens didn't like it either.


I found it funny for the first 5 or so episodes, after that it was the same shit with pewdiepie tier reactions over and over. I was badly surprised when I noticed this serie had more than 12 episodes.


Nichijou manga was 10 years ago.

Considering its sold 7,020 after a re-release it's not really a flop anymore
successful? No.
More like a limp, soggy balloon of sales.

I've seen the whole thing several times over. You guys just have shit taste.

Why? Because it sucked.



>nip humor.
Nip humor is stuff touched by Kumeta (Joshiraku, SZS) or stuff like Osomatsu (it did have a lot of the retro Showa humor when it wasn't deliberately lampooning it).

This is the worst parts of otherwise good to passable shows like Azumanga (slow pacing, limited setting) combined with the worst parts of the Excel Saga anime (LOLRANDUMxD). All the tiresome gags without either cuteness or comedic delivery.

It's a bunch of animated non-sequiturs that force absurdity to the point that it's no longer funny.

Get some taste.

Nichijou haters go home.

I'm sorry you can't appreciate absurdity based humor.

Stop being so fucking full of yourself. It's completely cringeworthy. It's like a fucking 16-year old thinking he has the world figured out. DIFFERENT. PEOPLE. LIKE. DIFFERENT. THINGS. You God damned retard.

No, it's not funny in the slightest. And no it's not because I don't "understand" Nip humor. Nichibros actually had genuinely funny moments. Nichijou was a chore to get through. Beautifully animated but none of the jokes are funny

Are you legitimately autistic?

>PEOPLE. LIKE. DIFFERENT. THINGS. You God damned retard

So why are you getting butthurt about him liking different things then?

I'm not, you blithering fucking moron.

Clearly most people like different things than Nichijou.

No, I just have better taste than you aka reddit. Watch nichibros, it's wacky done right. And with actual likable characters.

>it's been like 7 months and CITY hasn't had any more chapters scanlated

Nichibros was way better. I don't know how that sold though. What I do know is that the author ended it abruptly and we will never see anything about it ever again

>says people like different things
>hates people for liking different things

fanboy logic

It's almost as if wordplay and lingual-tic expectation doesn't translate well!

>You'll never see these two have steamy hot awkward sex in the Go club room and then trying to pretend nothing is happening as someone walks in.

except these niggers who are like "nichijou isn't funny" say it as though its objective and mock everyone who likes it
they are just as guilty

It was silly, but not funny.

at least the first volume seems to be selling well, maybe it'll incentivize someone to translate it

how the fuck did they not fit it all onto 1 BD?
those fuckers hold 50GB

Disks were too expensive. Blame Kadokawa.

>saw some clips
>watched this and couldnt get through 2 episodes
>long moments of nothing happening
>jokes are not funny despite how flashy the animation gets

It's kinda like Nichibros except not funny

Controversial opinion here

I loved Nichijou but too much more and the joke would have gotten old. It ended when it should have, my only lament is that it didn't pay of as well as it should have for the studio

If they just focused solely on Professor and Nano it would have succeeded

Drop all that cringey other tryhard shit

It's a common jewish trick that Japanese people use. Since people were used to DVDs holding like 3 episodes they know people are willing to buy BDs with them as well since not everyone is informed enough to know how much they can hold.

because it's shit.

>neo/a/ hates nichijou

Where did it all go wrong?

Sup Forums is reddit now

It was funny for the first episode. The rest of the episodes were the exact same shit, so it wore thin.

If it makes you feel any better, I was lurking here while it was airing and I've always thought it was overrated garbage.

I don't like Hidamari Sketch either.

I don't know, but this thread is an excuse for me to post pic related.

For my opinion, Nichijou is funny.

reddit loves nichijou though...

More reason to hate on nichijou

Japanese people are autistic and barely understand jokes, Japanese have many strengths but their weakest attribute is comedy. Their strongest attributes are technology, art, and otaku chuuni fantasy.

I for one am glad it flopped. Shit sucked.

Can't help but think people who like Nichibros more are retarded.


This is how you know thing's have gone downhill. Most of the people saying nichijou isn't funny probably started browsing Sup Forums in the last 3-4 years judging off of how they type, shit like It's fucking disgusting

7k copies isn't flopping

Who cares? It got a full 26 episode run. If it was only 1 cour then sales would've mattered.

It's just a meme, it did well thanks to TV licensing, it aired over and over on NHK.

get out newfag

I wonder why nichijou fans are so vocal.

You enjoyed the show? FINE, doesnt mean it's good or that "most people just don't get it"

It simply wasn't good, animation aside the jokes were dull and very constantly in your face "ISN'T THIS FUNNY? HAHA, YEAH. SO FUNNY"

Just.. no...

Because not everyone likes an onslaught of absurdist/non-sequitur humor.

nice opinions

You just don't get it. Nichijou is so much more than just a comedy.

Nichijou was pretty funny, but it's a series you can't watch all at once.